Avid Reader who likes all genre (Except Stupid RomCom)
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Guys, guys, stop commenting please! My fingers are getting tired from liking them all (not even joking xd)
Bruh, MC saying how he is only "evil" in the sense of apathy to people he conisders immoral - while he thinks about how he can manipulate someone for his own interests
Imterestingly enough, you actually don't have to worry about stunting your growth from too much physical activity as long as you get enough of the right nutrition and for the more formal exercises you have the right forms/postures
I know that him being a misanthrope is literally in the synopsis and will probably be a core part of the story, but I hope its something he slowly gets over cause it's just a very weak mindset that can get old very quickly. Everything else is great tho!
I mean hot towels are generally soaked in hot water which might not be the best to wrap a newborn baby in - warm towels are probably just normal towels heated up over a fire and such
I mean he probably has, but it doesnt seems easy + he might have focused on other things
umm ... MB I'm just spoiled but tbh from the hype and the fact u making momey off this i expected better. Many weird (but small) grammar mistakes and quite a few times when it seems comedy was used to cover up a leap in logic (ex: he gets a "scratch", passes out - doesnt seem like a scratch)(ex: closes his eyes when punching even tho he is "going down fighting" and has tons of martial experience). The plot is good, and the memes are fresh but the devil is in the details and that's where you are struggling my friend
my guy really tried to punch a polar bear, looks like all the flesh from his brain went down to his balls
lol, good thing MC didnt do drugs in his old life else he would probably think he was on some type of acid trip
that's a bit worrying, as you can actually pretty easily check if you have any oegans missing by just, ya know, looking for any giant scars XD - dont need to try and calculate the cost efficiency of it