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It literally translates to 'having your partner fuck someone else and be taken from you'. Maybe you should go look up the word 'literal' before commenting blah blah blah. Also she hasn't fucked anyone, because all the other partners were women and she was pretending to be a man. Fragile comments from an oversensitive baby, probably because you're a real cuck in real life and the trauma of being cucked colours everything you see and read.
I guess writing with even a modicum of nuance is too expensive for Chinese authors who are incentivised to pump out maximum word count in the shortest period possible.
How did 'Su Nian' turn into 'Du Yue'? Is this not 天灾,我囤几十亿物资在末世求生最新章节列表? The first chapter seems identical, except the names are different, and there's no translation listed either.