



2018-08-07 BeigetretenGermany

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  • Naxydez
    Naxydez3 years ago

    My question heren is Who holds the mta credits for the cross clan and what happens to the credits if they die? If the patriarch holds them and he dies Whats happens?

  • Naxydez
    Naxydez4 years ago
    Antwortet auf Naxydez

    Part 2 below, upgrade to ship femme fatale, which before had a 7/10

  • Naxydez
    Naxydez4 years ago
    Antwortet auf Naxydez

    the 2 corvette ships that are attached and are normally landed in the femme fatale are. Stealth corvette Cloak Stealth corvette Dagger Stealth corvette Dagger has powerful sensors and is meant to go on solo missions where it collects infomation from the areas its send too. it also has shuttles for infiltration operations. Stealth corvette Cloak is a ships that specializes in laying all sort of mines, in doing so it can not only protect the ships from unknown threats by laying down protective mines around the fleet, but also ambush approaching fleets with its mines. both ships are meant for stealth operations and as such are dead meat if ever found by enemies The stats for the capital ship are. Size : 2 Whils the Femme Fatale is not the biggest ship in the capital ship category its mains purpose lies in its support its able to give to the rest of the fleet. With a Size of 2 many would just ignore the ship since it has minimal defences and is hard to detect. A massive mistakes since its main purpose lies in deception and doings its utmost in to let the enemy make mistakes. Defence:2 Armor, weak Anti-sensor coating(not the full stealth kind), mech bays, shuttle bays and ship shapeing ( light reflection). while this ships does have some decent armor its mainstay is in the back off the fleet so that it can fully utilize its projection system. it can take some hits but is not meant too. Its abillities and support vessels enhance fleet protection and deception of enemies. It does not have cat paw bunkers (sharp edges) since they works against its ability of trying to hide. Mobility:1 The femme fatale wants to keep up with the rest of the capital ship. Productivity:5 Projection system, Sensor systems, communication systems, jamming system, elevator. +all necesarry tech for operations of operatives and trainings. Upgrades: While the current elevators are hydralic based possible upgrade to this section of the ship are. Upgrade 1: Gravity elevators. Upgrade 2: magnetic elevators. Upgrade 3: turning 2 elevators into 1 and letting a larger ship land by strenthening the elevators. Upgrades: Possible projection upgrades. Upgrade 1 :Based on the anamolies in the nyxian gap(ghost mechs), Ves has created a new tech that has the same abilities and this ship covers it up by using projections. Upgrade 2: a psionic battery that allows the projections( the ones that ves uses projectors for to cover) of mechs to be connected to the ship and making the length of time the mechs are able to use it longer. Upgrade 3: finding a way to give projections mass so they do appear on sensors and the projections of mechs/ships look real even without jamming tech. Upgrades: General upgrades for Anti dectection purposes. Upgrade 1 : more expensive anti-sensor coating. Upgrade 2: Engine coolers, lower heat signature. Upgrade 3: stronger jammers.

  • Naxydez
    Naxydez4 years ago

    Version 1.2, deleted former comment, trying to add character.would love some hints on how :( Previous version comment:7/10 Decent value, good purpose, varied functions, good identity but insufficient character things changed: added: +1 to prodcutivity Story,nickname, jamming,coating, ship shapes, more possible upgrades. removed: -1 to mobility. cat paw bunkers. It became more expensive but fits the role better. ROLE: Support Ship, Black cats Capital ship. Name: Femme Fatale Nickname: The black witch's ghost ship In the first ever battle the femme fatale particpated in its showed its might, the enemy was fully confused what were they engageing, what is real? what is fake? They had no clue, things they attacked before and were fake, now approached them and were real. what happended whats going on? Just shoot, shoot everything you see. Till the end is there and you wont ever be seeing anything anymore. the ruthless ways being used with the projections quickly gave the femme fatale the nickname the ghost ship, soon transforming by giving their leader a nickname aswell. And as such the The black witch's ghost ship was born. Many of the larkinson clan wonder what is hidden inside, since only those with permission or skilled in espionage are allowed to enter one of the most secretive ships of the larkinson clan. What else does this ship hide in its bowels. The femme fatale was build inhouse by the larkinson clan after hiring a shipwright for a couple of months. this happended after a severe need started to exist in fleet security, in things other then mechs. With the Xona Stalkers and calabast working together they came up with new systems, that they believe are better then either of their former states could provide. this not only provided stronger hack protection but also made sure the systems they made werent bugged in either software or hardware. As such the main job off the femme fatale is protection of communications between ships and mechs and stealth infiltration from mechs or shuttles. Because of this the femme fatale has different communications systems hiddin within, the xona chrystals being one of them. Besides these systems it also has other ways to protect the fleet. This ship has hidden projectors all over its hull, they project ships and mechs in space and can be used to deter foes. That is because the projectors work together with sensor jamming tech which makes it hard to determine what is fake and what is real. This has multiple purposes not only makes it make the fleet look bigger then it is. Which can deter foes, the enemy will also use their precious time and ammo on things that simply do not exist.Besides this it can also use its projectors to support allies by either using projector mechs to attack or attaching its projections to allied units making them look bigge. This works even better then normal because the femme fatale its outside hull is coated in a exotic that makes it harder to detect on sensors.(not stealth, just harder to detect.) this works especially well cause the hull of the ship has very few edges, especially so when the landing pads, shuttlebays and mechbays are closed. Shape, Topview: kite shaped Front view: flattened oval lieing on its longer sides. The ship also has 2 support vessels, These vessels exist to strengthen the purpose of the capital ship. they have the ability to land ontop of the ship on 2 landing pads hidden in a alcove making sure that they are not easy targets to hit but also making it harder to shoot the weakpoint of the capital ship that exist here. These ships can be pulled into the bulwark of the ship through a hydralic elevator mechanism. Because the black cats are specialist in espionage operations, everything they need for it is provided in the capital ship. This goed from holding facilities for prisonors to training facilities for the operatives. They also have a special training course for the people manning the supports vessels. Part 2 below

  • Naxydez
    Naxydez4 years ago
    Antwortet auf BattleLord

    thanks man, i simply described the ship a little better this time and added some new goodies which i think would fit it well. hoping to get better marks this time

  • Naxydez
    Naxydez4 years ago
    Antwortet auf BloodyMagpie

    what i dont understand is why its mobility is so low, or is this ships only purpose in defensive operations. in offensive operations against not static enemies its seems extremly important to reach your enemy at least at a decent speed. this thing seems to sluggish to keep up with the combat carriers and be easily outmaneuvered

  • Naxydez
    Naxydez4 years ago
    Antwortet auf Naxydez

    While a big ship is not necesary for a group like the black cats. this ship houses at the front all the training facilities, holding facilities, housing and whatever more in necesary for espionage operatives. the training facilites consist of CQC, weapon, seduction, intelligence, assasination, hacking and infiltration. There are also training facilities for the support ships of the femme fatale. The middle part of the ship contains on the outside the projectors hidden in the hull off the ship and inside has the tech to keep them running. The back of the ships consists of 3 parts, the bottom, the top and the engines. the bottom contains 2 (stealth) shuttle bays and 1 mech bay. The top consist of 2 landing bays for corvette size ships, these bays are lower laying then the rest of the hull so that to shoot inside the elevator only top shots count. ships can land on the top of the ship and then through a elevator mechanism be pulled into the bulwark of the ship. armor of the ship closing off the hole that remains. while inside the ships, these ships can rearmed, remanned or simply stay inside while in ftl travel(can be usefull for entering the red dwarf galaxy since its +2 ships without doing anything). the downside of this is that the back part, where the elevators are, are weaker armored then the rest of the ship. and when the bulwark of the ship is opened to let one of the corvettes in/out this part of the ship is pretty much undefended. While the current elevators are hydralic based possible upgrade to this section of the ship are. Upgrade 1: Gravity elevators. Upgrade 2: magnetic elevators. Upgrade 3: turning 2 elevators into 1 and letting a larger ship land by strenthening the elevators. I also would love to add 2 ships as support vessels to the femme fatale. the 2 corvette ships that are attached and are normally landed in the femme fatale are. Stealth corvette Cloak Stealth corvette Dagger Stealth corvette Dagger has powerful sensors and is meant to go on solo missions where it collects infomation from the areas its send too. it also has shuttles for infiltration operations. Stealth corvette Cloak is a ships that specializes in laying all sort of mines, in doing so it can not only protect the ships from unknown threats by laying down protective mines around the fleet, but also ambush approaching fleets with its mines. both ships are meant for stealth operations and as such are dead meat if ever found by enemies

  • Naxydez
    Naxydez4 years ago
    Antwortet auf Naxydez

    i hope you dont mind the 2 support ships i added for this ship exlor, i thought they would fit well