I am just a tea cup
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Run until you can what?
Toaster Lord seems the best for his companions.
Hope to see more in this la la la need to write more
I mean he has much to be proud of, it’s longer than most, very hard, and vibrates. As a pure strength build it is probably better, lotus just gives burst strength.
Yes, yes, learn all of my skills. Wave your hands, cook, and walk like me to get powerful!
Future research society: Human run society that knows about the domain creature’s control, and is working with them to try and etch out what they can do to give humanity as much of a fighting chance as they can without crossing the line. They also try and get information from the domain controlled places to get advancements to try and use their own tech against them that obviously failed in the end. Or they are a group that thinks they’ll lose anyway so they’re trying to at least let some survive.
Wait stinger is 50?
Man if I was his disiple I'd beat him up!
No harem, maybe some romance but that is something not planned atm. He has bigger issues right now.
Kerrigan is best girl