

2017-11-10 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Pclerk

    Read up to chapter 302. The writing quality has always been great from the beginning. The issue has come with all other categories. Author has other things going on or is getting bored with writhing the story… I would lean more towards getting bored since other categories have taken a hit. The story has taken a very weird development. Very thing progresses way to fast, lots of different plots occurring all at one time, and it almost feels like no true resolution for any of the events. Character design has taken a huge hit. The MC was written to be more real at the beginning but has changed to a completely generic power fantasy type character. His decisions and personality have taken a hit. Says or thinks one thing but does something completely different. The world descriptions and events have turned bland. There are zero descriptions of the result of event… and no reasons for it making sense. The story has regrettably become a power fantasy god character creation story. Nothing unique or special anymore. Something to read for some of the story but quality drops from the initial chapters.

    The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)
    Anime und Comics · Wicked132
  • Pclerk

    I have placed a few reviews as I have progressed through the story. The writing quality and updates have continued to be excellent from the beginning until now. Everything else is somehow slowly devolving into some sort of adolescent power fantasy. The development at the start is good, nothing special. Like I said the whole acquisition of other powers made this story go way out there. The genie thing is way to far. The characters at that time are ok. For some reason the characters have devolved into unrealistic child like personalities. All of them. The world building is horrendous now as well. The world descriptions and story have come to essentially nothing. It seems as though the author has lost the story to numerous ideas, no real planning, and some cringe moments. I think more thought needs to be put into what exactly is trying to be achieved and how. Have some more tough moments, etc. At this point, the Mc can just get whatever whenever without any problems… and is still getting more powerful. Have struggle and character development. This will be where I stop as I don’t believe the story is repairable without a rewrite.

    I'm Spider-Man (MCU)
    Filme · AlienWarlord
  • Pclerk

    The quality of the writing and updates have been steady since the beginning. They are both really good. The issues start to come as the story develops and goes into the authors own stuff or changes. In the beginning it’s good but the development becomes a typical weird power fantasy where the MC gets everything and there is no challenge. The characters start off feeling close to what they should be. The further they make it into the story, the more they lose and devolve into the typical bland sides with no personalities; they are like 3 year olds running around. They lose their essence so to speak. The world background doesn’t really get original at all. There are some sequences where the background is directly taken from the moves but other parts need a lot more fleshing out. Some more descriptions of the overall world and surroundings would be nice. It’s still readable if you need something, just overall became a mediocre power fantasy with some weird things incorporated.

    I'm Spider-Man (MCU)
    Filme · AlienWarlord
  • Pclerk

    The writing quality and stability of updates has always been good since the beginning. Some parts of the development are bad and others are good. The current stark to Bucky thing is a little off and would cause Steve to mess up stark. That part just feels off with the characters. The amount of powers Peter is developing is a little too much on the extreme side. It’s nice to see interactions between x men and avengers… more development on that would probably be a good course. There are so many characters that can interact I feel are being under utilized. The world background needs a little more description and feels still to close to other ideas. Overall a recommended read.

    I'm Spider-Man (MCU)
    Filme · AlienWarlord
  • Pclerk

    Writing quality is good. Very easy to follow and very few errors. There are some but definitely can be chalked up to mistakes or not paying attention. The updates originally were non existent but have recently become decent. The story development, character design, and world background are all at the minimum. As writing continues these can all be expanded. The story does try to play off the consequences of killing a little to much and way to much internal conflict about it. Way more than personal experience or what I have seen with others. The characters have not had time to be fleshed out yet and the world is so far based to much on someone else’s ideas (the show). Hopefully the author gets time to build their own world as it deviates further. Has potential and worth a read to help develop it.

    DC: The Authority
    Anime und Comics · MasterReigen
  • Pclerk

    Stuck with the story for 195 chapters. The earlier chapters are better than the later. Writing quality and stability of updates have been great from the start. If anything, updates can be slowed to help plan the story development a little better. It gets way more chaotic and pulled in to many different directions with all sorts of stuff going on at once. The earlier sections had a clearer story with stuff happening behind the scenes. Now it’s all happening at once. The story does start out with trying to develop the MC and supporting characters. The character development devolves around chapter 70-80. They seem to all become slightly more on the dumb side for no reason. The interactions developed earlier also start to stagnate and appear to disappear. The MC supposedly goes through some personality growth but will immediately regress from whatever he did within 5 chapters. The original design for the MC powers was great but the growth is weirder later on because some things are just thrown in like the red ring. World background was good at the beginning with Al sorts of good descriptors but has severely declined. Still on ok read but later chapters leave much to be desired. Planning some things out and reducing the number of characters or events may help add in missing details.

    The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)
    Anime und Comics · Wicked132
  • Pclerk

    The writing has great quality and very few mistakes here and there. It’s very easy to understand. Stability of updates changes from time to time, but that’s life. Story development and character design are there but they are lacking. The characters all appear to be very basic and not thought out. The storyline seems very unplanned and has no current route. The world is still being built and more characters are being introduced, again though, not much to them. Good for a quick read and when direction is determined could use a rewrite.

    Incomplete System in Marvel
    Anime und Comics · Chaostic
  • Pclerk

    Writing quality and stability of updates are great up to when chapter 142 released. Story development is great at times and others feels rushed or poorly done to excite some individuals who like specific genres. Character design is a little confusing because sometimes the characters are really good and feel like people and other times they become basic like a skyrim npc. It’s almost like there is actually 2 authors. It could also be sometimes the author takes more time to write over others. The world background is ok. There are some descriptions of the environment but nothing really happens outside of the MC. Overall it’s definitely readable and I would recommend giving it a try. MC is a little annoying sometimes but you can read past it.

    The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)
    Anime und Comics · Wicked132
  • Pclerk

    The writing quality is definitely great. Few mistakes are noticed and easy to understand. There are updates almost every day. The story development follows the movies sometimes to closely… in other-words, it’s just the movie storyline for the MCU. This isn’t bad but it’s not the authors story. The part that is the authors is the Spider-Man in the story. It feels decent at the start but as the story goes on it feels more rushed and starts leaving more holes. The character design sticks closely to original characters at times but others it’s missing that essence. An an example is Tony Stark, the author tries to maintain his playful curiosity and lack of thinking of consequences. It comes off as more like a person who was slow to develop rather than an irresponsible adult. The development around Spider-Man is a little odd but fits a business approach I guess. The world background is good and you see descriptions and events around the realms, BUT it’s not the authors world at this point, it’s the movies world background. Maybe try to incorporate more of the authors own places… they don’t all have to be movie scripted. Overall a decent story but is missing excitement and the wow factor.

    I'm Spider-Man (MCU)
    Filme · AlienWarlord
  • Pclerk

    Overall a very decent story. The writing quality is good. Maybe some small mistakes like missing a letter or something of that nature. It’s easily missed or overlooked. Stability of updates are kind of ok, but I would rather have quality so this is ok to have lower. Take your time to do it right. The story development is unique, I don’t want to give anything away so I can’t say to much. Maybe a little to much foreshadowing, which the author likes, and not sure how I feel about the direction with the formula. Characters are there, definitely not robotic and author is trying to make them all believable and different. Not many characters at this point in the story. The world building is at a good pace. The author describes and talks about different aspects of the world spaced out and with details. This helps significantly with readers understanding without the info dump feel. Good story but is not my style. Would recommend people try it.

    Spider-Man: One and Only
    Anime und Comics · Papa_Smurf_2755
  • Pclerk
    Antwortet auf Simone007

    Authors need accurate evaluations of what is being written so they know where and how much needs to be improved on. If the evaluations are not to a set standard it makes it appear the author is not improving. Bad evals are not the end of the world, they can help authors grow and learn. If there is improvement, you can delete your review and make another one showing were the author is heading… in your opinion of course.

    Life is Tough
    Anime und Comics · God_Hand
  • Pclerk
    Antwortet auf Rabiya_Kk

    You know, the rating you gave does not match up with what you said at all…

    Life is Tough
    Anime und Comics · God_Hand
  • Pclerk

    Not many chapters yet so don’t go only off this review. There are plenty of grammar and syntax mistakes. This is annoying but the story is still understandable and readable. The updates occur decently for now. The story itself needs a lot of work. The author is just throwing stuff out there as fast as possible forcing the story to jump forward to fast. Plan key points in your storyline and add details between to make it like he is living and there is more to the world. The characters are very basic, no personalities. There are essentially no world background or environmental descriptions. Essentially it’s just has a forced and rushed feel. Slow down and plan better. Add stuff into chapters between key events. Don’t have someone say they don’t feel much about the loss of parents and then stop eating, that is an emotional response to loss so it doesn’t make sense.

    With Marvel intelligence in DC
    Anime und Comics · race_sins77
  • Pclerk

    The writing quality is good with few mistakes. The updates at this point occur often, time will tell if this can be kept up or not. The story is heading in an ok direction. I feel the characters kind of detract from the story a bit. The fear emotions he depicts everyone to have kind of don’t mesh well with what they are. Fury and widow would t be as scared as the author tries to make the. Because of past experiences in their lives. Widow was literally tortured, raped, etc growing up as part of red room so wtf can the MC do to really make her as afraid as is depicted. The MC himself is portrayed as having the emotional level of a child which can kind of make sense due to Brightburn past… his intelligence is a little lacking. Both combined makes him a tantrum prone super powered adult, that’s the MC. Incorporating brightburn is an awesome way to go. One aspect that keeps confusing me is what is causing the MCs psycho tendencies he doesn’t act on… parts of the story it’s just him, the past it was supposedly the ship… pick one. With the introduction of the Amazon stuff, I am done. It just solidified the MC as an overpowered toddler. The world back ground is ok. Could us a little more information about world events/timing. Description of what’s around the character is a little lack luster, I think the author prefers internal thoughts over external descriptors a little to much. Over all the story is definitely readable. Not my cup of tea but I could understand higher ratings by people. Author should keep it up and hopefully will improve with time.

    Marvel's Brightburn
    Filme · Necro_
  • Pclerk

    Writing quality is decent. Not the best as some grammar and spelling errors are there, but really easy to read. The updates are not on a set or regular schedule. They come out with huge gaps between some and others really close. The story develops REALLY SLOWLY! Nothing has really happened… the time it takes One Punch Man to explain his back story is essentially all of the current 12 chapters. The story is literally a rip off of one punch with a marvel setting. Unique but lazy choice. The MC does not come off as a Saitama, more like a ghetto version. The other brief character appearances so far are basic. There isn’t much of a description for the world yet other than it’s marvel, most likely MCU… author needs to not repeat something’s as much. Will write something, write it again, and then for some reason write it a third time from a different characters view. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?

    I am Invincible; Literally [One Punch Man in Marvel]
    Filme · ManofcultureQ_Q
  • Pclerk

    The writing quality is average. There are spelling, grammar, and syntax errors in many places. The errors are easily understood and can be worked around. The story has not really been around long enough for stability issues. Most stories start out strong but you would need to wait about 40-50 chapters in to really find out. The story is ok, not much to it yet. The terrible character design and world background take away from it. The MC isn’t the brightest. That’s not bad if he had any other redeeming qualities but no. The gacha power is a shit waste of time, better to have something like minor reality warping. The other characters don’t have much to them yet but they don’t seem to pick up on important details like the cops and the parents thing. Not much on world background besides “it’s marvel” because the MC is to chicken shit to get much info. To be honest the gacha thing is hat really turned me away, as soon as that shit show power came out I was done. It is a way to try to avoid good writing.

    Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP [Rewritten]
    Anime und Comics · 30Degree
  • Pclerk

    Now that more of the story is out I can give an even better review. The writing quality is still very good from my first review and there are still stable updates… however after that the story is a little lack luster to me. Some will find it better but little details throw it off for me. Supposed high IQ… where? For a reincarnated person, only just learning to walk at 5 well enough to run around on your own and the diapers comment show a huge lack of that. The whole Thor bomb event makes zero sense. C4 would be closely monitored and it would be obvious what he did for shield and to Thor, resulting in a quick death… the event is good for a villain despite how short lived it would make him. The characters and world background kind of come right from the movies, leaving nothing for the authors own design except the MC who is really a true intellectually challenged juggernaut. The world building is terrible because everything is based off of movies/comics so if you have not read them, the descriptions tell you nothing to help any visualization of the story. All the plot holes and MC take away from the story for me. It will be a good read for others but it just leaves me bored and wanting. I can understand why some of the others say around 5 stars but not for me. I think the author can do better but this story would need a little rewriting for that.

    MCU: Skull and Bones
    Filme · Swarthy
  • Pclerk
    Antwortet auf Rolling_thunder_

    Your tag for the story specifically says reincarnation. The story specifically has your character state he died. If you die and then are brought back to life in a different life, then that is by definition reincarnation. Transmigration is the movement from one world to another as you are, with the possible addition of powers, abilities, etc. you kind of mixed the two together. Having him literally visit the afterlife and then talking to people about living a new life shows it should have been more reincarnation. You don’t need to mention reincarnation with what you wrote as it becomes implied with the details.

    Why am I in Marvel?
    Anime und Comics · Rolling_thunder_
  • Pclerk

    The writing quality is good. Easy to understand and follow. The updates are currently often and stable. The story development and character design leave a lot to be desired. The story is a reserved guy running around wanting to make wine, exciting… just happens to have other abilities. Why is the reincarnation to an adult… that’s not reincarnation but more like transmigration or body snatching. Makes no sense with that part. The characters personalities all come off as weak and reserved. A personality like that would not in any way be able to use the powers properly the MC requested. The world hasn’t had much time to come together but the descriptions so far are ok. Nothing special. The story kind of seems like a typical Japanese transmigration story to be honest, just marvel elements added in. Even the character growth of fighting strong opponents is like leveling up but with strict levels. Some will like and some won’t, I am in the not liking category. Give it a try if your into this type of story.

    Why am I in Marvel?
    Anime und Comics · Rolling_thunder_
  • Pclerk
    Antwortet auf Ballad

    I could never understand why most authors on here do that. The MC would punch a rapist in the face and next thing you know Superman is trying to rip arms off… it makes no sense for any character but a psycho to do that.

    DC: Colossus
    TV · Dango_Rameno