The Nation's Idol Loves me!
"You know you really love someone, when you don't hate them for breaking your heart."
~Taehyung, BTS
There are people who just love their songs, There are people who idolize them,
There are people who are inspired by them,
There are people who are their loyal fans,
Then there are those people who unwillingly fall in love with them!
Which one are you?
On the day before the BTS concert, Rihanna Lu, who is betrayed by her boyfriend and cousin, enters a different room. Well, she was drugged and drunk and about to be set up by them.
But she meets him. In that broken state, she gets to know him. And the more she knows him, the more she feels her life growing positive! Well, isn't that the power of one's Idol??
This is a tale full of joy and bravery, even through the toughest times.
NOTE 1: -
My dear BTS fans, please take no offence to any of the incidents or accidents in the story. It is purely fictional! Love you guys! Ummmahhh!
NOTE 2:- Taehyung's fictional name is - Tyger Li
#fandrama #romance #comedy #heartbroken #taehyung #jungkook #iamcrazy #youwillcertainlygocrazy #magicalrealism #onlydream
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