


Love reading fantasy novels. especially the ones with no love and harems in them. especially NO HAREMS!!!

2017-08-09 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Ironlotuce
    Ironlotuce22 days ago

    I like the idea of the book, but there are some issues, namely the continuity, and character development. For continuity, there was an instance where Danzo essentially assaulted MC, yet not only did he recover suspiciously quickly emotionally (which ok, might be attributed to the fact that they are a green tea person), but the marks Danzo left also mysteriously disappeared (it would have been cool to get a whole kakashi reaction, or just an explanation of how he healed so fast). For character development, although in the intro to the character, we are told they are smart, we don't see much of it in their day to day interactions, it would have been nice to get an MC pov to feel how smart they are. Other than that, love the plot (maybe tone down the obsessive/possessiveness so you don't get stuck later on plot wise) and i like how the author explores other characters, making the world feel more alive. also the timing of when he meets them all is well planned, it feels natural and the story continues to be interesting. can't wait for more chapters.

  • Ironlotuce
    Ironlotuce3 months ago

    I love this books concept. First off the fear accumulation being used in a lottery system is really cool. Secondly, I kinda like how dense and OP the MC is since it makes for funny scenes filled with irony. I am very looking forward to how his transition to Hogwarts is going to happen.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • Ironlotuce
    Ironlotuce3 months ago

    Thank you for the chapter!

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  • Ironlotuce
    Ironlotuce3 months ago

    Although I usually don't enjoy fanfiction where the MC is harry potter, this book managed to pull it off spectacularly. I particularly enjoy the fact that this is not harry going back and redoing everything, but really harry experiencing this magical world for the first time, just with the added Witcher experiences. The story seems realistic, mentioning how harry was only in the Witcher world for 40 years and how he was not like a legendary Witcher yet since he had no title and hadn't started his path yet. I do love the dynamic brought on by his Witcher physiology, namely how he no longer has green eyes and how that impacts his interactions with Snape. In the end, the author does a great job building up the characters, slowly developing them while avoiding annoying clichés and bias (like Ron being annoying and Dumbledore being manipulative, they still are those things but its toned down to more realistic levels). I will enjoy reading this book for a while to come. In the future, I would love to see some more realistic fights (like he killed the basilisk pretty easily, which although might be a testament of his skills, I would assume would be harder than that). I would also love to see Harry start something, not just reacting to the upcoming trials. maybe he can try to go back to the Witcher world, or try some Witcher sorcerer style elemental magic (so not just sword/armor stuff that has become his focus), right now it feels too much like he is just reacting and preparing which I'm not complaining too much since its the smart thing to do.

  • Ironlotuce
    Ironlotuce3 months ago

    I really love this book. Unlike other fanfics where you don't feel like you know the MC's personality, here you get bits and pieces of the MC's naughty character peeking through in everything they do (he always sounds so justified in his thinking that you might get tricked as well lol). I love how he is so free, not pressured by what he knows or being pressured to work hard to survive the upcoming war, he really just enjoys his time and subtly prepares in his own time. I do know that it's a translation and I want to commend the quality of the writing. It feels very smooth, everything flows and everything makes sense. I'm really looking forward to future updates and seeing how much more trouble the MC can get into.

  • Ironlotuce
    Ironlotuce4 months ago

    I believe you want to refer to the "central nervous system" because I'm pretty sure the term "cerebral nervous system" is not an existing one. If u wanted to refer to a specific structure, like cerebral cortex, cerebellum, or etc you would need to be more specific. But if you wanted to refer to the brain + spinal cord, then that's the central nervous system. If you just wanted to refer to the information entering the brain, then the spinal cord or specifically, the brainstem would be the target since those are the information highways. LOL sorry for getting so technical for a fanfiction.

  • Ironlotuce
    Ironlotuce5 months ago

    There are some loopholes where sometimes the author establishes something but forgets to make use of them later on. Those I can somehow tolerate, what really gets me is the fact that the author wants things to go badly for the MC, where anything that could go wrong will result in the worst possible version and the follow-up is watery at best (e.g. Dumbledore clearly did not give MC the antidote the moment it was made available why was there no repercussion, or why did dumbledore allow visitors when MC was petrified--> cause rumors to spread? just a plot point so that rumours will spread? How did the rumours come to be? there seemed to be only a limited number of people who got him to the hospital and visited him in the hospital, were they tattle tales? If Dumbledore has the prophecies, why did he not interact with MC more delicately initially (lol ik writing can be a pain if u haven't planned everything out initially so I'm not calling you out, I semi-enjoyed the book, it can just improve plot-wise)). Sadly, I'm already emotionally invested and kind of want to see how this situation plays out because at this point it is just full-on depressing.

  • Ironlotuce
    Ironlotuce6 months ago

    I feel like there is a whole conversation missing. The shift from his organization newcomer to reality was very abrupt, and the beginning of the chapter was obviously the end of a conversation. So was there a technical mistake?

  • Ironlotuce
    Ironlotuce7 months ago
    Antwortet auf LastGod

    I would like to somewhat disagree with you there. I have no experience or deep knowledge of it, but logically, I feel like if you were to treat the five years undercover as trauma, then the fact that he as you said "is acting like a child" makes sense since it can be attributed to the fact that he finally has people who he feels safe with and can therefore put down his so-called macho personality that he used to survive with the gang. Although I will say your point has SOME merit, the author is not very clear on why he doesn't like big guns, is it because he was shot with big guns or did he have that fear before he went undercover? plus I feel like for someone who just came back from 5 years deep in enemy territory, he should exhibit more symptoms of PTSD, such as being easily startled, having emotional outbursts, and so on. Right now the character feels somewhat flat because all we are reading about is what other characters are doing and not really what the MC is doing. So in conclusion, the storyline is A-OK (in my perspective) and we just need a few sprinkles of detail to make everything much more realistic (e.g. loud laughter outside could have startled him, when he learned about the suicide of the hostage he could have overreacted, and other little details). P.S. Author, I am not at all a writer so take my suggestions with a grain of salt.