


Just a wondering fox

2017-06-27 BeigetretenUnited States

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  • Horizon
    Horizon15 days ago

    Im writing this just after getting to the ending. Honestly im probably biased due to how badly the ending to this story was done but I’ll try to be as honest as I can. The original premise of the story was great. I love stories about MCs becoming smarter or dealing with learning and tech. I thought this was going to be similar to SATS, and initially it was going that direction but once it hit the midway point, the author put everything into overdrive and the story’s pace went 100 miles a second. It gave the impression the author was simply trying to end this story as soon as possible. Some of the pros: the author obviously has a solid grasp of the science facts presented and while I am not a scientist or proficient in mathematics, I could believe the characters actually know what they were talking about and it was interesting seeing the MC learn these new topics and subjects. Another plus was how the story didn’t fall into cliche tropes of face slapping and getting revenge on bullies or corporate greed. I also enjoyed the side characters, particularly the friend group of the MC. Some of the cons: this novel has so many s3x scenes, some at times that don’t make any sense, and these can go for 2-3 chapters long. I do not mind adult content in my book, but it’s not why I read books and these scenes to me felt distracting and at times inappropriate, resulting in me feeling like I wasted money on chapters where I simply scrolled through cuz these scenes served no purpose in the story except for breaking the flow and tension of the story. The MC is in the midst of possible war and world ending events where is a race against time but for some reason there is a 3-5 chapter long pause in the story for the MC to go on some dates and bone his two gfs. Like it’s just insane to think that this MC knows he is facing war and possible annihilation if he does not solve an issue before his adversaries, yet he is willing to risk it all just to get his rocks off with his girls. It just didn’t make sense to me, but I guess that’s the likes of the author. Another con is the ending, my main gripe that brought this story from a solid 3.8 to barely 3 if we only count the story elements. It’s just so rushed and jarring, ending the climax in only 2 chapters that answered almost no questions and left everything in a cliffhanger. I know the author is writing a new story set in the same universe with the final antagonist being the MC, but this ending not only made me hate character, it now makes me hesitant to even read the new story from fear of the author pulling another stunt like his did in this story. So in conclusion, do not get invested in this story, and specially do not waste money on it. Use your fast passes or free chapter passes if you want but there is no reason to spend money on it.

  • Horizon
    Horizon15 days ago

    I feel so mad right now that I wasted money and time just to get this abomination of an ending. The ending isn’t a cliffhanger, is just an abyss. No questions answered, no resolution to any of the plot threads, just a waste.

  • Horizon
    Horizon16 days ago
    Antwortet auf danet

    I really liked that story initially but I just couldn’t stand the business/country rivalry/nationalistic parts. Like we get it author, you are trying to raise your social score but damn it was so heavy handed at times.

  • Horizon
    Horizon18 days ago

    Honestly the premise of the story was interesting but there are a number of areas that the author falls short, bringing the quality of the story down. Primarily is the over reliance on exposition/info dumps that destroy the flow of story with sometimes multiple chapters on unnecessary information that the reader is forced to skim through. This is specially obvious whenever a character is introduced or their emotions are explained. The author sometimes fails the wise saying of “show, don’t tell.” As a result I’ve been forced to scroll and skip whole chapters. Which I never regret because the info I skipped is never important or brought up again. A reader should not feel like the chapter they read was worthless, specially if they are using coins or money to read them. Second reason I dropped the story was the characters. Some of them are boring and frankly uninteresting. The biggest one being the MC himself. He just honestly feels bland and forgettable. The author is inconsistent on his mental maturity, at times acting as if he is some smart calculating man and at others making him act as if he is some below average kid. The character that’s actually interesting is the sister of the MC because she feels like an actual character with a developing personality that readers can get invested in. Everyone else in the cast is mainly forgettable. Final reason, is that sometimes the setting feels uninspired. Despite being a completely different world, it just doesn’t strike as that interesting. If anything it just feels like another copy of Japan done by an author that grew up with manga and anime. There’s nothing wrong with a setting in Japan, but either just fully make it Japan, or give a reason for their similarities. A lot of authors fail when they try make their stories be just like their favorite anime or manga, which at times I felt this story was trying to be a more higher fantasy jujutsu kaisen combined with demon slayer. I think as the author keeps writing more and bettering his craft, they can make a great story. However at this time, this story does not stand out.

  • Horizon
    Horizona month ago
    Antwortet auf SirMorgan_Martin

    Orbital Bone Cannon!

  • Horizon
    Horizon2 months ago

    Review done at chapter 40. Honestly this novel is just a cookie-cutter version of other novels in this genre. The story is running at 1000 mph, often resulting in mistakes or plot holes that can take one out of the story. This results in characters just being cardboard cutouts of people or being thrown to the side, such as the MC’s family. Additionally, the MC is just not engaging or interesting in my opinion, he feels like an empty vessel just being dragged around by the story, rarely facing any pushback or opportunities to really grow outside of fake raising his stats. I say fake because while he upgrades his stats, he still feels like the same person. Despite having intelligence stats 10x stronger than the average human, he sounds and acts like a clueless bumpkin most of the time that impulsively does things. Also this story is kinda predictable that there’s rarely any unique twists to this story. It feels like I’m reading a lower version of Getting a Technology System in The Modern Day. Honestly I would say if you like this genre that story is 10x more thought out than this one and characters are more interesting.

  • Horizon
    Horizon5 months ago

    Read up to ch 78 and this will be a blunt review. This story is obviously inspired by the “Scholar’s Advanced Technological System.” However the difference in quality and understanding of why that story succeeds is not the same. A major issue in this tech type stories is that the author can easily be bogged down writing jargon or a lot of inessential details that do not move the story forward and just make you scroll through the chapter because as a reader you know it’s not important. This is a failure in any book in my opinion. Readers should not feel that they are reading filler and that their time is wasted reading. However, I felt that way so many times reading this story. There were chapters where more than half of it was wasted on a list of inconsequential information that would not even matter one chapter over. The reason SATS succeeded is because the author understood how to temper the info dumps, in that story they are reserved only for techno jargon where there is some competition or tension in the story, making you be invested in the jargon, even if all of it did not make sense to a normal person. Here is just wasted on the specs of a truck, properties, or employee listings. Now onto the story aspects. The system and its inception is super cookie cutter, some generic Goddess™️ finds pity on this generic dude is “struggling oh so much” with the most generic issues. Honestly, the background of the main character would not be that important if it wasn’t so bland. Now the story progress is suffering from the same issue of the info dumps, bogged down by inconsequential content. Oh he has to file for business permits, oh he has to spend four chapters buying a truck to stroke his bruised ego because some guy looked at him funny, oh he has to spend multiple chapters getting a drivers license. It’s all just so banal and honestly not interesting to read. Which is the worst thing a book can do, bore you. Which is funny considering the most interesting part of this novel are the two female side characters who are investors in his business. They are interesting. I feel like the story would be so much better if a lot of the “filler” is cut down and the author focuses on moving the story forward instead of meandering on the most mundane aspects of the story.

  • Horizon
    Horizon9 months ago
    Antwortet auf Morgoth999

    Yeah that’s pretty common in rural towns in certain countries. Taxis are usually motorcycles.