
Zenith: Fire Fox

a Huli JIng slave who was sold by her mother while still a baby, a girl who has been beaten and abused by her slaver would end up rescued in a foreign land and cared for by a man who she would later call father is given a new life to now decide herself

Phantom_8781 · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 Beginning

In the city's streets on the island of Mitsune in the nation of Taiyo, a young slave girl walks down the streets. The girl's neck had a leash, and a man held on to the handle. The girl had fiery red hair and red eyes. The clothes were ragged, torn, and she was weak. The man holding the leash was wearing an expensive black suit covered in golden dragons, showing off his high status in the nation of lóng zhī guó. The people watched in shock and horror, seeing this enslaved girl walking past them on the streets, but the foxtail and ears caught the people's attention the most. So whispers began to spread among the bystanders. They believe her to be a Kitsune magical being that could use powerful magic, but what they see at the moment is just a helpless fox girl, frail some bystanders look like they want to get involved but knows that this slaver wasn't any ordinary noble but a representative for the other nation and if any harm comes to him would mean war between both sides even those who will get involved had to be restrained by the others to prevent it, but this all didn't stop one man a Kitsune his hair is silver, with black tips he wears a white shirt and black jacket.

"how much for the girl !" the Kitsune shouts at the man. The Kitsune had a furious look in him as his silver eyes looked directly at the slaver. The slaver seems unimpressed with the Kitsune. The slaver smirked, "Do you think I would give this up with only money? You have another thing coming, and by the looks of it, you aren't even anything special, just a weak Kitsune this Huli Jing belongs to me and only me." as he says this, he pulls the leash up, carrying her off the ground and chocking the girl as she desperately holds on to the leashes trying to breathe. The people around them saw in horror the girl suffering, and the man his face showed the opposite. He had a psychotic smile.

"if anybody even touches me would be considered an act of aggression towards the mighty nation of lóng zhī guó " as he looked around the people showing the girls suffering, he was more of a psycho than a man of nobility. When this man looked at the Kitsune directly, he froze and let go of the leash. The girl falls to the floor unconscious from the lack of air, the slaver standing there like a statue looking up. The people looked at the Kitsune.

"like he said, if we touch him, then war, but I didn't touch him at all" the Kitsune ran towards the child, cut her leash open, and brought the girl to his home to nurse her back to health. The Kitsune lay her on the bed and gave her water. Then, he sat down on the bed, pondering what he had just done.

A few days have passed since the incident. The girl lies on a couch in the Kitsune's house, slowly regaining consciousness trying to teach her body to move again only thing she can do is only hear." you caused a lot of problems, Tenzo! The only reason why we aren't at war is that the man wasn't hurt. However, I have to pay a lot of money as compensation " A man wearing what looks like advanced samurai armor with some decorations on his helmet and the clan logo of a sakura flower on his shoulder pad was speaking to the white-haired Kitsune.

"I apologize, daimyo.... b-but I couldn't just stand there and watch her suffer." Tenzo looked the Daimyo straight in the eyes. The Daimyo could see the emotions running around in Tenzo's head.

"Tenzo, I understand how you feel, but please.... talk to me before doing anything reckless. " The Daimyo explained to him. When both men finished their conversation, the front door opened up a Kitsune woman came into the house. The woman had long, clear white hair flowing down to her shoulders, her eyes were silver, and wears a beautiful white Kimono.

"Yoshiko didn't know you were coming." The Daimyo was the first to say. Yoshiko responded, "I didn't know you were here as well, Daimyo. What brings you here?" he looked back at Tenzo. "I was just finished discussing things with him. Sorry if I'm interrupting you with anything," he bowed down before leaving.

Tenzo and Yoshiko look at one another. "So tell me what happened, Tenzo" Tenzo explained everything about the child he had rescued. "I understand now. I wouldn't be surprised that you are always the reckless fool you know."

"So, what do you plan to do now ?" she questions Tenzo about the little Huli Jing girl Tenzo looks at the room where the girl is resting. "I will take care of her from now on."

Yoshiko seemed concerned that Tenzo had never taken care of a child. Then suddenly, he decided to put himself in this position. Tenzo was aware of his risk. Even with his job as a samurai for the Daimyo, he still wishes to take care of the child. Yoshiko leaned on his shoulders "it's ok. If you're not sure what to do., I'll be there to help,"

Her words made the atmosphere smooth and calm as Tenzo took a deep breath. "Thank you, Yoshiko." he got up and headed towards the room where the girl was resting on a comfortable bed. It appeared the room was his bedroom as it had his set of armor. A rifle and katana were on the wall next to a closet with a flag of a snowflake with a fox in the center. It belongs to the clan he is a part. Tenzo sat on the bed as he looked down at the young girl and smiled. "I'm going to raise this child as my own and make sure she gets a normal life, a life she deserves" he smiled, feeling confident in himself. Yoshiko went up to him and hugged him "be the best you can, alright" she let go waving goodbye to Tenzo before leaving his house.

Tenzo sighed for a bit, smiling. Tenzo puts his hand on the girl's head. He turns to look outside the window and notices that it is getting dark he gets up and heads to the kitchen to make dinner. The girl could smell the delicious food as she actively tried to move her body. She rolled around and ended up falling off the edge of the bed, making a loud thud.

Tenzo ran in to check what had happened. He sees the girl on the floor. He quickly ran up to her and picked her up "hey, hey, you ok" he sat her down on the bed. The girl nodded at him. Tenzo smiled and patted her on the head. "You hungry ?" the girl looked at him. Suddenly a rumble from her stomach. He looked worried as the girl hadn't spoken once "cmon, let's go an eat" he held onto the girl's hand.

She felt warmth and comfort and felt safe around him, which caused tears to fall from her face. This was something she had never experienced in her entire life. Tenzo saw this and tried to comfort her, wiping away the tears as he gave a warm smile. Then, he brought the girl to his dining table and placed her on one chair as he placed hot meals on the table, one for him and one for her. The girl looked very hesitant to eat her food Tenzo noticed this "is there something wrong" he was concerned about her. She shook her head no.

Tenzo "hey, nobody is here to hurt you, and nobody here is going to force you anymore, you understand" His voice was soft and gentle as it would make the person feel warm and cared for. The girl looked at him though she wasn't smiling. She truly felt protected and was grateful for that. Tenzo could sense that. The girl slowly began to eat some of the food and was surprised about the food. She had never eaten anything like it. Her tail started to wag in enjoyment.

After a while, they both finished eating their meals Tenzo, "you like the meal ?" The girl felt satisfied after eating her meal. First, she rubbed her stomach as if she had never felt this full. Then, she laid back on the chair, never feeling so relaxed in a long time, causing her eyes to get slightly heavy as they tried to close on their own.

Tenzo realizes this and carries her to his bed. Then, making sure she was comfortable, he went to his living room and slept on his couch. He is trying to promise himself that he must protect this child.

The sun began to shine, and the light began to beam toward Tenzo's eyes. His eyes slowly opened as the first thing he saw was the sun. He quickly looked away to protect his sight. As he moved his body, he suddenly fell off the couch. Tenzo groans for a bit before getting up. He stretched while yawning loudly. He looked around before going to check on the girl. She saw her sleeping peacefully and comfortably on the bed as he looked inside the room. He smiled upon seeing her and headed to the shower.

In the middle of the shower, he could hear someone knocking on the front door. Tenzo in the showers shouted, "One sec!" he quickly got himself tried and dried himself up. However, his hair and tail were still fairly wet. He put on his pants and was in the middle of putting on his shirt when he opened his door to see Yoshiko standing in front of the door wearing her white Kimono.

"May I come in?" she asked kindly Tenzo was surprised that she arrived pretty early in the morning.

Sure, you can come in." Tenzo quickly got his shirt on and offered her the couch. Yoshiko sat on the sofa as Tenzo went to the kitchen to make coffee. As Yoshiko waited for Tenzo, the little girl was sticking her head out of the bedroom. She seemed scared to meet Yoshiko. Yoshiko noticed the shy girl and gave her a welcoming smile. She got up, walked up to her, and kneeled in front of her "hello there, little one," she said in a caring and welcoming voice. "you don't need to be afraid of me" she gave a welcoming smile the little girl slowly showed herself to Yoshiko there she pats her head. She gave off the aura of being kind and gentle. As if a lioness caressing her new cub. Firm yet lovingly. The girl came out of the room and got closer to her Tenzo was passing by holding two cups of coffee and saw the girl. He smiled, seeing the two gettings close. He put down the coffees on the table and coughed, catching the attention of the two.

"Coffee ready," he pointed at the coffees on the table. Yoshiko thanked Tenzo for the hospitality. Then, she looked at the girl.

"you wanna sit with us." Yoshiko offered the girl to sit with them on the couch. She nodded yes and followed Yoshiko to the sofa. The girl sat between Yoshiko and Tenzo.

"so... have you given her a name yet, Tenzo?" Yoshiko asked as she picked up her coffee. Tenzo looked at her. He focused more on watching over the child, so he forgot to ask for her name. Yoshiko, upon realizing this, sighed. She looked at the girl.

"Do you have a name ?" Yoshiko asked the girl, but she shook her head no. Even if she were given one, she wouldn't remember. Yoshiko felt saddened by this and got an idea.

"How about we give you a name." Yoshiko smiled as the girl was surprised by this and nodded yes Yoshiko and Tenzo began to discuss what name they should give her. Yoshiko said the name "Shizune," which caught the girl's attention. The two looked at one another and smiled.

"Im guessing that should be your name then... Shizune," Tenzo responded as he patted her head feeling excited but shortly after that, his expression changed from happy to serious as he looked at Yoshiko.

"There is something I need to ask you, Yoshiko... I cannot take care of her while im on duty, so I need your help to watch over her while im gone. Please can you do that for me" he held onto her hand, begging Yoshiko was surprised at this request. She took one look at Shizune and then looked back at Tenzo. She smiled.

"I will,"