
Zenin's Last Plan:

An adult from Earth is reincarnated into JJk with no knowledge and is forced into Zenin's desperate plan to finally kill Gojo.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime und Comics
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156 Chs

Chapter 151: Battling Of The Variety

" I will make you regret breaking that binding vow. We made Kenjaku! " 

Kenjaku could only scoff while looking up at Mute standing on the light pole, the two locked eyes before Kenjaku responded. " How will I regret something, I planned. " As soon as Kenjaku said this, Mute abruptly teleported in front of him, surprising him. " You planned your own death? How suicidal of you. " 

Kenjaku instantly dashed back gaining distance away from Mute coming to a sliding stop. His eyes darted around until he glanced at Uraume and spoke. " Go fight Kashimo and the comedian, I'll handle Mute. " Uraume nodded and was to turn her attention to Kashimo before abruptly Mute spoke while walking towards Kenjaku. " Don't go too far Uruame, this fight isn't going to last long. And after him, you're next. " 

Uraume eyes turned slightly annoyed at the cocky remark before Uraume looked over towards Kashimo and started to walk towards him, with their fists tightly balled. However, Kashimo wasn't looking at Uraume instead he was looking over Uruame's shoulder staring at Mute. He stared at the amount of curse energy pouring off Mute's body before he spoke asking a simple question. " Who is that? " Uraume stopped in their tracks and spoke while pointing their right hand forward. "An old ally of mine. Named Mute. But focus on me not him, if you don't, your death is only guaranteed. " 

Immediately after this, a surge of freezing ice sprouted foward hurling toward Kashimo, whose body instantly flickered and reappeared above the ice, Kashimo could only smirk and wave his hand firing a massive bolt of lightning at Uraume. 

As Kashimo and Uraume began their battle. And Kenjaku and Mute began theirs. Standing in the middle of it all... Was a stumped Takaba with a slightly disappointed look on his face. He let out a hefty sigh and spoke in a defeated voice. " They completely forgot about me. " Usually, Takaba would regain their attention by changing the battlefield, or creating a horrendous disaster but the previous comments made by Kenjaku affected Takaba's mental state. Making him unable to think of anything funny. All Takaba could do was watch the battles. Especially the one between Kenjaku and Mute.

Mute could be seen circling around Kenjaku, whose eyes were hyperfocused on Mute, till the point that his pupils shrunk, making sure that Mute couldn't leave his line of sight. Kenjaku watched as Mute walked casually until unexpectedly his body vanished and reappeared directly in front of Kenjaku throwing a lightning-fast punch. The punch sailed through the air until it slammed into Kenjaku's forearm. Kenjaku was barely able to block but still, the force of the punch sent his body hurling back. 

As his body flew through the air, a single thought ran through Kenjaku's mind. " He's fast, but it's not fast enough to make me worry. But if this drags on, this could get bad. " Kenjaku flipped and slammed his feet into the road coming to a screeching halt, as Mute remained motionless glaring at Kenjaku. 

He took a deep breath before hundreds of curses were created around him, shielding him from Mute's line of vision. All the curses were around second grade nothing threatening to Mute in the slightest. This raises the question, of what is Kenjaku's plan. Quite a simple one, to counter Mute insane speed, overwhelming his vision and limiting his ability to teleport. After all, Mute cannot shrink the distance to a place, that he cannot see. 

But... There was a fatal flaw in Kenjaku's plan. Mute oddly glanced into the sky, before abruptly his body materialized onto a massive green curse. Before his right arm blurred, and a massive hole appeared inside the curse, followed by the sound of a grunt. Mute's fist traveled through the curse and slammed into Kenjaku's chest, sending him hurling through a nearby skyscraper. 

The one thing Kenjaku didn't consider, was the newly added rule to the culling games created by Mute. The mini-map. When Mute looked up into the sky, he was looking at his Kogane which was broadcasting the mini-map that exclusives showed the amount of curse energy. Compared to the curses, Kenjaku's amount of energy was massive, telling Mute exactly where he was.

Inside the skyscraper, Kenjaku could be seen pushing himself off the ground while holding onto a metal filing cabinet. He was clearly still staggered, he could only take a single deep breath until Mute appeared inside the skyscraper leaning on a wooden table next to him. Kenjaku scoffed at Mute while spitting out blood.

The blood flew through the air until it collided with the floor, right when this happened, Mute appeared in front of Kenjaku throwing a punch that slammed into his chin, Kenjaku's body was sent flying back through the skyscraper, he flipped several times until he waves his hands creating a massive white dragon curse that flew towards the skyscraper. 

The spirit flowed through the air until abruptly its body froze, and Mute reappeared on the spirit's back, before he once again vanished and reappeared above Kenjaku with his fists tightly balled together, slamming a powerful strike that sent Kenjaku hurling towards a nearby street. However, right when, his body was about to collide with the ground, a knee slammed into his side sending him flying back into the air.

Kenjaku flew up into the sky in a daze until a curse stingray flew above him grabbing on his wrist, holding him up in the air. Blood dripped down Kenjaku's face, as he glared down at Mute who was below him, until a smirk appeared on his face, and the curse stingray holding him vanished. 

Mute looked at him confused until his eyes widened in shock, and he dashed back narrowly dodging Kenjaku's body which came crashing down at lightning speeds, completely shattering the street under them. Mute stumbled back unbalanced as he murmured to himself. " That was fast. Far too fast for Kenjaku. What the hell happened? " 

Before Mute could regain his composure, Kenjaku lunged at the crater, he created throwing a punch at Mute. Mute easily saw the punch coming and focused on Kenjaku's knuckles beginning to freeze the punch with his curse energy, until suddenly, his curse energy was pulled forward and the punch slipped through his guard slamming into Mute's chin, rocking his head back. 

Before Kenjaku slammed his foot into Mute's chest sending him sliding back. Right when, Mute slid to a stop, overwhelming gravity engulfed his body, causing his legs to buckle, as a crater formed underneath him. Kenjaku smirked and spoke while walking towards Mute.

" How do you like my curse technique, Mute? " 

" Gravity? So? What are you? A shitter version of Yuki? " Responded Mute, Kenjaku scoffed at the remark and pointed his palm forward while responding. 

" Tch, The difference between Yuki and I, is that she failed to kill you, and I will not. "...

Woosh Woosh Woosh

While, Kenjaku and Mute were locked into an intense battle, sitting on a colorful lawn chair next to a pile of stuffed animals with sunglasses on. Was Takaba who was playfully drinking a soda while watching Kashimo and Uraume battle each other. He let out a loud laugh and started to talk to the stuffed animals next to him. 

" Those two have been going at it for a while, haven't they? "An awkward silence, appeared after Takaba said this until he let out a loud sigh and spoke once more. " I hope they remember I'm here soon. It's getting quite boring. " 

Takaba slowly stood up from his lawn chair and glanced over toward Kashimo who narrowly avoided a massive shard of ice. This fight, for the most part, has been a complete stalemate. Uraume landed blows on Kashimo covering his body with ice, but before it could shatter, Kashimo's lightning melted the ice. 

Uraume let out an angry grunt and waved their hand preparing to fire a massive volley of ice at a charging Kashimo. However, before Uraume could create the ice, suddenly everyone's Koganes appeared next to them. And uttered an announcement. 

" The gamemaster has decided on your first task. Failure to complete this task will result in your curse technique being stripped away from your body. The task is quite simple, please leave the barrier within three minutes. Good luck! " As soon as, the Koganes said this, they morphed into a timer that began to count down from 180. Instantly, after hearing this, Kashimo looked over towards Takaba and shouted out. 

" Hey! You should teleport us outside the barrier. It would be quite funny to mess with the gamemaster, don't you think?! " Takaba grew quiet after hearing before he responded.

" I'm sorry. But for some reason, I don't find it funny. "...