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While one person might call it beating around the bush… another person will call it foreplay. Sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination.
Best advice for any situation…
Are the heroes not supposed to kill? I mean, I can sort of understand it being frowned upon, especially for the kids who aren’t quite there yet, but facing a killer while holding yourself back is a very arrogant thing to do. Only with absolute confidence and control should you risk your life and the life of innocents to extend such courtesy to a deadly foe intent on killing. This is based on a kid’s show, true, but it’s not one of those utopian kids shows. It’s a bloody tragedy marketed as an upbeat teenager superhero/slice of life.
Why? Why shock absorption? He is hitting him with fire. It’s not a physical attack. It’s not blunt force trauma. It’s fire, heat, burning… Cutting off for generation would be much more helpful.
My first year playing baseball I was 11 years old… I threw a ball that hit the fence of centerfield straight to home plate. I was 6’ tall and this was considered an impressive feat at the time. Considering that was little league baseball the distance was probably around 60 meters… this kid is throwing >80 meters? 🤯 I was throwing around 90 miles an hour and this guy is 33% further than me. That means he must be throwing the ball faster than 120 miles per hour! That’s literally the fastest pitch in the world.
That disgusting law. It’s like arresting somebody for breaking and entering when they charge into a burning building to save a stranded child. I only watched one episode of MHA, but I’ve seen quite a few fanfics mentioning this messed up law. 🔥🤬🔥
Really not feeling it. It’s weird enough picturing all these dudes as women, after spending half a year with Stark he jumps in bed with the green goblin? I feel betrayed.
Really? After all that banter with Stark? 😮💨
Ugh… tsundere might be worse than yandere. At least yandere are committed to making it work. This 🐩 wanted to get 🍇ed.