
Chapter 2: Murderer

I woke up to smell of burnt incense, and chirping of birds. It was already morning; "What a strange dream", I thought. I tried to get up, when I noticed bandages on my arms. "What happened?" I asked myself. That's when I realized, it wasn't a dream. It happened; the huge fire, the explosion, my parents!! "NOOOOO!!" I got up, and run outside. There, I saw my house on fire. Again? I was confused. Shadows! Shadows on the window! My parents they're on the window; banging as hard as they could to escape. I run towards them, I tried to lift up the window sill so they could escape. But it was stuck, the notch was stuck. I banged and banged the glass panes to break it. But it was too thick; or was I too weak? I looked at my arms and saw the bandages burning; I couldn't feel pain. I paid no heed and started to look for something to break the panes. That's when I heard my sister said something I couldn't understand at first; she was burning. She will burn to death! I have to help her! "YOU KILLED US! YOU KILLED ME SISTER! YOU DID NOT HELP ME. YOU SAID YOU'LL ALWAYS BE THERE BESIDE ME. BUT YOU LEFT! YOU LEFT US BURNING!" Now it was loud and clear to ears. I was horrified, her expression was dark and her smile was crooked. "No, I will help you." I shouted. Then my mom said "You can't save us. YOU KILLED US." "YOU KILLED US" "YOU KILLED US" "YOU LEFT US TO BURN" "TO BURN" "MURDERER" They all chanted. My mind went hazy, these words kept of repeating and repeating. "No, I didn't know you were inside. Someone took me from the house. I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!!" I shouted while crying. After that, everything went black again, but those words was still there, playing, like a broken cassette tape, only I can hear.

The next thing I knew, I woke up again. This time, it was dark but the darkness was illuminated by a soft burning flame from a candle stick. A soft ragged hand was touching mine; it was warm. "What a nice sensation." I thought. I looked to my left, where the hand was, and I saw my grandmother. She was sleeping while sitting down. That's when it hit me, I had a nightmare again. It was always the same; That night. I really can't get over the fact that I did not die along with my family and now, its haunting me, over and over again. I remember I was sick in school, I pushed myself too hard. And at the end of the day, I fell down on the road and I know someone picked me up. Who was that? I don't know.

I patted my grandmother's hand to wake her up. Her eyelids started to open, and a soft smile greeted me. "How are you feeling, Clara?" she asked me. "I'm feeling better, GraMa." I answered. "You should go back to your room and lay down, GraMa. I bet your back is hurting from sitting down." I added. I was concerned about GraMa's health, she the only family I have now, well, except for "them" of course. "I'm fine, Darling. I'm as still strong as a horse." I laughed at her trying so hard to make me laugh, to make me feel better, to make me worry less for her. Oh how I love her and GranDad. "Okay, okay, Strong Horse GranMa. But really, Ma, you should also rest. It's been a long day for you. Thank you for taking care of me. I love you, Ma." I told her while I pat her arm. "I love you too, Clara. Are you really okay? You were having a nightmare again." she answered worriedly, the glee on her face was slowly dissipating. " "Yes, GranMa. I'm really fine." I assured her by pressing her hand. "Okay" she responded, although worry was still apparent on her expression. She leaned closer to me and gave me a kiss on the head. "Good night, Darling" "Good night, GraMa".

After my GranMa left, I called "them" to ask something that has been bothering me. "Millie, are you there?" no response. "Luka?" "Riley? please, don't play with me right now." I still got no answer. I sighed, maybe they're still in the other realm, I thought. I got up to sit outside for some fresh air. As soon as I opened the sliding door..."BOO!!" That frightened the soul out of me! "Millie!! What'd you that for?!!" she was laughing so hard, her pale face was almost giving hue. "Millie, I told you she is still recovering. Don't go around scaring sick people" Riley scolded Millie but the latter was still laughing her wits out. "How are you?" asked Luka. "I'm feeling better, thank you." I replied.

Luka, Riley, and Millie were ordinary people before their "big incident". They were once a happy family; Luka was a big time agent, Riley was a good housewife to Luka and a great mother to their 5 year old kid, Millie. Now, they are trapped in our world, waiting for their own time to depart. But inorder for them to go to the other place --- I think its called "Zion"; they were given a task; a task to help a human, a helpless human. Like myself. When I first met them, I got scared. Who wouldn't be, right? I mean, three actual ghosts were following you?! But anyway, I got used to them eventually, they were kind ghosts. They reminded me of my own family.