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It's arrogance. Or maybe Pride, since that's the Sin usually attributed to Lucifer.
Xue'er doesn't exist though here
Are you just adding in random things every chapter? First chapter was somewhat understandable. The sequence of events was haphazard with important things happening off-screen and barely mentioned, when they feel more like things that should have been the prologue. But with both chapter 2 and 3, you're just adding previously-unmentioned things to his background, that feel quite important! In chapter 2 his origin is suddenly the orphanage from COTE, just worse, adding another not very necessary plot to this world. Miku expy is fine, you could have just added COTE expies, no need for the whole plot, since MC can just walk over everything, taking away every bit of possible tension or conflict. Not like they can do anything to him. And now you also retroactively added a Chat Group, which he supposedly had for a week already, but there was no prior mention despite it being literally relevant to the plot from chapter 1. Is that going to be a theme, every new chapter adding something entirely new and saying "oh yeah, it's been there from the start."
Man, you can't use first person and omniscient narrator at the same time xd "I listened to him, unaware of the true nature of the new Campione" you realize how utterly stupid and nonsensical it sounds? If you're using first person narration, you don't write about think the narrator doesn't know
I hope the summaries won't be a regular thing. You're just incentivizing into not reading the chapters. Also, they feel very much AI-written, which isn't a good look.
Yeah, I was super confused in this chapter since MC was kind of nameless, but it seems like his name is Kun, which is pretty funny ngl. Hoshino Kun-kun. "Hoshino-kun?" "Yes, that's my name"
Cult? That's the first time it's mentioned, same with Sex Magic.
True, true. But Lucifer doesn't really know that he's the MC, the poor guy thinks he was summoned by some rando with no metaknowledge or plot armor.
Ah yes, the Almighty Brick. Truly the weapon of all time. Did Godou dieded? Brick to the head has that kind of effect, and MC seems like the kind of guy to do exactly that.
That's a pretty nice start. I'd have preffered to have him meet Asia and gaslight her into being his sex pet first, but it's good enough to show the kind of person MC is.