I'm a Frenchi, , and very too impatient to wait for translation in the Molière's style... du coup voilà !
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And like alway, in a chinese story, the girl become a meake useless piece of meat when the MC (or ML) come around. Even if she is "perless and powerfull". Why all woman in chinese story nothing more than either whore, or "good woman taking care of the home" ? This is disgusting ... Well, maybe a day chinese will start to think woman are egual of mans, and not only here to warm the bed. Like other civilized country have learn to be it, everywhere in the world. Oh sorry, it's not they think "lwoly" of them, just they think "it's there place to be, and the natural order" for them to only be secondary character and suportive role, even in stroy claming they are the center of it.
Well ... so the "griffin" in this story have lion-head and not eagle one. So we all know now what the poor little "cat" is in reality. But with how this vicious and sadistic "cute loli" (who is as cute and kind as i am a teenager girl), i hope she will never be able to fly on it : Amy don't deserve to have a griffin, if she don't change her way to be, and fast. By the way ... can someone say me why the sword and the griffin have both chinese f*cking name when all other thing in this kingdome are westerner type named ???
Well ... Again the MC prove to all how shamfull and a trash he is. Sodbing and raving he can't make full use and gain honnor for the thing he as no right for, and spiting on people who as realy worked for it ... Like, seriously guy, the so-called "genius" mathematic stolen, the steam-motot stolen and even your f*cking cooking are stolen ! Nothing of what you do come from yourself !!! And you said sh1t about other, and think yourself so great, alway haughty, alway face-slaping people when you are far more trashy than any of them ? This author is realy great to twist the fact in his story to make a scammer and disgusting piece of sh1t like the MC be "a hero and genius" something, realy. Damn, even the so-called "cute Amy" is a monster psychopatic when you think more than a second, with how crazy, vicious and cruel she can be ! And this will not become better with how everyone colycuddle her after she try to f*cking kill people ! Or use magic without care or thinking, all time she as a fit of temper ! Sometime realy, i'm wonder why i still read this ...
Well ... you realy have no shame, f*cking MC ash00l ! How can you compare the fact the thrid prince as build, himself with is how brain a new and better tech than you. When yourself as create and build nothing, but steal it from the guy who as do it, saying after that you are the one to do it ! This is totaly hypocrit, shamefull, despicable and pathetic but you dare to sob about it ? Piece of trash ...
You are right, and it was the fish who as be added instade. For comedic sake, the author seem to have totaly forget about the stuff he as already write. Not the first time he does this kind of sh1t so not a real surprise there. This story is already full of loophole and bulsh1t all around after all. A little more, or a little less, who care ?
No, you are not the only one. Sadly with a father who think so higly of himself, despise other around, think people are trash, and act like a peacok each time he can to face-slape anything moving, you can't exepect her to learn to be human. F*ck, she even think it's ok to kill and hurt people for nothing ! And look at how she bully the cat, and all the other sh1t she does ! She's right on the path of sociopath, but everyone said "she's so cute". She's not. Yes, she is fun, and make me laugh. But in a real setting, i will be horrified by a monster like her.
But you seem to think like all other shallow people here (and in the story) this genius, who as the bad luck to be born ugly, is fit to be hurt, spited at, and swip in mud just because of what he look ? Honnestly, the author is realy a piece of trash to clearly make fun of people who are better than himself like that. I don't know what he have against ugly and smart people, but this is unsigly. Personnaly, i find the MC and all other totaly blind, idiotic, and disgusting for how they act again the Prince, just because of is look.
Well ... it's a real shallow way to think, like alway. Beautifull and handsome = good people. Ugly one are "villain". Wealty are the better husband you can find ... woman are all whore who only want wealty husband and love to "open their leg like the author said previously)" for them ... The lowly of the lowlest of the way to think for a human being ... Honnestly, other the antic of the little one and some of the secondary character, this story is simply disgusting in the way she push people to think about what woman, and people value, are.
Yeah of course, because all other woman other than the "kinf and proper one around the MC" are whore who are to be spited and shamed like that. Seriously, this sentence is disgusting at how mysoginic and scornfull she is agains all womans. And i don't even talk about how lowly and vulgar this is T_T
Guy, it's the five or six time you think that already ... it's more than time to start to make your little pathetic brain work, don't you think ? The f*cking stalling about Abemya is just so forcefully dragged like corean cheap drama for midwife it make me want to go to sleep so much it's lame .... Seriously, how long and how many time the same "joke" can be used and remaind "funny" for you ?