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Says the guy that goes around with a car lol
Ohh, I see. I got inspired by Dobby when writing Malon and besides him talking in third person when referring to himself I wanted him to be as loyal, bias and weird. Thank you though, if you ever find yourself confused or see something that could be improved don't hesitate to write me up.
I don't know why but I cannot see your paragraph comment so I have no idea to which sentence you are referring to. I would appreciate if you quote it so I can fix it up. Thank you!
I just remembered that MC used to be an old man that loved his grandson.
Honestly who thinks like this?
His parents were hipsters if they named their son "Admiral".
I like the premise of an unfulfilled life getting a second chance. I like that you went over a setting that not many explore. Yet for all the excitement I felt before even reading your first episode I couldn't finish it. I have read a fair amount of fanfic so I have plenty experience with Gary Stu's type of characters and while some might be bearable I have learnt that neither of them end up being the least enjoyable as the story goes on. Still I end up reading them in hopes that someone surprises me making it work. With that said, I'm astounded by your main character monologue's in the first episode. It is so unique in a way that Paula Smith's coined term is not even remotely close to describe his pathological manifestation of self worth. He is not the perfect hero, he isn't smart, he isn't a moral pantheon either and I just know that at the moment he opens his mouth this character won't be the most attractive male on earth either. Yet for some reason the author thinks MC is. I believe we are in front of something new, and that demands a new term.
At the very least we now got confirmation what kind of ass MC was. Nothing about being too smart though.
I can see why you would drop Game of thrones, you wouldn't be able to take so much death. I wonder how will you handle having all of them alive, I mean there is just no way that should end well.
Oh, dios qué tonto soy, olvidé poner esa información. Sí, mi plan va en que esta historia esté dividida en dos partes, una en la que vemos el desarrollo de Harry como persona durante los acontecimientos de "Fuego y Sangre" que relata tiempos de la conquista de Aegon hasta la rebelión de Robert, es decir, hasta la serie de "Una canción de hielo y fuego". En esta primera parte "asimilaré" personajes importantes del mundo de Harry Potter y los adaptaré a este como enemigos, aliados e intereses amorosos, pues a diferencia de los personajes de juego de tronos, en estos tendré más libertad para incorporar "personalidades" de acuerdo con la compatibilidad que estos tengan con los del mundo de Potter. En la segunda parte(o segundo libro) me enfocaré en la relación y el impacto que Harry tendría en los personajes del Westeros post-rebelión. La forma en la que Harry sea capaz de vivir por todos esos años será revelada en el primer Volumen que relata acontecimientos del conocido "Siglo sangriento" que comienza con la caída de Valyria. Es la forma en la que quise explicar la aptitud por la magia del Harry en este mundo. Te agradezco hacerme llegar esto, agregaré en algún lado esta información que sin duda los debe confundir a muchos. Si hay algo más, no dudes en escribirme.