


Hermit trapped by stories

2017-04-22 BeigetretenAscension Island

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  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf Soldar_Islam

    They can get around that issue for their own tech no problem, that doesnt mean they would have addressed the issue of "how can we make low tech stuff that isnt ours perform at the same level of our tech". That would be like saying that we can make bow and arrows faster because we invented guns, all without actually interacting with the bow and arrow.

    Naturally, the power bank produced by alien technology had more than this level of performance. A power bank the size of a mobile phone, let alone having 100,000 mAh, it could charge a mobile phone to full in ten minutes. It could be built with a capacity of one million mAh, or even ten million mAh, capable of instantly charging a mobile phone to full, after all, this was the result of the integration of thousands of civilizations' technologies.
    Cosmic Trading System
    Urban · Qin Dian Tian Xia
  • Kiroza

    So the joke wasnt teanslated well here, when you say "make someone pay" in chinese, one of the phrases used is "rang ta hao kan" which roughly translates to "give him a good look(at the consequences)" or badly tranlsated to "let him look nice". Hao kan means good look or nice looking, hence Iris saying she already looks good.

    Iris came out of the lounge, walked to the bar, and said with a beaming smile, "I'm already looking good, no need for a little girl who wets her pants to fret about it."
    Bartender in an Isekai Bar: Pick Up A Wizard Girl
    Urban · Blast Swordsman
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf Count_Fro

    I dont think its blaming the victim so much as stating that the scenario happening was expected due to the circumstances. Obviously though, even if she chose to wear that and it was a dark night, she shouldnt be accosted, and the people who did so are scum.

    There were three of them in total, exhibiting a distinctive thuggish style, with one man grabbing a girl's hand. The girl was quite attractive, and walking alone on such a nighttime path, it was no wonder she attracted undesired attention.
    Bartender in an Isekai Bar: Pick Up A Wizard Girl
    Urban · Blast Swordsman
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf BlueCactusE

    Its a phrase, I suspect rhe term used is Jia Huo, which is like a way to call a adult person a brat, and has connotations of a masculine nature which would translate into guy. A similar term in english would be "Bruh" when used to express your disbelief at someone irregardless of their gender.

    Did this guy even listen to himself when he spoke?
    Bartender in an Isekai Bar: Pick Up A Wizard Girl
    Urban · Blast Swordsman
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf alsiee

    Don't tell me you actually believe that chinese propoganda. Man, you denser than I thought.

    Although such action was somewhat tyrannical, the effect was evident. Ever since the D-Planet Federation was established two hundred years ago. There had been a total of thirteen times whereby a global-wide pandemic occurred. The most serious one even affected half of D-Planet. Yet, the central Asia zone had never been badly affected although their population was the most.
    I have a bunch of players on Earth
    Spiele · The Seventh Magic Cube
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf alsiee

    I see ur mistake, im not american. And while the people there kept screwing themselves over, china still had it worse with how their governmebt handled it.

    Although such action was somewhat tyrannical, the effect was evident. Ever since the D-Planet Federation was established two hundred years ago. There had been a total of thirteen times whereby a global-wide pandemic occurred. The most serious one even affected half of D-Planet. Yet, the central Asia zone had never been badly affected although their population was the most.
    I have a bunch of players on Earth
    Spiele · The Seventh Magic Cube
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf alsiee

    Exactly, they are so informationally deprived over there.

    Although such action was somewhat tyrannical, the effect was evident. Ever since the D-Planet Federation was established two hundred years ago. There had been a total of thirteen times whereby a global-wide pandemic occurred. The most serious one even affected half of D-Planet. Yet, the central Asia zone had never been badly affected although their population was the most.
    I have a bunch of players on Earth
    Spiele · The Seventh Magic Cube
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf Eternal_Crusader

    I think it might be that because they specifically said "a certain gaia planet" which means its a spcific one rather than a generic one. Since only 1 gaia planet was brought up so far it has to be that.

    He found that he was no match for Lone Wolf in everything. Be it in terms of resources, assistance, or even the Star Tent that he had been managing for half his life, it was completely inferior to a certain Planet Gaia that Lone Wolf managed according to his intelligence.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf HADES

    It does work, interceptor type space craft could be useful in harassing larger ships and forces the enemy to mount hardpoints dedicated to shooting down small nimble targets. They can also flank and attempt to attack weaker areas like the thrusters or sensor arrays and help with draining shield power by forcing them to be fully defended on all sides rather than focusing shields facing one direction.

    "Where are the carrier aircraft in hangars eight to ten? Was it used for a drill? Tell that bastard to bring all the fighter jets back! Didn't you hear the emergency assembly?!"
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza

    Administrator casually pulling materials out of parallel universe lols

    "Perhaps we've all overlooked one thing, and that is, creating something out of nothing only exists in fantasy. The Administrator indeed wants to provide us with protection, but we've wasted too much."
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf NiGaBe

    This chapter was wrongly posted. i commented a summary of what actually happens in the title of this chapter if you are interested

    Although the explosion of the central processing unit felt a little strange, according to past experience, as long as it could interrupt the operation of this supercomputer, its archenemy would lose most of its combat power as usual.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza

    This is actually a later chapter. There was supposed to be another chapter here called "Sacrafice". It starts at one of the shelters for the tinder of the civilisation. Then they realise all the unexpected enemy fleets all gathered and targetted somewhere else all of a sudden. They first assumed it was the shelter system but realise its actually the neighbouring sustem tagged as CPU by Administrator. But the administrator didnt pull back its fleet to defend, instead they sent what looks like the rest of its fleet to attack the 4 cpu systems of the unexpected enemy. When the other civilisations saw this, they realised that administrator didnt have enough ships, as they didnt see a single dock. They think that because they keep taking fleets from administrator and wasting them, the administrator had no production and decided to all out attack to trade blows with enemy.

    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza

    Apparently the name of this chapter was Stellaris:Become Human. What a great reference lols

    Stars: Transforming into Humans
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza

    No really did we miss a chapter?

    Perhaps out of guilt or self-blame, they quickly stood up after discovering that the Administrator had chosen to perish together with the unexpected enemy.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf Tetractys

    Bruh its intended, just 2 paragraphs later the milky way civilisations were also confused about multiple shelter options.

    [ 1. Administrator Fleet; 2. Resources you need; 3. Research reinforcement; 4. Shelter; 5: Shelter; 6: Shelter ]
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf NoBookNoLife

    If you were a pure robot, you wouldnt experience emotions right?

    The information left behind directly confirmed his identity, but Li Wenyuan did not feel enlightened. He only felt a sense of relief as if a mystery in his heart had been solved.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza

    Speaking of thiw, what happened to that fairy creature that he met at Craybow when he first went there? It feels like a story thread that started but was forgotten.

    Although the 'Administrator' appeared to be a genuine 'artificial intelligence,' they firmly believed it was just an appearance.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf NoBookNoLife

    These are the assimilation fighters, except they use a name they picked themselves. Assimilation fighters is the internal name used by MC.

    At the very least, he would be able to get rid of those disgusting things forever and become a member of the collective.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza

    I mean, if they cant handle this level of problems, one which they caused themselves mind you, then god prolly has no need for their continued existence.

    He was now wondering why God created them, and why didn't He come out to save them when they were about to perish.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich
  • Kiroza
    Antwortet auf Mortalis_Nihilo

    Idiom is like a phrase with a meaning explaines by the story behind it

    Their actions reminded Li Wenyuan of a certain idiom.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    sci-fi · Almost Got Rich