Book lover, part time writer and linguistics enthusiast.
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See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair
i can't say for sure. but from another perspective as an author it can also help put an emphasis on certain things to put it in this kind of almost ascending points form structure. it gives a stronger feeling to the fact of continuous tries in this case
I believe most of you are forgetting some very important points here. 1) they are all from differing families, they may be joining in training but it is the first time they meet and are especially on guard with each other. 2) he has to physically touch them for a period of time, which will look weird if you hold someone's hand in a handshake for extended time
But it is His way of the gentleman
he just means having increased the amount of basic shapes from 50 to 150
yeah. he mentions he had a few notes in his hand that was not in his wallet
the espera talent is what his Clan uses to deem how good you are. so it's not like he is useless all over, he is just useless according to his clan
better yet kitten. since lions have cubs. being called a kitten would have fit very well
I can understand what you mean but by now you should have clued in on something. it's been said throughout the story that Aria's and Ethan's connection may be more than just the initial contact. not to mention for Bella, it was a series of events happening. both being half breeds, him showing his ability to do what she was hoping for gradually turning the admiration and dependence on him into something further and her continuous interest at every thing new he reveals as another posted, royalties tend to not have things go against their wishes and let it go to their heads and egos. nevermind a world that works on a scheme of power makes right. it even happens here in our world, Let alone theirs
That is when she is in human form. currently she is in her succubus form