


Ugh... I am guilty! Guilty of not being able to continue writing. Anyway... my drawing style improved by 100 levels so I will continue writing one of my novels and hoping to adapt it into a webcomic.

2018-02-25 BeigetretenGlobal



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Just a Glimpse of You Is Enough to Make Me Fall a Thousand Times

For the past 15 years of living in abstinence, Ji Chen's spring finally came. He felt so fluffy and warm inside plus all of those mixed emotions that he has never felt before. It was the perfect setting he had always dreamed of when he was still a child if ever he comes to that stage. Apparently, being born as the only son of a family of three and having parents who wished of having a little girl, he grew up in the world of fairies until he was 7 years old. Imagine how his ideal spring will be knowing that he has an extremely rare circumstance compared to the other boys of the same age. He is a living example of the hopeless romantic type of guy if you ask every person close to him. That's why when his first love never reciprocated his feelings to him and directly left the game they had played for more than a year without any words of consolation, he felt so heartbroken and lost. He never imagined that fairytales never come true in real life. He slumped and slacked off an entire weekend still hoping that she will be back. He spent his entire weekend thinking about their happy moments until he slowly accepted how fate worked against him. Who would have thought that they will meet again one day but this time, instead of playing games, it's time for fate to play games on them? Will there be continuation of (their) so called 'early dreamy romance'? Or this time, will it be a game over? - This story will be also known a Glimpse of you a thousand times (GOYATT) for Ji Chen's one-sided early spring.

JeiJandee · Allgemein
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