Just another traveller passing by.
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Because Likable Danzo fics are extremely rare. That's why. Also I didn't know the fic was up, I'll check that one out.
Shoot first! Talk later 👋👋😀
He's about to stab both sisters with his long girthy sword at the same time.
Hahaha, I have never dreamt of the day that I'd see a likable Danzo. Hahha
Imagine if Ichigo actually learned his powers early, and being trained by nearly a dozen captain level powerhouses just mucking around town, it'll be possible too since they know each other, heck throw in some Quincy training while they're at it.
I see Xeno is a fellow believer of "It's still stealth if no one survives".
It's just another animal similar to Gugalanna. That and it's also part of the catalyst for summoning Gilgamesh.
Is that a Home alone reference? 🤔 Oris it the older reference?
Doesn't EX in fate already imply that the ability can't be assessed? Why clarify that the "NP can not be a assessed?" It's like saying USA of America, it's not entirely wrong, but it's a bit weird. But that's just me, you do you and keep up the good work ☺️👍. No, I mean it, there are inconsistencies here and there, but this is a fanfic, and yours is way better than at the very very least half of them currently.
"you are not fleeing but getting closer to me?" Ughggh we were so close to a Jojo reference!!! Just one more line!