

GodOFGames12 · Geschichte
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38 Chs



Dad facepalms.

''C'mon, it wasn't that bad... Right?'' I said awkwardly.

''Who told you to explode that thing in the sky?!''

''Eh... So it would be more cinematic...?''

''...What even is that??''

''Now, now. That's way better than my speech back in the day already.'' Bald Saint injected. ''You did a good job, lass.''

''He's right.'' Fox Saint added.

''Hah~... Fine.'' Dad sighed. ''Let's just move on.''


Now I don't need to threaten him anymore.

''How long will the parade last, by the way?'' Liana asked.

''Approximately three hours, my lady.'' William answered.

'''' ... ''''

Three hours...? Are we going through the multiverse or something...?

''Usually, we, the imperial family would go first, and then Your Holinesses would start to follow along after an hour or so, but since my brother is not here anymore...''

I see. And Your Holinesses? These old dudes are coming too, huh. 

...It's really awkward seeing Stephen here like this after the date with Tina the other day. He really enjoyed watching that garbage, huh...


''Do we need to do anything specifically?'' I turn to Archbishop Henry.

''No, Your Holiness, you and your companions just need to be present.''

''And we're going by cars, right?''

''Yes, for the convenience.''

That's good. Now we need to find something to do in those boring three hours...





Never mind, this is pretty lit.

''They really do like you, huh.'' Liana said.

''Mhm...'' I ponder, waving to the sea of excited people outside the car.

They do seem so. Probably because I killed that big fish, and they've been lacking in the Saint vitamin for a while.

Either way, the parade itself so far is pretty cool.

First, they showed off their Imperial Army with their newly invented muskets and some crude artillery. That lasted for a while.

Then came the cultural stuff, musicians, dancers,... Trying to impress the crowd.

I think there was a section where the heads of state greeted each other or something, but I honestly didn't pay much attention.

And now, paladins cladded in shiny armor are following us. The sight is pretty intimidating, admittedly. Just how many are there...?

But anyway, we're already halfway through this parade, but the cheering hasn't stopped. I'm starting to get a little headache here...

''Prrr...'' The cat on my lap purred.

...How is she able to sleep like this...?



''...Please!'' Anna said, decisively picking one of the two cards left in my hands.

Immediately after she sees the card, her face crumbles.

I then pick a card on Liana's hand, and wow, how lucky, it's a 7, which I have another one right now. 

''Heh, Thanks for that.'' I said, throwing the pair down and smiling contently. ''Good game.''

''Mhgm...'' Liana grumbled.

''Ah... Now you two have to kiss regardless.'' Tina said.

We're now playing old maid in Tina's room.

Yeah, no. There's nothing to do until the banquet starts 2 hours later. We can't really train either, because it'll ruin our makeup, and we're not sitting through that again.

So we decided to do this instead, and with a little twist as well.

The two last people will have to kiss each other. With the losing one of the two being the one initiating.

Very calmly, Liana picks one card on Anna's hands.

''...I won.'' She said, throwing her pair down.

''Yay~ Kiss! Kiss!'' I said excitedly, patting the two's backs.

Shyly, Anna crawls over to Liana. She sits on Liana's lap and puts her hands on her partner's shoulder.

The poor cat girl shuts her eyes tight, pushing her face forward. Liana, in a very calm fashion, puts her hand behind Anna's neck and pulls her in.


Lips pressed against lips. Eyes closed.

'''' ... ''''

After around 15 seconds, they pull away. Anna crawls back to her position as well.

''How was that?'' I asked.

''Not bad.'' Liana shrugged.

''Mhmm... A bit awkward, I think.'' Anna said bluntly, tracing her finger on her lips.

Eh... I was about to ask if they wanted to have actual sex... My condoms are still sitting in the space bag, so...

Oh well, I guess I can ask again in the future.

Or maybe I could ask Emy...? Would she be interested in breeding a cat girl? But I feel like she wouldn't like that idea too much...

There was once I asked if she just wanted children, but she replied right away that she only wanted my children. That was so sweet.

But regardless.

''Well, well, let's continue.''


''Please Sylvia. I beg you, please...'' Tina pleaded, struggling to pick a card of mine.

Understandable, since there's only me, her, and Liana left. And I don't think she wants to kiss Liana.


Tut, tut, tut. Unfortunate for you.


I pick one of Liana's cards again, and voila! I can finish now! 

So I throw my last pair down, causing both of them to frown in disgust.

I'm actually excited to see them kiss. I remember I read a manga once, where there are two office ladies who are just fighting each other constantly, and I meant actual fighting, but somehow they still have sex afterward...? I don't know what the hell was that, but it was interesting.

Oh, it seems like Tina lost.

''S-Sylvia... Can I not do this...?''

''Me too, Sylvie.''

''Nope. You all agreed to this. No back down.'' I said firmly.

''Tch...'' Liana clicked her tongue, but still opens her arms.

Tina shakily crawls over, her face looking at Liana contorts. This time, they don't even bother to touch each other at all.


An extremely brief kiss happens.

Both of them separate almost instantly, putting their hands on their lips, frowning.

These two are not getting along at all. I hope their children won't be the same...

''Next one!''



Welp, I have to kiss this round.

But at least I'm not like Liana, who has lost three times in a row, lol.

''Come at me anytime.'' I said, opening my arms wide for her.

I mean, none of these are considered a punishment for me at all. It's just kissing my lovers, what could go wron-


In an instant, Liana moves with superhuman speed and pins me down, pressing her lips onto mine and thrusting her tongue in violently.

''Mhmp!... *slurp*...*slurp*...''


''...Eh?! Wait, Sylvia...''

''Sylvia... You're really not wearing underwear...?!''

Fuck, my illusion broke... It's all Liana's fault.

Hearing that, Liana pulls away from our kiss, licking her lips while grinning.

''You Saint whore...'' She runs her hand down my belly.

''Wait! Don't start making out now?!'' I quickly interrupted her, grabbing the naughty hand.

''It's your fault for purposely not wearing panties. You're clearly trying to seduce us.'' She said. ''And don't tell me that we have to fight today. Where's the time?''

'''' ... ''''

''...I-I really can't afford to ruin the makeup...'' I look up at her frowning face.

Skill: Puppy eyes!

''We won't touch your face. Right?'' She said, turning to the other three.

'''' Um. ''''

I really don't believe it.

''But the sweat... Let's hold it until tonight...?'' I fake a few drops of tears in my eyes.

''...Tch, fine.''

''That's decided then. Let's keep playing.'' I said, pushing Liana aside and sitting up like nothing had happened.

'''' ... ''''


Standing before the door to the banquet hall, I fix my clothes and check the illusion on my crotch once again.

''Are you guys ready?'' I asked, turning back to my four lovely companions.

'''' Mhm. '''' 

''Alright.'' I said, signaling to the two attendants on either side of the door.


''HER HOLINESS SYLVIA EVERWOOD AND HER COMPANIONS HAVE ARRIVED!'' The two attendants shouted at the same time.

Instantly, all of the murmurs inside the banquet hall cease.

Ah, yes. These stares again.

After being stunned for a bit, most of them bow lightly towards us.

It's quite bothersome, really, but we're today's stars, so we just have to deal with it.

And I am an elegant and pure Saint, so I flash them a gentle smile, at least that's what I think, and wave my hand around while we're walking towards the podium.

Yes, yes. Blush more, young men and women. Admire our eternal beauty!

Okay, let's stop being a narcissist.

Where's dad... Oh, there he is. Hi, dad~

''Ahem.'' I coughed, stepping onto the podium.

''Hi everyone. Thank you for coming to this banquet. Instead of the Emperor, I will be your host for today. I look forward to meeting you.'' I began. ''I don't have much to say, so let's just begin right away.''

*clap* *clap* *clap*

They look unconvinced (?) somehow, but clap anyway.

Alright. Food.

''Let's go to the food stands.''


''Whoa...'' Anna almost drools, holding an empty plate and looking at the dishes.

''Eat as much as you want, my dear. It's my treat.'' I said, patting her back.

Anna immediately runs around and picks up all the food in a swift motion.



She's already collecting desserts. Good.

Now, what food should I eat~

''Your Holiness.'' An unfamiliar voice sounded behind me.

Turning around, I could see the pitch-black girl - Daughter of Duke Camila again, but in a party dress. Still that same expressionless face, but a bit more... Glowing?

''It's you again. Uh...''

Shit, I didn't ask her name.

''Adele. Adele Camila.''

''Right, Adele. Nice to meet you here.''

Her name sounds very familiar to the name of Liana's mother, well, one of her mothers.

''Mhm.'' She nods. ''Nice to meet you too, Raeliana Seymour, and Your Highness Christina.''


''We meet again, Adele.''

Adele nods at the two.

''Your Holiness.'' She called me again. ''Thank you for defeating the monster the other day.'' She bows respectfully.

''No need to be that grateful. It was just my duty. And it's not like I did it alone or anything.''

''Still. I... I love the capital a lot. So I was really scared when that thing appeared...'' She smiles bitterly.

''...Fine, you can be grateful then.''

''Heheh.'' She laughed lightly. ''Can I be a bit greedy, then?''


''I want your autograph. Two of them, actually.'' She said, pulling out a pair of gloves and a pen. ''One is for me, one is for my girlfriend.''

''Sure, why not.'' I replied, taking the pen.

Hmm... I've never given an autograph before... What would be cool here?

Let's just go with a rough 'Sylvie~!' here... And then... a star! 

God, I feel like a 14-year-old emo girl right now. I'm 34 total already...

 ''Can I ask for you two's as well?'' 


''No problem.''

Let's see what these two signatures are...

''Sylvia~'' A familiar sweet voice sounded behind me this time.

''Anna. What's wrong?'' I said, looking at the pile of food on her plate.

''Um... I wanted to take that pancake over... There.'' She points to the stands in the corner. ''But... There's the Vivian girl, and she seemed so scary...''

Who dares to bully my cat girl?!

''I'll go with you.'' I said, taking her free hand. ''You guys stay here for a bit.''


Oh... Now I feel bad.

I mean, who doesn't feel bad when seeing her so lifeless like this...?

''Hello?'' I tap her lightly on the shoulder.

The girl, who's munching the pancake slowly and soullessly, turns to us with a motion similar to a rusty doll's.


She nearly jumps back after seeing my face.

''Y-You...!'' She muttered with a shaky voice. ''A-Ah, wait. I'm sorry... Y-Your Holiness...''

''...No need. Call me whatever you want.'' I said after a sigh. ''More important than that. Are you alright?''

''...Eh?'' Her face turns blank. ''I-I... I don't know...''

''Come with me.'' I take her hand. ''Anna, take the pancake and tell the other three to wait a bit.'' 



We're now outside the terrace.

''How's your family situation right now?'' I asked, sipping the cold wine.

First time drinking. It's not too bad, actually.

''...My brother will be the new Marquess.'' She said dejectedly. ''I-I didn't think that my dad...''

''...You know.'' I said.


''I think your ancestor was a pretty cool dude.''

''Why suddenly...?''

''I visited his tomb the other day.''

''...I know that.''

''Aside from the grandiose stuff, he also said that... He had no worries about his descendants. That they would surely do fine because they're smart and passionate.''


''So, lift your head. You have his proud blood running in your veins.''


''Remember your dad's sacrifice. The real one's. And move on. You can do it. Right?''


*sob* *sob*

''R-Right... You... You're right... I can do it...!''

That's much better. You get a hug.

*sob* *sob*

'''' ... ''''

She suddenly pushes me away very lightly and wipes the running tears on her cheeks.

''I - The proud descendant of Saint Vivian, Camellia Vivian! Will definitely make our house rise to the top!''

That's treason, I think.

And your name was Camellia, huh. Nice name.

''That's good resolve.'' I nod contently. ''Just remember not to harass my Tina again.''

''Y-You!'' She instantly snaps after hearing Tina's name.

''Come at me again after you get these~'' I said, grabbing her hand and sinking it into my breast. ''Bleh~''

Poor girl is stunned right now, lol.

Well, I think that's enough to lift her mood.

''Anyway, keep trying. Camellia. I'll be watching you.'' I said, releasing her.

''...Remember this.''

How cute.


Ah... The food was so good~

And Anna ate like a malnourished cat... I should order top-quality food more often.

''...Hm? What did you say?'' I asked dad, raising my eyebrow.

''You need to dance.'' He said nonchalantly.

''...I refuse.''

''I refuse your refusal. It's not that hard. Just do it.''


To be fair, all of us, except Anna maybe, know how to dance. It's just, like, a mild inconvenience, you know?

''Fine. Emy, let's go.'' I extend my hand to her.


Let's go, my first partner.

Stepping onto the stage, all of the gazes are rightfully on us.

I could see dad in the distance signaling to the band to play the music. 

Hands holding hands, we begin to dance to the melody.

Contrary to my subpar dancing skills, Emy is a natural, so I let her take the lead.

We move gracefully and elegantly, following the rhythm of the music and the steps of the dance. We glide across the floor, spinning and turning, never losing our balance or our connection. 

Although she tends to press my body against hers a lot, which is not a complaint, she still does the movements perfectly, and somehow guides me at the same time as well.

''I love you, Emy.'' I said, looking at her face, which seems a bit dazzling today for some reason.

''Me too.''


A kiss in the middle of a dance... Pretty romantic, I'd say.


''Now, it's your turn... Liana.'' I said, my voice a bit... Wobbly?

''...Are you drunk?''

''No...? What are you talking about. Let's dance!''

What drunk? Are you kidding me?

''Hah, fine. You're very cute regardless.''

I'm not drunk...!

Ah, but thanks for the compliment...





'''' ... ''''

I let out a silent sigh, looking at my lover - Sylvia, who's lying on the sofa, drunk out of her mind.

''Who gave her alcohol?'' Father asked annoyedly. ''God, she's just like her mom.''

''Father, I have an objection.'' Raeliana raises her hand.


''She didn't drink in front of any of us, and she asked for a private time earlier, so...''

''...Fine, just let her rest a bit. You all can still go to the festival later.''

''Um... Wouldn't that be too late?'' Anna asked.

''Not at all. I've been to these a few times, and midnight is usually the busiest time. There's a firework show at 1 A.M as well.''

''I see...''

''Alright then, I'll go first.'' He waves his hand, turning to the exit. ''Hah... Those annoying bats...''

Father exits the private resting room.

''Poor father.'' Emilia shakes her head.

Ultimately, father didn't get the chance to dance with Sylvia, which was pretty unfortunate. Maybe the spinning movements during the dances with us got her.

Turning to Sylvia again, I once more wonder.

How can a person be this attractive?

I completely lost my control after seeing her crying face the other day. Although I knew that it was fake...

...Ridiculous. Truly ridiculous.

''Heyyy, Sylvie.'' Raeliana pats Sylvia's face a few times.

''Mhgm... Hic!... Liana...''

''Can I bang you real quick?'' She said teasingly.

''Please...'' Sylvia murmured, half asleep.

Wait, no. That's dangerous.

''Thanks- Wait! What are you doing??''

Fortunately, Emilia catches her before she could pull out her penis.

''Let her rest.''

''...Tch, fine. I wasn't going to do it anyway.''

''So, what do we do now?'' I said after a sigh. ''We'll have to wait quite a bit here.'' 

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, healing doesn't help you get sober. I wonder why.

Whatever, let's just train.

''There's a few hours... Let's just train here.'' 

Emilia is truly an excellent opponent for me, I think I might have passed 3 stars already. With this pace, I could probably reach Master in one or two years... I don't really need it anymore though.

Sylvia has already broken the cage for me. Now I don't need to worry about being sold off anymore. Even if the Emperor still wants to sell me, I would still be marrying Sylvia, because no one can surpass her status anyway.

I'm truly blessed... To be able to marry such a charming princess.

Hmm... But how can I see Sylvia's crying face again... I want the real one this time.

Oh well, training first. We still have to fight that goddess...


''Ugh... This is the worst...'' Sylvia muttered, leaning back on the sofa.

''Don't drink from now on, alright?'' Anna said softly, patting her back.

''I swear... If I drink in the future, you can sell me to a brothel...''

Instantly, all of us frown at the same time.

What a bad joke. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil...

I think she's still drunk. Normally she would never do that kind of joke.

''What a distasteful joke. Sylvie.'' Raeliana said coldly. ''I will cripple anyone other than us who has even the slightest idea of touching you, Sylvie. Let alone willingly putting you in a brothel... Ugh.''

''Agree.'' Emilia said.

''I'll have to agree as well, Sylvia. Please don't make that joke again.'' Anna said.

''Eh? I-I'm sorry... I guess I'm still drunk...'' She replied, biting her lips.

''Rest some more. And I'll literary make you an unmoving cumhole for a whole week if you dare to make a joke like that again, alright?''

''Ah! I love brothels! Please sell me to one...!''

''You fucking bitc-


Fortunately, Sylvia recovered a bit after that. Now we're on the street, enjoying the festival in earnest.

''Mhm~! This is so sweet!'' Sylvia exclaimed, her ears twitching adorably.

''Right? They only sell these on special occasions like this.'' I replied, taking a bite of the cotton candy.

''That's such a waste... This is so delicious.'' Anna said.

''Mfpeh afhg.'' Emilia said something, still chewing.

I agree with whatever that was, Emilia.

''We should we go next?'' Raeliana asked.

''Hmm... Maybe that one?'' I point to the music stage not far from where we're at. ''You can sing for prizes, they say.''

''And Sylvia will sing?'' 


''Eh... It's not like we need any of those prizes.'' Sylvia objected.

''It's for the experience. Not the prizes. Right?'' I replied.

''I want to hear you sing too~'' Anna nuzzles at Sylvia.

''Mfh tpoh.''

''...Fine.'' Sylvia said resignedly.


♫ I was all alone with the love of my life 𝅘𝅥𝅮

𝅘𝅥 She's got glitter for skin, my radiant beam in the night ♫

''Wow... She sings so well. But where is the instrumental even coming from...?'' A random man near us muttered.

Most of the observers are listening intently right now, absorbed into Sylvia's captivating voice. Even the judges.

Hah, now you know what my Sylvia can do. She's using an illusion though, so now she looks like a normal pretty girl.

♬You slow down time♫

♪In your golden hour♬

The music stops after a bit, and the whole area falls into silence.

'''' ... ''''


*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* 


''Why'd they give me a ring...'' Sylvia frowns, looking at the silver ring on her hand. ''Wearing this one together with our rings is almost blasphemous.''

''I agree.''


Yeah, the design of that one is not very elegant.

...Actually, I'm feeling a bit restless right now.

They've had those rings since a while ago, meanwhile...

I let out a silent sigh, looking at my empty ring finger. Or do I need to give her the rings myself...? Is that the way? But she told me to wait on these...


It looks like Anna is feeling the same as well.

''Well, let's just go to the next one.''


''Hm~ The festival was better than I thought.'' Sylvia flashes a bright smile.

''True! I enjoyed the shooting booth so much!'' Anna replied.

''We basically scammed them.'' Raeliana added, grinning mischievously.

''They're scamming people too, so.'' Sylvia shrugged.

Looking at Sylvia's smiling side profile like that, I unknowingly raise my hand and stroke her cheek.

''You're so beautiful tonight, Sylvia.'' I said.

''...Why so corny suddenly, Tina?'' She raises an eyebrow.

''...Nothing.'' I said, diverting my gaze.

''Hm...? Oh well, It's almost time for the fireworks already, let's go somewhere nice to watch.'' She replied.


''Heh~ The view here is top-notch for sure.'' Raeliana commented.

We're now on top of the Crimson Palace, the place where the broadcast stone is. Sylvia just flew us onto here.

''It's pretty windy though.'' I said.

''That's even nicer.'' Sylvia replied.

I guess?

''Five minutes until the firework.'' Sylvia suddenly said. ''Liana, Emy. Would you mind?'' She turns to the two with a mysterious smile.

Emilia and Raeliana shrug, then step back obediently.

''Tina, would you mind getting a bit closer?''

''Hm? Sure.''

I walk closer to Sylvia until our chests almost touch.


She locks her arms around my neck, kissing me deeply. I immediately hug her back as well.

'''' ... ''''

After a bit, she backs away.

She then pulls out a small wooden box from her space bag.

''Tina.'' She smiles sweetly, opening the box.

Inside the box is a pair of exquisite rings with the same slender design, one made from ruby, the other one made from lapis lazuli.


''Would you mind?'' She said, letting the box float while giving out both of her hands.

Shakily, I take the ruby ring out of the box and place it on her right ring finger, right beside the obsidian ring.

She smiles even more brightly, taking the remaining lapis lazuli ring out of the box, and grabs my hand.

With a swift motion from her, my right hand now has a brilliantly shining ring.


She gives me another kiss on the lips, then briskly backs away again.

''I love you!'' She said merrily.

''...Me too.'' I replied.

This joyful face of her... Ah... I'm falling so hard. It's unfair, Sylvia.

''Anna, would you come here?'' She turns to the fidgeting Anna this time.

''Eh?! A-Alright!'' Anna nervously walks towards us.

...I see. So she was planning to give us two the rings tonight.

Staring at my hand contently, I can't help but smile like an idiot.




I-It's here! The rings!

The tokens of our love... I've been jealous of those two for a while now, but finally!


Standing before the grinning Sylvia, my heart can't help but jump.

Sylvia stretches out her hands and strokes my cheeks a bit, then-


Kisses me.

Just like Christina did, I hug her back and close my eyes, enjoying her tender and sweet lips that I've always loved.


''You know the deal, right?'' She pulls out another box and hands it to me.

Opening the box, a pair of blue rings greet me. One has a lighter color than the other.

''Don't shake so much...'' She grabs my trembling hand. ''Here... Carefully.''


I-It's on! It's on her finger...!

''Here, for our beautiful Anna as well.'' She takes the lapis lazuli ring and slowly places it on my right ring finger.

''Whoa...'' I exclaimed, admiring the sparkling ring on my hand. 

''Anna.'' She spreads her arms wide, smiling contently.


I immediately jump into her embrace, kissing her deeply.

''I love you.'' She said, touching her forehead with mine.

''I-I love you too...''


Agh... Why am I crying...

''Don't cry...'' She strokes my head gently.

*fizzzz* *boom*

Suddenly, a bright light flashes before our eyes, and a few booms could be heard in the distance.

''Ah, the firework.'' Christina muttered.


Sylvia gives me another kiss.

''Let's go out the balcony!''

Explicit images on ScribbleHub, if you want that. *****[Sylvia]******boom* *boom*''Whoa...''''Although I see this every year, it's still impressive...''The night sky is now filled with colorful fireworks.Turning my head to the left side, I could see Tina and Anna looking intently at the sky while stroking their right hands.I commissioned a renowned artisan to make them a while ago, and they just arrived yesterday. Glad they like it.Hmm... Now that I think about it, when should we hold an engagement ceremony for all of us...? Or should we do it separately?I don't know. Let's just enjoy the moment first.-----*yawn*I let out a yawn, flopping down onto the bed. It's 1:30 in the morning right now, the fireworks lasted for quite a bit.''That was exhausting. Let's go sleep~'' I said, taking off the outer layer of the Saint robe. ''Cuddle, cuddle~''''Hey.'' Liana grabs my shoulder. ''Aren't you forgetting something?''''...But it's so late already?'' I replied, trying to ignore her bulging crotch right in front of my face.''Our schedule for tomorrow is late afternoon, any other excuse?''I'm just kidding, why so serious... I'll do it. I promised them after all.''Just don't go past 4 A.M, alright? It'll affect my sleeping habits...'' I said, taking down all of my clothes and putting them neatly aside.I climb deeper into the bed, then turn back to them.''Come here, my dears~''-----*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*''Puh- Phew~...''''What's wrong?'' Tina, whose cock I was just sucking a moment ago, asked.I am riding Liana's cock while alternatively sucking Emy and Tina's right now. Anna is just quietly masturbating in the corner of the bed.''...Inefficient.'' I muttered.''What inefficient?'' Liana asked.''There's three of you guys, right?''''Yeah?''''And I have three holes.'''''' ... ''''''Eh?'' Tina exclaimed.''Do you really want to try anal...?''''...''Yup. We've been avoiding it since the beginning because we judged that their cocks are too big for it. But now, there's Anna here... And I got a lot of lubes as well.*slrrp*''We could always stop if it's too hard, right?'' I replied, rising and pulling out of Liana's cock. "Anna, please come here.''''Mhmm.'' Anna crawls towards us.''Alright, so who wants to take my anal virginity?'' I asked, taking out the various lubes that I've prepared.'''' Me! ''''''You can't exactly insert all three at the same time...'' I said. ''Let's just do rock-paper-scissor.''''Eh? What about me...?'' Anna grabs my hand.''You do it too.'' I replied. ''I don't discriminate.''She can still use a dildo, at that would count. Because I say so.'''' ... ''''The room plunges into silence. I guess determining who would take my anal virginity by playing rock-paper-scissor is too casual. I don't know.*slrp* *slrp*While waiting for them, I pour a generous amount of lube onto the medium-sized dildo and rub it thoroughly.''Mhmp~...''So cold...Inserting the dildo into my butthole, I let out a moan in response to the fresh, alien pleasure that I could feel down there.''Hgn...''A bit more, a bit more then it'll go all in... Yes! Now let's try fucking...*flap* *flap* *flap*Mghm~~It's more doable than I thought. But this one is only a medium 14cm... Imagine having a cock double that length and size rocking inside... And another one in my pussy as well...''...What are you guys looking at? Hurry up.''*flap* *flap* *flap*This feels pretty nice, actually...'''' Rock, paper, scissors! ''''''Yes!!"''Congrats, Tina.'' I said to the excited Tina.''Tch.''Sorry, Liana, and Emy as well. Maybe not Anna.*slrrp*''Phew~'' I let out a sigh, pulling out the dildo.I then crawl over to sit on Tina's lap, her cock resting between my butt cheeks.''Anna, just in case, can I ask you to cast healing on me while she's going in?'' I grab Anna's hand.*gulp*''Sure...''Alright.''Tina, please.''I raise up a little bit, hovering my butt near her cock.Tina grabs my ass with both of her hands, then spread my hole wide open.This is it...''Hgn...''The huge cock boldly enters my well-oiled hole, stretching my tight insides to fit its size.It's still hurt so fucking much...!''A-Anna...'' I called out, tightening my hands holding hers.''Ah, alright!''Anna immediately uses healing on my entire body, while both my elf lovers patting my back gently, trying to comfort me. Tina stops pushing as well.Ah... That's better.Wait, before we continue, let's reposition ourselves first.So I raise up from the crawling pose and back up a bit, in an attempt to ride on Tina's cock.But then, I accidentally trip-*thud*'''' !!! ''''''HYAH!''F-Fuck! It just went all in!?It hurts, it fucking hurts...!*sob* *sob*''Sylvia?! Are you alright??'' Tina asked frantically.Why the fuck is your cock getting even bigger...!''Ah! Let me increase the healing output!''''Sylvie... Let's just pull it out.'' Liana said.''Yeah.'' Emy nods.''N-No. It's getting better already.''Hah... The healing is really working.'''' ... ''''Let's give her a reward.''Anna~'' I reach out and pull Anna's head towards my pussy.She seems shocked for a moment, but then immediately sucks on my pussy deliciously, reaching her hand down to pleasure her own pussy as well.*slurp* *slurp*''Tina, you can start moving slowly now.'' I said. ''And give me cocks to suck.''Emy and Liana flop out their cock right in front of my face, while Tina lifts me up a bit so she could start humping.Now we're in motion again.I immediately grab the two elf cocks with my hands and start to eat them, licking, kissing, and sucking, while Tina tries her best to move in and out of my butthole slowly.*slurp* *slurp* *slurp*Hgn... The ass fucking is getting quite pleasurable already... As expected, I'm a top-tier slut.''Mhn... *slurp*...Harder...'' I said.Hearing that, Tina starts to ramp up her pace, thrusting her cock vigorously.*flap* *flap* *flap*''Hgn~... Mgn... *slurp*... *slurp*...''''It's so tight...!'' Tina behind me exclaimed, humping even faster and creating loud slaps echoing in the room.*flap* *flap* *flap*Anna below is already spreading my pussy to its limit, basically planting her face into my vagina, her tongue digging around hungrily.*slurp* *slurp*''Mn...'' Liana moaned slightly.I started to use my hands together with my mouth to give the elf cocks even more pleasure.''Cumming...!" Tina exclaimed.At the same time, the two cocks in my hands throb. I immediately devour both of their cocks' tips, ensuring that all the semen would go down my throat.*spurt* *spurt* *spurt*Three cocks pump out streams of semen at the same time. Two in my mouth, one in my ass.Ah, fuck...! This is entirely different from cumming in the womb...''Mhmp~!"Cumming~!*squirt* *squirt*''Mhmm~'' Anna deliciously takes in all of my juice.*gulp*Gulping down the elf semen, I give the two cocks each a good lick before pulling them out. Anna has already sat up, rolling my cum in her mouth merrily.''Hah...'' I sighed lightly. ''...Triple?''I mean, they're still hard, somehow...''Sure, you get out.'' Liana said to Tina.*srrlp*Tina pulls out her huge cock, leaving a gaping hole behind. Agh, semen is coming out too.Liana kneels on the bed, then swiftly lifts me up and points her cock at my butt, and-*thud*''Mhmm~!''Immediately slams her cock inside my ass.''Pretty tight.'' She commented.She then considerately pulls my legs back so that Emy could use my pussy at the same time. Emy comes up in front of me and hugs my thighs, sandwiching me between the two of them.She then pulls her hip back a bit, then-*thud*''AH~!''Fuck...! Here it is, it's in my womb again...''Ooh~'' Emy exclaimed, wiggling her cock around curiously.''Damn, it's way tighter this way.'' Liana said. ''Be proud, you're a better fuck toy now.'' She whispered in my ear.''Hngh...''Ah... Their cocks are filling me whole...! This... This is so good~!''T-Tina... Ah~...'' I open my mouth wide.''Here.''Tina puts her cock on my tongue, then pushes her hip to get the cock in. I of course devour it with zero problem, my throat is always ready.*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*''Mhmp~!... Mhmp... Mhmp...''Fuck me, this is entirely different. Having three giant cocks raping all of my holes...Agh, cumming... Cumming~!''Mhmp~...''*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*Despite my after-cum sensitive state, they keep thrusting their cocks mercilessly, leaving me no room to even breathe properly.''This is bliss...!'' Liana exclaimed, moving her hands to pinch my nipples roughly, increasing the tightness of my holes even more.*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*Ah, wait! Cumming again~!''Mhmp~!... Mhmp!... Mhmp!...''In and out, their cocks keep ravaging my insides, sometimes in sync, sometimes not, creating a beautiful song of my body being used to the maximum efficiency.Loud slaps of flesh colliding with flesh, sticky slurps of juices dragged around inside holes, and muffled moans escaping from us nonstop.''First creampie~'' Emy said.''I'll cum too!''''Her tongue is so soft...!''*spurt* *spurt* *spurt* *spurt*All three lovely cocks throb again, shooting their loads all inside me, literally filling my stomach up with just pure semen.Ah... This feeling... I love cocks...Agh, wait...!''Mhmp~!''''Pfft, why are you cumming on delay?'' Liana sneered. ''Oh, well.''*slrrrp**puff*The three of them pull out their cocks and lay me on the bed, churning out the leftover semen and pouring it on my breasts.''Ah...Hgn!...''Now I'm being left here, my body twitching and convulsing violently after being obliterated by those monster cocks, sticky hot cum gushing out of my holes.*tack*''Here.'' Liana hovers the camera before me, grinning proudly. ''This is the kind of Saint that I want.''Fuck...''Hgn... H-Hey guys...'' Anna called out pitifully while still fingering her wet pussy, little tears already running down her cheeks.''Ah, sorry. Go ahead.'' Liana replied.''Sylvia~!'' Anna immediately jumps on me.*chu*She kisses me deeply and hugs me tightly at the same time, our naked bodies mashed together, chest pressing chest, pussy pressing pussy.''That much won't do anything to her.'' Liana said teasingly. ''Do you want me to fuck her instead?''''Stop. Let her do it.'' Tina replied.I take out the two-headed dildo again and throw it to Emy.*slrrp*Understands her task immediately, she pushes one head into my pussy, and then the other head into Anna's.'''' Mhmm~ '''' We both moan at the same time.*flap**flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*Anna starts to hump, refusing to let my lips go.''2:06. There's plenty of time left.'' I could hear Liana say among all the sticky noises.Oh god...''Hgn!... Ngah... Hah...''It's brutal. It's so brutal...''God, look at how her body convulses...'' Liana said.''Is she really alright?'' Tina strokes my forehead gently.Two hours straight of triple penetration... It's a miracle that I haven't fainted yet.I mean, if Anna wasn't there, I would have fainted a long time ago. Frankly, having sex with Anna felt like a break more than anything, it's cute, but nowhere near the level of these three's... Oh, well, let's just sleep...''Can you guys clean my body for me...? I'm sleepy...'' I trailed off.''Sure, let's go to the bath together.'' Liana stands up.I have a feeling they'll fuck me more while I'm sleeping, but whatever.-----''Phew~'' I let out a sigh after finishing the drink.We just woke up an hour ago, which was 11 A.M, and just had lunch.''So, how was yesterday's experience?'' I asked.''Fantastic.'' Liana gives me a thumbs up.''I'll agree.'' Tina nods.''Great.'' Emy also gives me a thumbs up.''Um... It was alright?'' Anna tilts her head cutely.Yeah, I mean. I was so tattered that she had to move by herself a lot, so it's quite reasonable that she wasn't loving it all that much.''Sorry, Anna. I'll compensate you later, alright?'' I said. ''When you have a penis...''This might be suicide, but I want hers to be even bigger. I want to feel that...''Sure...''-----''That's a lot of journalists.'' I commented, looking at the crowd of people holding notebooks on the side of the road, blocked by the towering paladins.''That's for sure.'' Tina said.After getting our names craved onto the 'Divine stone' today, we'll officially be recognized as a Saint party.Oh, there's Archbishop Henry.''Hey~'' I wave to him.We walk to the man, who's standing proudly at the main gate.''Welcome, Your Holiness and her companions.'' He bows respectfully. ''Please come inside, we'll start the ceremony right away.''''We'll be photographed, right?'' I asked while we're walking.''Yes. But don't worry, I only allowed two of them in, and they're the biggest and most trusted as well.''''I see.''Uwah... That Eva statue again...''By the way, who carved that statue?'' I asked.''It was made by a Saint a long time ago, Your Holiness.''''Figured, that's why it looks so close to the original.'' Liana injected.''Eh? Did you see Mother Goddess in person?!'' Archbishop turns back to us, eyes wide open.''All of us did. She came down here a few days ago.'' I replied.''On what occasion?! It's been hundreds of years since her last sighting...!''''She invited us to be this world's deities.''''...Incredible!'' He exclaimed, smiling contently. ''I'm witnessing history right now...!''Sure, sure. It's not even decided yet.Stepping into a needlessly bright room made of mostly marble and quartz, I could see a huge, bleach-white stone sitting in the middle of the room. On its surface are numerous tiny words in gold color.''I've actually seen this a few times before.'' Anna said.''Mhmm. Anastasia is a proud child of ours, and she was always curious about the Saints, so we let her come here once in a while. Otherwise, this is a forbidden area, you know?'' Archbishop Henry replied.''Eheheheh...'' Anna scratches her head a few times, her tail standing straight.''I'm truly glad that she could join the real Saint party.''Me too. It has been an absolute joy to be around her.''Good afternoon, Your Holiness!'' A man comes up to us.''Good afternoon!'' Followed by a woman.So they're the two journalists. Looks legit.''Hi.''-----After exchanging a few pleasantries, we're now all in position.''Let's start right away. How do we do it?'' I said, cracking my knuckles.Do I need to use a mana blade to carve it or anything?''Only Saints are allowed to touch this stone, Your Holiness.'' Archbishop Henry explained. ''You just need to use a normal pen to write the names that you want.'' He hands out a pen.''Sure.''Hundreds of names are written on the stones after bullet points, with the names of the Saints slightly bigger than the rest.Fortunately, the space below the names of Saint Lucas's party is reachable for me, so I don't need to squat down or anything.Let's see... Oh, so it automatically sinks into the stone, this feels like butter, interesting...Sylvia Everwood... Done.*tack* *tack*Now... Now? Whose name do I write next...?Turning back to my lovers, I could see them looking intently at my hand holding the pen.*gulp*...Fuck it, let's just go with the normal order.Emilia Campbell... Raeliana Seymour...*tack* *tack*Christina Alistaire Aragon... And then Anastasia. Done.*tack* *tack*They won't be mad or something, right...? Okay, let's turn back and hop-''Woah...!''Suddenly, something orange appears on my left side.Anna's eyes sparkle, looking intently at her name on the stone.''That looks pretty cool for once, eh?'' Liana appears on my left.''I just scanned the whole board, and it looks like I'm the only imperial member aside from Kira here...!'' Tina looks over my left shoulder.''Congrats, Christina!'' Anna fist-bumps Tina, and then both of them giggle at the same time.Emy's just silently resting her chin on my shoulder.It looks like I don't need to worry much...(..◜ᴗ◝..)-----It has been three days after that visit to the church. Following the craving, we each did one interview, and now we're pretty famous for some reason.*szzzz*''Uwah, they have a popularity vote as well?'' I said, looking at the front page of the newspaper.They're treating us like idols... Cause we're all pretty girls, perhaps?''No doubt I'll be the favorite party member.'' Liana said, resting her chin on my shoulder.''I'm not too sure about that... I think they would like their princess more than a random elf, no?''''Who's a 'random elf', huh?''''Ah, wait, don't press your cock...''I've only been sitting on her lap for half a minute and she's already hard...This ain't no horny girl anymore, this is the horny last boss...!''I can't?''''The contest is still ongoing, you know?''''No one is here right now?''That's true. Since the morning, Tina has been away to get her diploma, while Emy is probably devouring desserts by now, stating that she needed extra sugar for some reason.Anna... She's been sulking a bit after the triple pen incident, most likely because of me not giving her a lot of attention that night. She's been cooped up in the training area... I might need to do multiple prostrations to please her, shit.But anyway, a promise is a promise.''No is no.'' I said firmly, letting the thing under my butt squirm in frustration.''Tch.''Hmm... What do I do now.Let's have a chat with Eva once in a while.[Hanako]: Hey...![Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: What is it about the '...!'?[Hanako]: That's not important. How's the situation with your sister going?[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: No sign of her anywhere yet, but she will definitely be back.[Hanako]: So now we have free time?[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: Not free time. Training time.[Hanako]: Fine, fine. Ah, I forgot to ask this, but do you know where I can get a penis for Anna?[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: A penis...[Hanako]: Actually, can't you just make one for her...?[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: I am not familiar with that area, so no.[Hanako]: That sucks. Oh, well.[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: Either way, I have work to do, so I will be going now. Contact me again if there is an emergency.[Hanako]: Aight, thanks mom.[Xx-DarkLordOfTheFlame-xX]: You...!''Hgn~'' I stretch out lazily, looking out the window....A lot of things happened in the past two months, now that I think about it. I ended up with two more lovers than usual, killed two giant monsters, and revealed my identity...Through the two times I fought the monsters, I realized that I really do need to level up. The zombie was needlessly resilient, and the leviathan was just way too strong. If it wasn't for the former Saints and my dad, and even Eva, I don't know if I could have beaten that....Let's make real artillery. With magic infused, of course.I won't accidentally nuke the whole city, I swear.