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Hmm this part of the story is really unclear. It disnt align with logic and reality . First , no record of incident/accident but forget a part of her life Second. Why always drawn to investigate. Why not conduct a medical test if the result is stuck to what they saw previously ? Third, do a hypnosis. . If this part will prolong, im just wasting my pass with illogical part that dont have any thrill or suspense and very unnecessary stuff/drama. Fourth, too many hesitations. Why not tell her the truth if she got an headache do a ct scan immediately . Not that they seems beating around a bush with a childish antics of push and pull
Shet a childish reason again
Stupid sophia. Lol
I really get their point. I feel idris argue in a girly way lol. And in my opinion their arguments where just circling senselessly and redundantly. I really feel its a waste of pass when they are involve. Even their reaction only going around with one word if not smiling its disbelieve in every start of the paragraph. Which is really getting bored. The parents were childish and i feel that they seem have the same age with their children in the way of thinking.
What kind of father is this. Lol cannot stand in his own wife when he owns the business lol
Tou raised other child but failed to raised tour own daughter… she’s also at fault innwhat happened to tiffany somehow. It’s not excuse that she raised eve well to be called a good mother when you sont have a time to your own flesh and blood
Erna? Isnt eveline’s mother name is Jennifer
All she can say is mentally note of her threat but cannot stop it lol. Tifdany is still way too smart if you cant handle her with a hand and a brain
Does the father doesnt have a say in this? I notice that all the woman here are strong and the men seems like an imbecile marshmallow
What past?