
You say I have to kill Kaguya?

In a strange turn of events, a young woman wakes up in an unfamiliar room, undergoing a perplexing physical transformation. As she grapples with her confusion, a mysterious message on a floating screen informs her that she is dead. Tasked with a seemingly impossible mission to kill someone named Otsutsuki Kaguya, she embarks on a journey to unravel the truth behind her predicament and find a way back to her own world.

Livice · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

"Finally, it's break time," Christine sighed, collapsing into a chair with exhaustion as she had spent the morning serving a never-ending stream of customers rushing to the cafe, desperate for their morning coffee fix or a quick breakfast.

"Hehe, well done, Christine. Here's a coffee for you," Sophie, her friend, and the owner, said with a grin.

"Sophie, I wish I were as rich as you," Christine replied wistfully.

"What? Don't exaggerate. It's my parents who are rich, not me," Sophie chuckled.

"Already beautiful and down to earth. But who opens a coffee shop in Manhattan just as a hobby?" Christine chuckled back.

"Anyway, today isn't the day for the announcement, right?" Sophie asked, raising an eyebrow mischievously.

Christine's body twitched involuntarily at the mention of the announcement, and just as her heart skipped a beat, her phone vibrated on the table. She felt a mixture of anxiety and hope. It had been a year since she graduated from high school, and due to financial constraints and family circumstances, Christine had opted for a gap year, working at Sophie's cafe while contemplating her future.

She glanced at Sophie, wondering what thoughts lay behind her friend's eyes.

"Come on, don't chicken out, Christine!" Sophie exclaimed, playfully smacking Christine's back.

"Ow!" Christine winced, but the unexpected jolt somehow injected her with a surge of determination.

"S-Sophie..." Christine stuttered, her eyes fixed on her phone's screen, her expression betraying something she hadn't intended to reveal.

Sophie's face froze when she caught a glimpse of Christine's phone. She ran toward her friend, her eyes locked onto the screen.

[Dear Christine,

We are delighted to inform you that your application for university admission has been accepted. Congratulations on this remarkable achievement.]

"Congratulations, dear Christine, on your acceptance!" Sophie exclaimed, unable to hold back her excitement.

"Oops~" Christine smirked, reveling in the success of fooling Sophie.

"You little sneak!" Sophie retaliated, tickling Christine's waist hard.


Sophie breathed a sigh of relief.

"You should go home and share the news with your family," Sophie suggested.

"Huh? What about the cafe?" Christine looked at Sophie incredulously, as if her friend had gone mad.

"Don't worry, I'll find someone to cover for you," Sophie reassured her.

"Sophie, if you were a guy, I'd marry you!" Christine exclaimed, pulling Sophie into a tight embrace and planting a kiss on her cheek. With that, Christine grabbed her bag, and rushed out of the cafe as the doorbell chimed, leaving Sophie with a bemused expression.

"Sigh..." Sophie sighed, knowing Christine's endearing combination of clumsiness and hard work. Worried about her impulsive friend, Sophie half-opened the cafe door and watched as Christine dashed away in her sneakers.

"Phew! I was afraid she wouldn't stop at the red light," Sophie muttered to herself, observing Christine's struggle to contain her impatience, her long hair swaying with each impatient stamp of her foot. Sophie found it utterly adorable.

"Come on..." Christine murmured, eyeing the red light. After what seemed like an eternity, it finally turned green.

"Great!" Christine exclaimed with a radiant smile, thrilled to see the green light. She darted across the street, urging others to watch out, as a distant scream reached her ears. Tires screeched and engines roared, approaching from behind. Christine's eyes widened as she turned to face the commotion. A Bugatti was attempting to stop, but deep down, she knew it was impossible.


"I'm sorry, Hime-sama, but I need to change your clothes," the voice pleaded.

"No..." I replied, my voice sounding strangely childlike.

Moreover, it wasn't the language I was accustomed to speaking. It had been three days since I died, and now I found myself trapped in a fictional story. It felt like a dream, but one that was painfully real. Perhaps that quote about dreams feeling real was onto something.

"I've told you before, I can do it myself," I insisted, my voice firm and cold, a tone that had never crossed their minds when envisioning this gentle princess, the words coming out of a girl they never expected, the annoyance in my narrowed eyes made them quickly avert their gaze.

"Y-Yes, Hime-sama," they replied, bowing their heads and leaving my room.

But I could sense their confusion, their silent questioning of whether I was the same person they knew.

I understood why.

But this is just too much, isn't it?

"Huh..." I sighed heavily, crawling out of bed and making my way to the mirror. The reflection revealed a girl with dark-blue hair, but her eyes appeared unusual with their white color. It wasn't blindness; it was something special—I could see.

"Byakugan..." I whispered, recognizing the eyes that would make this girl beautiful and formidable in the future.

Even though I now inhabited this girl's body, I couldn't help but resent it. I had become the girl with the most coveted eyes. I could already envision crazy people's reactions like, 'Holy shit, Jackpot! Gimmedat!'

"This world is cruel," I muttered, a world where wars and conflicts never ceased, even when there was peace.

The enemy didn't care whether you were a man or a woman; here, gender equality prevailed. The world I used to inhabit was merely a story in manga and anime, something I watched reluctantly because of my younger sister.

"Haha, being poor meant I had to give in to my sister's choices, but I ended up getting hooked myself," I chuckled wryly.

And just when I was having a profound monologue, a notification shattered the moment.

[Objective: Eliminate Otsutsuki Kaguya with your own hands.]

[Reward: Return to your world with a wish granted.]

Fuck, you ruined my deep moment.

I don't understand the scientific phenomenon that brought me here, but to put it simply, I died and reincarnated as an eleven-year-old girl named Hyuga Hinata from the story called Naruto.


"Father, what happened to Nee-chan?" Hanabi's eyes widened in surprise and confusion. It was as if she were looking at a completely different person.

Hiashi maintained his cold expression, trying to hide the turmoil within. However, he couldn't ignore the drastic change in his eldest daughter. Memories of their intense training sessions resurfaced in his mind. He remembered a time when he accidentally struck her too hard.

'Hinata... she had changed, hadn't she?' The harsh reality they lived in.

As a member of the prestigious Hyuga main family, there was no room for weakness.

While both Hanabi and Hiashi observed Hinata, they were oblivious to her true focus.

Unbeknownst to them, she was fixated on a floating blue screen in front of her, displaying exclusive information.

"I have no choice but to accept my current situation. Bemoaning it won't change a thing,"

Hinata muttered under her breath, her fists clenched tightly. However, her trembling shoulders betrayed her true fear.

[Objective: Eliminate Otsutsuki Kaguya with your own hands.]

[Reward: Return to your world with a wish granted.]

Wasn't that asking too much?

Christine remembered the epic finale of the Naruto series, where Kaguya's fate was sealed. She couldn't understand why a god-like being could be smacked so easily by a mere shinobi like Sakura.

But now, the tables had turned.

Instead of sealing Kaguya, Christine had to kill her.

The weight of the task was immense.

"If it weren't for my little sister, I probably wouldn't know a thing about the Naruto canon plot. I've only watched the series and missed out on 'Naruto: The Last' movie. I haven't seen Boruto either, but fortunately, I've read the manga up until the fight against Jigen."

Pulling out a small book, Christine quickly jotted down future events.

"I'm not Hinata; I'm Christine..." she whispered, letting the words sink deep into her heart.

She needed to stay strong and not lose herself in this world she despised.

Her ultimate goal was to return to her original world, fulfilling that "wish" she held dear.

Christine had no idea what had happened to Hinata.

Did she die? When she arrived in this unfamiliar world, she couldn't recall any of Hinata's memories or abilities, except her fluency in Japanese.

Somewhere deep inside, she felt a tinge of guilt.

This sudden displacement felt like shit; it was not something out of a fiction novel involving conversations with gods.

However, Hinata, as she now called herself, was determined to move forward.

She knew she had a year to adapt and train before the canon plot kicked in.

Aware of her weaknesses, she couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and confusion when the system delivered its message.

[Turning Point Event: Christine accepts her fate!]

[Reward: 3 Achievement Points]

"Eh?" Christine mumbled, trying to process the information.

So, that's how it works, she thought.

Pushing aside her musings, she silently addressed the system in her mind. She didn't want to voice her thoughts aloud, as someone would surely give her suspicious looks.

[Name: Hyuga Hinata]

[Level: Academy]

[Title: None]

[HP: 100/100]

[Chakras: 100/100]

[Fatigue: 35] (A/N: Lack of sleep is a given, considering the messed-up situation! LOL!)



[Strength: 1 (F)]

[Agility: 0.9 (F)]

[Sense: 1 (F)]

[Stamina: 1 (F)]

[Intelligence: 0.9 (F)]


[Passive Skills]

[Byakugan (F)]

[Chakra Control (F)]

[Chakra Manipulation (F)]

[Lightning (Locked)]

[Water (Locked)]


[Active Skills]

[Sprints (F)]

[Stalking (E)]


[Achievement Points: 3]

As Christine gazed at the system screen, a wry smile spread across her face. She couldn't help but chuckle at her predicament.

Defeating an Otsutsuki? Lol! She'd be lucky if she could fend off an average non-shinobi adult.

Glancing at her lackluster stats, she couldn't help but sigh.

To be more precise, these numbers reflected the abilities of a 19-year-old girl named Christine, not Hyuga Hinata.

"I bet Hinata's stats are way stronger than mine," Christine mused aloud, fully aware of the cold treatment her counterpart received from her family. Despite that, Hinata had persevered in her shinobi training and was likely miles ahead of Christine physically.

And then the daily quest popped up on the screen, mocking her with its relentless demands.

[Daily Quest: Saitama Workout]

[Pushups: 0/100]

[Sit-ups: 0/100]

[Squats: 0/100]

[Run: 0/10 Kilometers]


After three grueling days, Christine finally mustered the energy to utter that exasperated expletive.



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