

Autor: tinnohuxl
Magical Realism
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Cerita ini dari KISAH NYATA seorang yang bernama " LISA "(nama samaran),dengan banyak masalah dihidupnya.Diantaranya foto porno yang tersebar disosmed ulah dari pacarnya ,orang tua yang tidak bersyukur punya anak seperti dia,ekonominya kacau,pergaulannya makin parah.Bahkan ia pernah diperkosa dan dianggap "PELAKOR". Beberapa tahun kemudian dia melaporkan dirinya sendiri kepolisi,dan memaksa polisi untuk memenjarakannya. "Kenapa banyak masalah dihidupku ..?apa ini juga karmaku yang sering menyakiti laki-laki brengsek??bukankah aku membantu mereka untuk cepat bertobat..?Kenapa hidupku terus bermasalah ,terlalu banyak ujian.....!!" Apakah Lisa akan bangkit maju menghadapi ujiannya? Atau mundur menghindarinya? Atau bahkan bunuh diri..? Setiap orang punya masalah,entah percintaan,ekonomi,keluarga,pendidikan,pergaulan.Yang membedakan cuma cara berpikirnya untuk mengatasi masalahnya.Ada yang maju menghadapinya,mundur menghindari,atau bunuh diri karena putus asa. *** Di rekomendasikan untuk orang tua yang kurang peka dengan anaknya,atau remaja yang galau,stress,yang pernah mengalaminya ,untuk kesadaran bangkit,atau yang belum mengalaminya untuk menjadikan pembelajaran masa depannya. **** Nama,tempat,peristiwa kejadian sengaja dirubah,untuk menghindari orang yang tersinggung didalamnya.Bagi yang kenal atau tahu dengan tokoh LISA,harap dirahasiakan ya.. Jika ada kesamaan,nama ,tempat dan tempat,mohon maaf lahir dan Bathin...

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There was a big fight between King Arthur and Agatha, which made his wife leave the kingdom of Aqua, along with the child in her womb. Not long after that hundreds of thousands of Shiners, tried to attack the Aqua Clan, blindly the entire population there without being left. King Arthur tried to stop the attack with all his might. However, that alone could not turn things around and instead, the Shiners Clan succeeded in occupying the entire Aqua kingdom. King Arthur and some of his loyal Servants, managed to escape to the Miracle Nation, in order to recover his seriously injured condition, and rebuild strength. Meanwhile on Earth, Alika Hester has grown into a beautiful teenager, liked by many men. At the age of eighteen, his existence on Earth had been known for a long time by the Shiners, who came from the planet Airraksa. A place that is far from Earth's area. They tried to kill Alika since she was seventeen years old to get Immortality, which was embedded in Alika's body. Evander Fire is one of the Clan Shiners, tasked with eliminating Alika. However, Blood managed to thwart each of these plans. Blood is a knight entrusted by King Arthur, to protect Alika and Agatha from the pursuit of the Shiners. Before Immortality is controlled by King Orion, then during that time Alika's life will continue to be in danger. Right at the age of eighteen, Alika felt her body possess a great power which, she could not control. Immortality had reached the peak of its power, leading to King Orion of the Shiners Clan ordering Evander to immediately kill Alika, seizing Immortality from the descendants of the Aqua Nation, just as they had previously planned. War between the Aqua Nation and the Shiners was no longer inevitable. Alika is unable to control the power of Immortality, this opportunity is used by the King of Orion to sneakily seize Immortality. However, the attempt was thwarted by Evander who was none other than his confidant. In the end, Evander was killed and made Blood angry. The two are known as Zeus and Venus, which makes Zeus (Blood) have to be injured, while reclaiming Immortality from the hands of King Orion. Alika's anger peaked. He couldn't see any more of his loved ones gone. Alika's great concern successfully activated Immortality. Immortality has chosen Alika as its new Master. The power generated was incredible, until finally King Orion was killed How's the full story?

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Legends Never Dies (The Twins Legends)

Do you believe in Reincarnation? Transmigration? If so, Did you ever wonder what you were like in your previous life? Did you ever wonder what kind of person are you? Were you a criminal, a successful one or just neet? In this novel, you will witness the life of two person who always carve their names in history wherever world they were tossed into. The life of a person who remember all the lives they live so far. They experience being royalty, a criminal, poor, wealthy, hero, loser and a genius. In there 12th life, they died as a hero and become a legend. They died as Wilhelmina, the Invincible Sword Saint and Teucer, The Bow Saint. In their 13th life, they died due to the unexpected event while doing their latest experiment, they died as a geniuses who change the world. As Blaize, The Genius Mathematician and Allisa, The Genius Scientists. These two people are bound by red string of faith. Once in their life, they were enemy, rival, frenemy, a friend, best friend, siblings, childhood friend but never a lover. They wonder why they never saw the other party as a romantic interest despite knowing each other all there lives but that doesnt matter. After for who knows how long. They finally got reborn again. In the world where they were twins. In a world where they will wrote a New Legends and a world where they met their lovers! Yes, lovers. They werent aware of it yet but they would make a harem full of beauties and Handsome Men. Join them as they start there light adventure in there 14th life! PS: I think this will focus more on GL than BL~

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Fated to the King of Death

"The only way to end this war is by breaking your curse," explained the priestess and the eye of the goddess. "You were born as an unfortunate child, and that's why we were cursed along with you." "You always make such absurd claims but never tell me how to lift this curse," Olive retorted, his frustration evident in his gritted teeth. "The solution to your question lies in a human girl, one born with the sun in her eyes," she stated, dropping her staff and she laid down on her chair. "You must find this girl and form a union with her." Olive frowned, thoroughly disgusted by the idea, and in his anger, he scoffed, "You quack! None of your past prophecies were accurate, and yet you still claim to be the eyes of the goddess?" His frustration mounting, he rose from his seat and approached the old priestess with seething rage. "I bet Father wouldn't mind if I snap your neck in half, I am cursed anyways, I don't see anything wrong with getting more curses." "How dare you suggest that a pure-blooded vampire prince, the pride of my clan, should mate with a weak and lowly human? Do you not realize how much I despise them? They are no better than cattle! You insolent witch!" As he reached out to grab her, he noticed something unusual – she was asleep. His doubtfulness grew. She had the audacity to fall asleep in the presence of her prince! This would be reason enough to end her life. But she was too still for slumber. Reluctantly, he tapped her, but there was no response. Then he checked her pulse, confirming his suspicion—she was, indeed, lifeless. Khalilah's fate took an unexpected turn when she was abducted and forcibly separated from her family to wed a mysterious man. Little did she know that he was more than just a deranged individual.

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