Secret super villain.
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The heavensword is definitely powerful enough to change the game. It was ‘damaged’ before but maybe all it needed was heaven energy. If that’s the case oh boy humanity’s got another god pilot tier power on their side.
Yea, this was my guess.
XD shits real
That would be great.
Technically not racism. It’s speciesism. Totally different.
That was the whole point of the kingdom of mechs. It basically decided what forms of autism were allowed to get through. They’ve loosened those constraints due to the ongoing war so we’re going to see more bod eggs as time goes on.
Naw somebody said necromancer earlier. I like the sound of that. Her obsession with bringing back her brother is definitely going to lead her to some cool shit.
Yea honestly I was Vincent to break through and demand something equally as ridiculous as he has every other time he asks Ves to make a mech for him.
What the hell is with them just not acknowledging religions new place in the world of cultivation? Faith is powerful. Uncontrolled faith is both not as productive and possibly dangerous. People like Jovy need to get with the times and Ves needs to recognize that getting the churches on his side is not just about taking advantage of their resources and manpower.
Faith is a resource for cultivators. Any large scale cultivation organization that doesn’t account for it isn’t operating optimally. Religion was always going to come under the purview of the Red Collective.