


Handsome and Tall

2017-10-18 BeigetretenSpain

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  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf AntiWorldSystem


    Evil Samurai In Cultivation World
    Ost · Zerosky
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf DE_LEON

    Joder, Tsugumi será descarada, pero simplemente no va a ir algún chico al azar y se lo va a follar. Si así funcionara su personalidad hace mucho la hubiéramos visto teniendo relación con alguien en el anime, después de todo no es que Yuki tuviese una personalidad muy interesante en comparación con las personas del anime de Guilty Crown. Lo gracioso es que pones de ejemplo una fiesta, donde la mayoría de las personas están borrachas y donde no es raro tener ***o. También parece que se te olvida que ese ***o es de una sola noche, simplemente una forma mas de divertirse. Pregunta a tu amigo si la chica es virgen a ver que te responde.

    Ch 59 Capítulo 59: ¿Crees que el mundo me aceptara?
    Time Emperor (Champion)
    Anime und Comics · DE_LEON
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf DarkKnight32

    To say that only the female protagonists have that is to laugh out loud. I can tell you that there are many male leads with the same problems. MGA, AGT, ED to name a few.

    A Bend in Time
    Bücher und Literatur · EsliEsma
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf

    I don't understand what you mean by pure fantasy of love. The betrayal thing has seemed like karma to me, I mean, he can have several women but women cannot have several men seriously hypocrisy in its maximum expression.

    The Wish of the Dragon
    Anime und Comics · Leixein
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf SabertoothX15

    You can ignore Nobuna, it's not like she's the only character in the novel.

    Anime Mashup
    Anime und Comics · LittleApple
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf Paul_Wong_3424

    Thank you very much for saying that you are a psychopath. Now not really, most people don't want to be a psychopath.

    Reverend Insanity
    Ost · Gu Zhen Ren
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf Sagen001

    Did you hurt your head when you fell out of the crib? At what point have you said that you agree with China.

    Reverend Insanity
    Ost · Gu Zhen Ren
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf Traps_Are_Gay

    Yes, the novels that you like

    Type Moon System In A Foreign World
    Anime und Comics · Okita_Soujii
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf Traps_Are_Gay

    So what are the novels that they like? Names please, I want to laugh out loud.

    Type Moon System In A Foreign World
    Anime und Comics · Okita_Soujii
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf Zhang_Kai_Rui

    Dude this application has more than just Chinese novels, it's definitely not just Chinese. Just to think that all MC's are strong, traditionalist and crush women is laughable, knowing that there are a lot of Chinese yaoi novels. And there are also Chinese novels in which women are the protagonists and are above all, trampling all men.And finally, he writes whatever he fucking wants, you don't have to tell him what to write.

    The Type-Moon Irregularity
    Andere · MrMoist
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf Adam

    JA, it can also be said that those who like the harem only think with their cocks.

    The Type-Moon Irregularity
    Andere · MrMoist
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf asssssshhole

    JA, it can also be said that those who like the harem only think with their cocks.

    The Type-Moon Irregularity
    Andere · MrMoist
  • GokuSayan

    Wait, wait, the mission is to kill the prime minister because he supposedly deserves to die, but he is not going to save anyone even if he can, only if he wants to do it or if he has a relationship with them, then ... Why the hell does the prime minister deserve to die if he is doing the same thing as the protagonist, which is to do whatever he wants?For that simple say that you are killing him to advance the plot.

    Dieses Kapitel wurde gelöscht
    What? A Group Chat?
    Anime und Comics · Charlottes
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf timberlord

    It's not for nothing, but immortality exists in this novel. Probably 30 and 40 are considered children.

    Heaven Smiting God Emperor
    Ost · Saubi1234
  • GokuSayan

    I do not understand what you mean. Being a woman isn't an excuse, humans are born equally, and it's humans who created this word called "Ladies First" and the law called "Women Rights" so where is the humanity there? None.

    Dieses Kapitel wurde gelöscht
    What? A Group Chat?
    Anime und Comics · Charlottes
  • GokuSayan

    I keep saying that she didn't deserve the award.

    Ch 280 Chapter 280. Finishing the shooting (3)
    Top Star: Journey to Become a Global Star
    realistisch · Killerbee
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf DAT_NOVEL_BOI

    What is your favorite Er Gen novel?

    Dark Rebirth (An ATG Fanfic)
    Bücher und Literatur · Evil_Dragon
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf READERofBooks

    I also don't think they all need to have tragedy. But yandere and tragedy often go hand in hand. Someone born yandere means that they have mental problems. As long as it is mentioned that it is a mental problem and not something that happens because yes, I am satisfied. I am against the appearance of rape in a novel, be it against an acquaintance or even a random character, now if that happens to someone who has committed atrocity after atrocity I will laugh at the death of that character. Respect your opinion. We all have different opinions on this issue. At the end of the day everyone is free to have their opinion. Anyway, goodbye and it has been a pleasure having this conversation with you.

    What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
    Fantasie · Draekai
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf READERofBooks

    Shit, you just admitted you're a hypocrite. For that alone you have my respect. When did I say that to have a personality you have to be raped? No matter what personality you have, there has to be a reason to be like that unless you have a mental problem. If someone is a yandere, something has to happen to them or they have mental problems to be one. What would not make sense is to be a yandere because yes. You are an incredible person, you just made me have respect for you and the second later you just made me lose it.

    What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
    Fantasie · Draekai
  • GokuSayan
    Antwortet auf READERofBooks

    Everyone knows that yandere and tragedy go together. Fuck me, because people have powers suddenly logic is thrown out the window. What does having powers have to do with having a mindless personality? You prefer it to be like all the harem of xianxia where the girls look like robots and they all behave the same. If you want to see that go see all the generic xianxia shit out there. Keep licking the author, hahahahaha I couldn't care less about the author. I neither read the book nor do I intend to, but you are complaining about bullshit. This whole shit thing starts from the girl not being a virgin, but is the boy a virgin? if not then all of you are hypocrites.

    What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
    Fantasie · Draekai