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he's trying to get to the gatekeepers who provide the bodies.
I have taken inspiration from Norse Mythology with many things, but I twisted it into something new. Please dont expect it to be like the Eddas or Beowolf. But there are many things including Jotnar, Fomori and an origin strory behind the Alfar races - Myrkalfar, Svartalfar and Dokkalfar. While in the Eddas there were probably all different names for the same thing I have created three distinct races with a common ancestor.
He had to sleep for this to happen - was waiting for it. Dont you like a rogue/stealth story?
its a long story. dont fret.
it doesnt say that. it says he applied and was accepted after due process.
its early days and part of the main plot. but if you cant handle it go read some trashy easy opmc story with no twists and the mc cruises through all the paper thin face slapping antogonists one after the other.
he needs the info before he needs him dead anyway
your brain?
you know all your great comments are filtered. cant swear, cant even say damn or r18
The names of all three of the Alfar races are taken from the Eddas - Norse Mythology. But their descriptions and attributes are made up because the Eddas dont go into the details. And while their aspects are familiar the back story is my creation