
Chapter 81: Undying Service

Note: I'm back with this. I'm trying to continue off from where I left off so don't expect anything great. Enjoy.




While Batman and his clone were having father-son bonding time, the real Sora was elsewhere. It wasn't that he didn't care about it but he had something of equal if not greater importance.

He walked leisurely in what was a remote and isolated area in Louisiana. Though it was supposed to be isolated, the large military looking base in the distance said otherwise.

As he got closer, the roof opened up as three fighter jets flew out into the sky and towards him.

'So much for a warm welcome.' He thought sardonically as a red color bled into his eyes.

Even with the airborne threat, he didn't stop his strides. His eyes caught a compartment of the jets opening up as missiles poked through.

Without any given signal, the missiles were immediately fired, speeding through the air towards him.

His hand shot out as the missiles stopped mid air, struggling to move due to the propulsion still being active.

He turned his attention to one of the jets, a powerful black flame bursting to life on the airborne vehicle. Widening his eyes a fraction, the flames grew, unnatural rising and wrapping the jet in its searing embrace.


He repeated the same process for the other two jets who were in the process of fleeing. With but a simple gesture, the missiles were turned around before he allowed them to freely shoot forward.


The missiles shot into the wall of the military base, exploding violently like they were made to. Their response was quick as even in the midst of the smoke and debris, numerous armed tanks rolled out of the new opening.

Sora only smirked at the sight. He had been digging up everything he could about Amanda Waller and her 'Suicide Squad' until he found this place.

While it was natural to assume that she operated out of Belle Reve, it was fully correct. There were no records of Funhouse or Ratcatcher in Belle Reve. There was also the fact that none of the inmates fit the description or capabilities of the masked man.

This was a secret facility funded from most of what was supposed to be part of Belle Reve's funds as well as more than a few threats to important figures in the world.

He was going to get Waller, one way or another. As the tanks headed towards him, they opened fire, his hand weaved through seals. 'Earth Style: Earth Wall!'

A large wall of earth erupted from the ground in front of him, blocking the bullets from the mounted machine guns.

With a quick hand seal, he sank into the ground, soon erupting in the middle of the tank formation and high into the air. His hands formed a seal as he took a deep breath.

'Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation!' A literal sea of flames shot out of his mouth, enveloping the gathered tanks as they attempted to shoot him down.

Using [Telekinesis] to keep himself in the air, his chakra pulsed as black flame burst to life in the sea of flames, spreading till it covered the entire space for a short time before he let it die down.

Slowly descending to the floor, he looked around him at the burnt and misshapen form of the tanks and the rotten smell of corpses emanating from them.

A man with short brown hair crawled from one of the tanks. Part of his lower half was gone but he was just barely alive. "W-why?"

"You wouldn't understand." Sora said before an explosion enveloped him.

At the destroyed entrance of the base, a man in blue spandex, white gloves and weird 'C' logo on his chest stood with a rocket launcher in his hands.

"I told you I could use a rocket launcher." He gloated to the older man in black rodent exterminator clothing beside him.

"Well that problem's taken care of." The other man said, causing the spandex wearing man to grin.

The moment was ruined by a lightning coated blade cutting the grinning man in half by his waist. The other man took a few steps back in fear as he stared at an unharmed Sora whose sharingan glared into him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sora's voice came from behind him, a powerful force impacting his neck as he lost consciousness.

'Ratcatcher huh?' He thought as he took out a scroll from his inventory, unfurling it to reveal it to be filled with sealing formulas.

He took out a piece of flesh from his inventory, placing it in the middle of the scroll and laying it flat on the floor. A thin line of blood rushed out of the flesh, traveling on the floor and splitting to make a large jutsu formula with Ratcatcher's unconscious form at the black center circle.

He formed hand seals as a dull light shone around the unconscious man. 'Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation'

A paper-like substance rose from the ground, sticking to Ratcatcher's body until it fully covered him, a bulky shape forming.

Sora ignored the sound of incoming enemies from behind him as the figure in front of him gained an appearance, cracked but hardened green skin, a large tail and reptilian features.

The reanimated figure in front of him was almost four times his size, with hardened spikes protruding from his forearms and exaggerated and powerful teeth.

The person he had reanimated was Killer Croc. He was far bigger than he usually was, his features taking a more grotesque and animalistic mutation.

Sora put up a telekinetic barrier around him and his summon, stopping the barrage of bullets that tried to pelt him. He took out a kunai with a tag attached to it, stabbing it into the back of Killer Croc's head, watching it sink in.

He smirked as he felt the connection form in his mind, turning to face the small army of soldiers and tanks around him.

"Waller, I know you can hear me." He spoke calmly but his voice still carried on around the base.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stand down boy." The voice of the woman in question came from the speakers.

"Are you really in a position to make demands? It's almost pathetic that you don't realize the situation. I'm sure you're acquainted with Mr Waylon Jones here." Sora said, gesturing to Killer Croc. "I may have made a few modifications but he's still the same man you once knew."

Before killing him, Sora had the brilliant idea to mutate him even further than he already was before killing him. It may have looked like a waste of resources to anyone who was present at the time but this was his true reason.

The reanimation jutsu brought the dead back to how they were in their last moments which meant that the mutations were present as well. Add the increased strength and to the infinite stamina and undying state he was currently in…

Sora let out a chuckle. "Waller, how does it feel to be the clown of your own story?"

The confused look on the visible soldiers only made it more amusing.

"Waylon, wreak havoc."

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