Pisces that should say it all.❤❤
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she always has a feeling but does jack shit about it this character has no growth what so ever 😕
can I ask for a refund 🙄... I bought 100 chapters ahead because I was liking the novel 3 chapters later and started regretting the buy now I am just loathing my purchase
felt uneasy really. not like every other movie to TV show and cartoons you've ever seen in your last life telling you it's an ambush
I am so upset I really thought she would get that jade bracelet now running up and down and all that I was thinking she had that bracelet she could help those 2 kids 😭 when everyone is leaving
I can't deal with nagging mom or MIL I would just eye roll 🙄 and walk away. that sends the message
this mother gets on my nerves I have 5 kids and am always worried about being fair between them even though my oldest is 27 and youngest is 5
ok that's it I am done all characters are dumb as hell. some people can't read the room other act like little bitches. and the smart one act stupid. the only likeable character by far is Jai ...got aggravated to the point of hating everyone 😒
I am so confused why does it seem that Muchen is the Omega and Yunfeng the Alpha or Maybe one of them is a Unicorn lord I am so confused
I am so aggravated what the hell is going on ? did the author have ro confuse us to the point of reducing our will to read this junk.
what was included in synopsis I am still staying to figure out what the story is about before I waste time and money