
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

Back in DXD again

Thrust, sweep, repeat. Honing the basics as usual is always a nice feeling. However, I've noticed something troubling.

I've peaked in terms of my technique.

Not to say that I've become so skilled that I far surpass legendary heroes of old. I mean that this is as far that I will be able to go on the path of the spear.

Which is sad, but it makes sense. I never had much talent in regards to the spear to begin with. It was just something I chose to use because I subconsciously wanted to avoid what the original 'me' used, before I was created and given the name Aversis.

It's funny, even though I tried to avoid being like him, I still can't get rid of this love for violence, war, blood, suffering, death, etc.

In the end, I still can't change the fact that I'm a monster in human skin.

Enough depressing thoughts, I'm going to do what he couldn't.

To prove that even a monster like myself can do some good in life.

Back on topic though, I won't be able to go any further on the path of the spear. But I don't want to just up and change my weapon. At least in this life, until I die and lose my memory again. I want to continue to use the spear.

This isn't like when I had to break the limits of my body. This is an entirely different thing. Everyone has things that they are more suited towards. Thus it is called a talent.

I have to figure out the next logical step for me to progress forward.

"Welp, hopefully I can think of something eventually." I sighed, looking up at the odd underworld sky.

"Think of what?"

"Just some personal stuff."

Was my immediate retort to Kokabiel who sat near me in this quiet time. Must be weird, to just hear me say random shit in the middle of training.

We had returned to DXD after having our fun in Danmachi. Apparently not much time had passed in DXD. Like it's literally only been three weeks after the peace treaty between the 3 factions. I was sort of hoping for it to be closer to world ending scenarios but I guess that's too much to ask for.

"Also, thanks for letting me hide on your balcony."

"I do not mind, but I question why you are forced to hide within your own home."

He mused as usually I would train out in the open.

"Well Raynare has been oddly... clingy lately." I hesitated to speak for a moment. It sounded ridiculous, before she would usually just go about her own business besides cleaning up the place a bit. But now...

"Clingy?" He raised a brow at that.

"She hasn't really given me much time alone... I've noticed she's kind of been everywhere I'm at."

During a meal? She's there. When I'm training? She's there. In the middle of my experiments? She's there. In my room? She's there. In the restroom? Why is she there!?

"It's like she hasn't left my side since I picked her up." I frowned, realizing that she had literally stuck near me since then.

"Is it really so surprising?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a seat on the other side of the round table.

"Zieg, do you know how many fallen there are that have at least 6 wings?"

"Probably about half of the total population?" I guessed, I mean 6 wings sounds pretty average.

"About a fifth actually. Not including those in my own legion and even if you include them, it doesn't change the numbers much."

I was actually surprised about that. Were fallen really that weak of a faction?

"You see, unlike devils or angels. Us fallen don't have a real method of accumulating power besides in war. Even then, the gain varies and is generally miniscule. We don't simply get stronger just by killing an enemy. We hone our skills, and our control. We become influenced by our environment and at times, becoming stronger is the only way to survive."

"The majority of fallen are mainly just 2-4 winged. Even those of my own legion, roughly a tenth of them are still 4-winged even after participating in past wars. It's not uncommon for a fallen to not gain any wings for hundreds of years."

"I didn't think it was that bad." I honestly said, slowly understanding what he was getting at.

"Well it is. Now you just casually took Raynare under your care, and only after 5 months. She has become a 10 winged fallen. Something that she would have never imagined even coming close to in terms of raw power in her entire life."

"Oh..." Ah shit, I probably should have thought about this.

"So is it really so surprising that she probably secretly worships the ground you walk upon now?"

"That was never my intention though."

It really wasn't. I just wanted to have a familiar, and I wouldn't just leave my familiar to be weak.

"It doesn't matter, what's done is done. She is most likely genuinely in love with you right now." Kokabiel smirked, swirling the liquid in his glass.

"Ah shit..."

"Is that really so bad?"

"I kind of... can't love properly."

"I mean, you could just reciprocate with your body. Many fallen are into that kind of thing these days. Even without Azazel's influence."

Ah, he thinks I mean that I can't 'love' in terms of feelings. Well I sort of have issues with that too since I LOVE war. But that isn't the main issue.

"No i mean... the last time I got a boner was when that Flugel Azril ripped my heart out and threatened to chop off my head..."

"...It's that bad?"

Kokabiel stopped playing with his drink and looked at me with an incredulous expression.

"Let me put it this way. The last time I actually had sex, was to a girl who had a completely poisonous body. Even while being immune to poison, I wasn't completely sure if I would be fine having sex with her. Also I had an eldritch being staring at me from outer space, so the danger of the situation was enough to get me off..."

That reminds me, in a previous life I was stuck in Yu-Gi-Oh. I ended up having boners in some of the more dangerous duels. Like if I lost life points, I would slowly be lowered into a vat of acid or something. Good times.

"You're pretty fucked up in the head. And that's coming from me." He honestly stated.

"I know." I sighed with a facepalm.

I'd have to deal with this eventually.

"Alright since we're all here, let's get this meeting started." Zieg said as everyone gathered in the living room.

He looked around for a moment and noticed someone absent.

"Where's Slane?" he asked as the blue bipedal lizard man was missing.

"I remember him saying something about wanting to attend a comic con in America."

"Well hopefully he'll be fine by himself."


"Hm, this doesn't seem like America." Slane grumbled out, looking at the odd void-like surroundings.

*ROAR sfx* A powerful roar trembled through out the void as Slane noticed a collosal sized dragon above him.

"Ah, excuse me my fellow dragon! Would you happen to know which way to Comic con is?"


"He is not a child, he can handle himself." Draig said with assurance.

"He does tend to get sidetracked though." Albion stated with a frown.

"Well I suppose this isn't really an urgent announcement or anything. Well then let's begin." Zieg decided to begin without their blue lizard friend.

"Currently humanity's fate is unclear and the stars can no longer tell their destiny. I have a theory about that. This occured after the end of the last war, which means there is a high chance that the biblical god somehow used the power of humanity's fate to seal an enemy."

"What?! What sort of enemy would require something like that!?" Kokabiel was rightfully startled at the revelation.

"666 or Trihexa. A beast said to be on par with Ophis and Great Red."

"How sure are you of this?" Emiya asked with a frown. He had read up on the current world's hierarchy before. The strongest beings were undoubtedly the Infinite dragon, the dragon of dreams, and the beast of the apocalypse.

"The possibility of the biblical god using humanity's fate to power the seal? Roughly 60%. The beast being Trihexa? 100%"

With the confirmation of Ophis and Great Red's existence in recent times. Only Trihexa was left.

"So what do we have to do?" Raynare voiced the question out loud.

"We don't have to do anything." Zieg smirked, relaxing back in his seat.

"Currently Chaos Brigade is being 'sponsored' by Ophis. However she doesn't lead it. Instead it's made up of other smaller factions. A few of those factions are quite power hungry, enough that I have no doubt that they will turn on Ophis at some point. I have no doubt that this thirst for power will eventually lead them to releasing Trihexa on the world, thus breaking the seal for us."

"But wouldn't that cause untold damage to the world?" Kokabiel frowned in thought.

"What about the people living in it?" Emiya asked bluntly. If a beast like that were released, countless people would die.

"Indeed, it would. Which is why we will prepare for this moment. Before the time when Trihexa is undoubtedly released into the world, we must prepare this world for it." Zieg stated with conviction. No matter how strong he had become in recent times. He wouldn't be able to defend the world with just them. There was too much ground to cover.

"We don't have the power to save the entire world with just us. I don't believe in the notion of a savior. So we will prepare this world to save themselves, or at least pick up the slack."

He didn't believe there should be a thing as a hero saving the world, let alone a monster doing it. The people should learn to save themselves.

"Although I said that. I wasn't completely sure how I would go about preparing the world to save themselves." I muttered out with a frown.

It's a little frustrating. Having the goal in mind, but not knowing how to go about it.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out."

I turned to Raynare who was relaxing next to me on the couch, her feet rested on my lap. I really need to talk to her at some point, because this has been getting a bit awkward.

I'm just not used to having another person always in my personal space. Wait am I an introvert?

"I know you're used to laying down on the couch, but must you also rest your feet on my lap?" I deadpanned at her.

"Does it bother you?" She asked with a raised brow.

"How would you feel if I just decided to use your lap as a pillow?"

"I wouldn't mind." She shrugged.

"Of course you wouldn't." I facepalmed with a sigh.

I wonder if Slane's having fun at Comic con.


"Excuse me, by any chance do you know where Comic con is at?" Slane asked the short girl with blonde hair and empty red eyes.

"I doubt this child would know." A red haired man in a biker outfit grumbled next to him with a large map in his hands.

"Now now, She looks like the intelligent sort. Hello little girl, I am Slane the Winter Dragon! My compatriot and I are on a grand quest to find the legendary land of Comic con! Would you be willing to join us in our quest?"

The Blonde girl's empty eyes had a glint of life for a moment before vanishing as if they were never there. Instead of responding, she silently nodded her head once.

"Excellent, with the three of us. I have no doubt we will find this Comic con!"

*BOOM sfx* The door exploded as a bunch of vampires entered the room.



"Do you think they know where Comic con is?" Slane wondered out loud.

"I doubt it." The red haired biker man grunted.

Slane was still in search of Comic con