


Author of The Crimson Prince. I was a sergeant in the United States Army, recently got out. I live in Minnesota. Writing is my way of relaxing, so you should never run out of fun things to read!

2017-10-20 JoinedUnited States



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  • JCNord
    JCNorda year ago

    hey guys, I just released all of my work on amazon. The ebook is 2.99 for my whole works. I'll be continuing with red talon, but on my previous red talon page. I hope you like the story so far!

  • JCNord
    JCNorda year ago

    Alright guys. It's been a while since I've done anything with this series, and I'm sorry for that. To make up for it, I'm taking back my work from the publisher I've worked through, they were not what I was expecting. Instead, I'll be putting all of my work back on my old page And all 125 chapters I have at this time will be 100% free. I haven't been paid a dime for my work since 2018, so why should you have to pay one, am I right? As for updates, I've been thinking a lot about where to go with this story. For all of you that have read it, I'm sure you know what I'm planning by now. For those who haven't, just get to the chapter "A Brief History Lesson" to get a little back story on my shiny little world, then you'll be able to guess what comes next, at least the gist of it. So, for all of you who have supported me over the years on this profile, thank you, and most of all, I apologize. I've already posted into the paywalled chapters within my other profile and will continue to do so tonight until I drop. I came up with a new cover art which I believe captures Hong Zhao well enough, let me know what you think!

  • JCNord
    JCNord2 years ago

    But his lips were dried, which made him look like a homeless person. Take out cool. If you tell a homeless person that he looks cool, you'll probably be looked at weird.

  • JCNord
    JCNord3 years ago
    Replied to leo_messi

    either this is someone slowly dying, or what Chewbacca translates to on paper.

  • JCNord
    JCNord3 years ago

    For the author to take this much of a hiatus, they might need a little time off. This author has been working tirelessly since 2015 from the release of The Blue Phoenix. She has done 3-4 chapters daily since I've known her. Since she has been on such a break, I know it is something she needs. I have never met a more dedicated author, and I probably will never meet one with her skills again. I can't wait for more releases either, but sometimes there isn't much choice but to sit back and wait. I hope you are doing well Tina.

  • JCNord
    JCNord3 years ago
    Replied to Vo1dless_Incarnate

    Sorry, had to take a brief hiatus. Had a kid and had to sort out work/home life. I'm building my stockpile again and will release Sunday Monday. Again, sorry for the wait!

  • JCNord
    JCNord4 years ago

    I thought that maybe clearing Will's head might help him think things through better. Right now, he's making an enemy of his father, alienating himself from his friends and family. He's short tempered due to losing Maya, yet he hasn't given up on finding a way to get her back. He's spent a month straight working on the light affinity, and it's showing quite a bit of growth so far. He's not going to master it instantaneously. It's most likely going to drag on his nerves for how slow it'll go, but he's at least making progress. As for space. Tell me, if you all could do it at a time where you are at your lowest, wouldn't you fly as high as you could so that you could look down on your problems like they're so microscopic you can't even focus on them?

  • JCNord
    JCNord4 years ago
    Replied to Brazzersss

    Her blue phoenix series :p

  • JCNord
    JCNord4 years ago

    Late chapter tonight everyone! Sorry for the delay. Tonight was my second year anniversary to my lovely wife. I made us steak, mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables, which led me to a food coma quite fast. I thank my wife for waking me up an hour ago so I could write this chapter! Lesson learned, I should write the chapter before eating filling food! Good night everyone!