
Chapter 101 The Great Heroes

Zivon reaches The Village of Ilate

A Peaceful place with no Crimes

He got there and went to a food place to eat

There were a lot of adventures from the Kingdom of Geal

Zivon started wearing a Robe to hide his face as he was pretty famous

While Eating A fight suddenly started between two adventures as they were not splitting the money with their teammates properly

The fight ended up with the person who was fighting getting 1 Silver coin while the other teammates getting 8 Gold coins each

After eating his food Zivon stands up and starts leaving

Then Through the gates enter One Guys who beat the hell out of the teammate who did the splitting and gave the guy who got 1 silver coins 8 gold coins and 1 silver coin who got beaten

His Coat had a sign of The Great Heroes

The people got up and respected him

"I respected him as well as I knew that this guy was respected

The Great Heroes is a Council with only 5 Members

They are well respected and are undefeatable in a battle

The Members of this council can't be in The Council of Swords, Magical Swords, and Magic

They are stronger than anyone even me from any of these councils that is why they are called The Great Heroes

It is said that The First-ever Hero of this world created this council

After He left I left as well to continue my journey to find the Guy behind Joe

Ace got an invitation to join this Council but he declined because he was not ready yet

I also once got an invitation to join but I declined them as well because I knew I was not ready"

Zivon then leaves the village

Zivon then remembers the time when he got the invitation

Everyone was happy but when I rejected they were crying

"Man, They are all too emotional, but they are my friends"

Zivon starts walking

"Ah, but the food was good"

Zivon tells Himself

"Oi, You in the Robe, Take off your hood"

It was the member of the Great Sword

He comes towards me

"I am sorry, but we are searching for a Criminal named Trez and we have spotted him around here so could you please"

The Member tells Zivon

Zivon sighs and takes out his hood

"Here you go?"

"Oh, Zivon I would have never thought I would see you here but hey, I am Az, Nice to meet you"

Az shakes his hand with Zivon

"Ok, I will be leaving now, if you may be done?"

Zivon asks Az

"Yeah, Thank you for Cooperating"

Az tells Zivon as Zivon starts walking

Suddenly an attack comes towards Az

Az grabs him from his neck and smashes him on the ground

"I hope I would meet you again, Zivon"

Az tells Zivon

"See ya"

Zivon replies to Az

End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki

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