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Na..this wasnt done ryt..u kill people like these, u dnt give them warnings as if they were kids who unintentionally did something wrong. These are quite literally the biggest trash of the being soft is not good
Bruh..if he could already fight rank 2s on lvl 23...then he would rank upto divine in no time..maybe leveling should have been harder to make it last a long time..
Guess someone in authors ancestry was killed by indian soldiers or hes a terrorist enthusiast who supports Pakistan. I dnt see any other reason to bash on another country which has literally nothing to do with chinas history whatsoever. Korea and japan are understandable since they have war history and some unfortunate stuff happened but with india theres hardly anything. Author writing personal vendetta and webnovel letting this stay here is disgusting.
Finally a funny chapter after so long 😭😭
Lol now i am 100% sure the author is different after ch 800. Not only are the dialogues extremely cringy with the overuse of the word "determination" for absolutely no reason btw, but also the trial for tier 7. That should have been the trail for transcendence level with how hard and long it is going for since thats a whole new level much higher than the levelling people. But this trial at tier 7 makes no sense at all to be that hard and all for just 1 tier and i can bet ny phone that it won't even be worth it...just some stats.
All of this for 1 tier...this is really too probably lost his mind at this point from stress
Ofc they lost..why wouldn't they. All of these trials for so long and just for 1 tier and that too 7th best it will double their stats..if it was for transcendence then it would have been better..the entire thing just for 7th tier is stupid
Really u realize its vomit inducing and cringy yet u keep writing dialogues like these 😭😭
Stop using the word determination all the time man..its so cringe 😭😭
Needlessly wasting time. Should have just wipe the enemy out and moved on to tier 7 challenge...what does the unity of other factions has to do with these guys?