

2017-09-07 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Calipthra
    Calipthra5 months ago

    I am truly impressed. The improvement was definitely 9/10 when it comes to your writing. The pacing is a bit slow but it's pretty immersive. I like this. Keep it coming brother!

  • Calipthra
    Calipthra10 months ago

    Regular reader here! I'm sure you'll do justice to Food Wars! I'm here only for that after all. Make sure to finish this as well please!

  • Calipthra
    Calipthraa year ago

    Pretty good so far, though it would be best if it's not too rushed. But well, hoping there would be at least some flashback on it so we weren't left hanging about some of the details.

  • Calipthra
    Calipthra2 years ago
    Antwortet auf HairyPotah

    Dude, just stick to your ideas. Some people like Hawaiian pizza and some people don't, including me. It's about preferences and opinions

  • Calipthra
    Calipthra2 years ago

    5 stars for making me laugh with the prologue, and I know the reference. I love the dude's music! I didn't know people who watched Rudy existed here on the site, haha

  • Calipthra
    Calipthra4 years ago

    I want you to continue this story dude, this is a masterpiece. I'll pray to God to lift up the curse!!! I want you to continue this story dude, this is a masterpiece. I'll pray to God to lift up the curse!!! I want you to continue this story dude, this is a masterpiece. I'll pray to God to lift up the curse!!! I want you to continue this story dude, this is a masterpiece. I'll pray to God to lift up the curse!!! I want you to continue this story dude, this is a masterpiece. I'll pray to God to lift up the curse!!! I want you to continue this story dude, this is a masterpiece. I'll pray to God to lift up the curse!!! I want you to continue this story dude, this is a masterpiece. I'll pray to God to lift up the curse!!!

  • Calipthra
    Calipthra4 years ago

    This is--- I'm shocked! I'll pray to God to lift up your curse, Author-san.