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Lol, It literally describes buddhist and hindu religious beliefs pertaining to the afterlife in the first two chapters. Are you ok? It's not that deep into the story, like 2 sentences in.
It's best to remain under the radar. If the MC watched the show as often as he previously stated, then he'd know that king vegeta is petty. Remember he feared Broly's power.
Now you're guessing their power level based on how the caretaker is treating them?????! Ugh, why you do dis author san... please, just top. Really, so far it doesn't seem too bad. Kind of good actually, but you really should refrain from pulling baseless deductions out of your a**
You saw outdated capsule and automatically deduced how many years before newer version comes out. Bruh.... just reveal the timeline when he gets out to investigate. This tards skill and guessing sh*t of the top of his head is more amazing than Zeno's powers.
Just start with reincarnation and say he was a warrior in past life. The whole meeting god and them giving him an opportunity is so bad and cliche.
No it's not. You still miss the point. Look at Elon Musk, he didn't "officially" become a US citizen until he sold Zep2 netting him multi millions of US dollars. You think he went home after that astronomical paycheck to "study" for the US citizen exam??? I was just making a point that when people reach a certain status, they congregate to where the power is centralized. Doesn't mean American's are better/smarter... hell our education is near garbage but we have the highest extremes, Dumbest and most innovative people at either end of the spectrum(due to culture imo). So if people gained supernatural power they would prob congregate to wherever the political worldly power is at that time. With all those super powers that allows them to transcend national identity, why would they be chillin somewhere that doesn't allow them to influence the movers and shakers of the world?
I mean, look at Elon Musk.. MF is the pres home boy making policies N sh*t. Nobody opening their yapperz cuz he has f*ck you $$.
I know am I right??? lol
Hah, that sounds like an interesting manga. Will have to look me up some Han Dae Sung