
Chapter 30: But when he kissed her, she didn't seem very anticipative.

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Chi Huan shook her head, lightly laughing, "I thought, after all, when she left, you were in great pain."

When she first pursued Mou Xigu, it was during the painful period after Mrs. Mo had separated him from Su Yabing. For a time, he even indulged in alcohol, his temperament cold and unpleasant.

Mou Xigu said indifferently, "But I can promise you that after the wedding, I won't have any contact with her, nor will there be other women. On this point, you don't have to worry."

"But you still haven't told me why you're in such a rush to move up the wedding date."

Mou Xigu looked into her clear black and white eyes, was silent for what seemed nearly a century, then his lips moved, and he said, "Once we're married, nothing will change."

Nothing will change means...

Chi Huan looked at his handsome, composed face, so in fact, he was still afraid he might waver, huh?

She nodded, "I accept this reason, after all, I can't give another woman the chance to steal my fiancé," her tone pausing slightly, her clear eyes smiling, "So, is Su Yabing able to move out from the apartment under your name now? Otherwise, if the paparazzi catch on, it wouldn't look good for anyone."

Mou Xigu's eyes and brows immediately darkened, a pressing chill rising, and the sudden change in atmosphere almost made the living room feel crowded.

For a moment, Chi Huan even thought he would erupt in anger.

But Mou Xigu didn't.

His voice was very low and deep, "That apartment is under my name, but it has been vacant for a long time. Yabing had nowhere to live, so I let her stay there temporarily," the man's eyes deep, "I haven't spent the night there, nor have I done anything with her that shouldn't have happened, and moreover, she's already not living there now."

Chi Huan bent her lips, "I believe you."

The man's dark eyes flickered, he asked with a laugh, "Do you really believe me?"

"I choose to believe you."

Choosing to believe...

Who Mou Xigu was, having navigated the business world for many years, how could he not detect the subtlety in those four words.

The evening sunset streamed in through the uncurtained glass window, the faint orange light falling on her body, like a halo tinged onto a movie scene, clean and beautiful.

Mou Xigu looked at her, his heart suddenly stirred, then he rose from the sofa and walked towards her, bracing his hands on either side of the sofa, looking down at her from above.

His voice was slightly hoarse, "That day at Wenhai Hotel, were you planning to give yourself to me?"

Chi Huan had not expected him to suddenly bring up this matter, unconsciously holding onto the pillow on the sofa, her head bowed, she mumbled ambivalently, "Um... I drank the wrong drink that day."

"Who drugged you?"

Chi Huan suddenly became nervous and a bit evasive in a way that couldn't be explained, "At the spa in the hotel, I accidentally drank someone else's drink... Mo Shiqian has already taught the person who drugged the drink a lesson."

Her eyes flickered, clearly lying.

But Mou Xigu didn't continue to question her, what he could think of was only that she had originally meant to drug him but accidentally drank it herself. Otherwise, with Mo Shiqian watching over her, how could such a thing happen.

Mou Xigu suddenly reached out, tilting her chin up, and with a warm breath, he asked, "So, are you willing to give yourself to me?"

Chi Huan looked at his face, enchantingly handsome, possibly because the distance was too close, her mind went blank for a moment, she almost gritted her teeth and said, "Of course... we're about to get married."

The man lifted her chin higher, then leaned down preparing to kiss her.

Chi Huan, with her eyes wide open, did not push him away or shyly close her eyes. Her pupils, utterly still, even seemed to be bracing for battle, her body extremely stiff, her hands clenched tightly on the sofa.


The crisp sound of the doorbell rang, and Mou Xigu was suddenly pushed away forcefully. By the time he realized what had happened, Chi Huan had already gotten up to answer the door, "The food delivery's here, I'll go open the door."

When her hand touched the doorknob, her pale, slender fingers even trembled slightly. Chi Huan took a deep breath before she opened the door.

Mou Xigu watched her back as she almost fled in disarray, the dark color in his deep, dark eyes growing even deeper. For a moment, he couldn't articulate his feelings, as if there was a sense of loss from a kiss not taken.

She had racked her brains to offer herself to him, but when he kissed her, she seemed not to be looking forward to it... even... repulsed? Afraid?

Or perhaps both.

The old servant of the Chi family, who brought her food, looked at her slightly pale face with concern and asked, "Miss, are you not feeling well?"

"It's nothing. Xigu is here, you can go back first." Chi Huan didn't let the servant enter, took the thermal box, closed the door, walked back to the sofa, placed the thermal box on the coffee table, "Xigu, have you eaten?"

He looked at her, his response unemotional, "No."

Her hand pressed on the thermal box, "I didn't know you were coming today... the servant only prepared food for me..."

Mou Xigu interrupted her, "How many days have you not gone out?"


"Can't you go out to eat with me?"

Chi Huan opened her mouth, wanting to agree, but her throat seemed to be blocked by something.

After a long while, she said lowly, looking down, "I don't want to go out today, you go ahead."

Was it playful indignation, Mou Xigu wondered while looking at her small face, his thoughts detached.

She hadn't sought him out these days, not a single phone call or message. Now even when he took the initiative to see her, she wasn't as enthusiastic as before, even turning down an invitation to share a meal.

But when his gaze fell on her slightly curled fingers, a new doubt arose in his eyes.

"Are you throwing a tantrum, Chi Huan?"

She looked up at him, "I'll come to see you tomorrow."

He continued to stare at her for a long while, "Alright, then I'll go back and not delay your meal."

Chi Huan's fingers relaxed, and her beautiful face finally showed the smile he recognized, "I'll see you out."

Mou Xigu hummed in acknowledgment, and the two walked towards the door, one in front of the other.

Downstairs at the apartment, the sunset had completely set, and the sky was in that state of not yet dark but no longer light.

Chi Huan watched as he opened the door to the driver's seat, then raised her hand and waved, "Drive safely, goodbye."

Just as she was about to step back, the man who was about to get into the car suddenly turned and faced her again, reaching out his arms and leaning down for a kiss.

Chi Huan was taken aback. She had not expected it and subconsciously turned her face away.

Mou Xigu's lips landed on her cheek.

The awkwardness, interrupted earlier by the doorbell, spread again, the sound of the wind blowing seemed especially clear.

In the end, Mou Xigu raised his hand, touched her head, "See you tomorrow."

She pulled out another smile, "Okay, see you tomorrow."

He got back into the car, the Lamborghini started, and then drove away, eventually disappearing from her sight.

The smile had vanished from Chi Huan's face. She brought her hand heavily to her head, and then slowly crouched down.

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