

Tears rolled down Eryna’s eyes as she shouted at Reyna, it was a heart-wrenching moment for Eryna because the pain of losing someone was witnessed by her so many times, that she knew that the news of Renya’s death would be the end of her too.

“I am sorry! I thought you didn’t love me anymore, I thought you would leave me like a mother. I thought you would treat me the same—just like father,”

“You silly! You and Simba are the only ones left for me, I would never abandon you,”

She lightly scolded Renya.

“What will happen now? What will father say about my actions? Will he cancel the wedding?” Renya weakly spoke.

“He won’t say anything, and nothing will happen to you, now that I am here I will protect you,”

Eryna caressed her head and spoke protectively.

“What do you mean by that? Did father cancel the wedding?” Renya’s face brightened up.

“No, he didn’t cancel the wedding,”

Eryna leisurely replied.

“Then?” Renya trembled.

“Renya Scott got married to Micah Luis today, so you have nothing to worry about anymore.”

“Ha, stop joking around, how can I marry him when I am still in the hospital—“

Renya’s eyes opened in horror.

Eryna stood with an unchanging expression.

“You—you did not! Tell me you didn’t do it!” Renya shuttered and her hands trembled,

“Rest early, I have to go back before someone gets suspicious, Simba will come to visit you with his nanny. Be sure to go home with them,”

“Eryna! Stop! Tell me what have you done?!”

Eryna stepped away from the bed.

“Stop right there! Tell me what happened!”

Her sour voice echoed in the room as Eryna left.


The clock was already past twelve when the butler glanced at it, he twisted his fingers nervously as he paced around the hallway, his eyes glued to the main door. Eryna hadn’t returned yet.

“Uncle Shaun?”

It was Micah, who spoke with his usual cold voice that made the butler jump in surprise.

He turned around to see Micah, who had an empty glass in his hand.

“Y-yes Master? Do you want something?” His voice trembled.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at your quarters?” Michal frowned, as he spoke with a dissatisfied tone.

“That-I” he averted his gaze from Micah and looked here and there to find an excuse.

“Where is that woman?” Micah shot him with another question.


The butler was confused.

“Oh, you mean Miss Renya? She-She is in the guest room,”

The butler took a huge leap and lied to his monstrous master.

“Hmm…” Micah’s face was still frowning but he slightly gave a nod and stepped away.


Through the open door, the sound of a car stopping came Micah who had turned around to leave, glanced at the open door and then glared at the butler.

“It must be the driver!” The butler spoke before Micah asked, which caused him to feel suspicious.

“Driver? Do you know the time? It’s past midnight, what is he doing with the car at this time of night.”

He walked towards the door in his casual clothes. The air outside was cold,

Micah looked around to see who it was, and not far away from the main door, he saw his car parked which was not supposed to be there for a very obvious reason.

“Uncle Shaun! “

Micah’s voice trembled with anger, he looked at The butler while clenching his teeth.

“Did someone drive my car?”

One of the many things Micah hated was when someone used his things,

“No,” He replied with a stiff face.

“Where is that woman?”

“I told you that she was in her room,” The butler pressed on his words.

“Okay then let me check it by myself.”

“But-But…” the butler stood in the way.

“You are fired if you dare to speak one more word.”

The butler who tried to stop him from going towards the guest room was threatened with his job.

He stepped aside with a sad expression.

‘Sorry Miss. Renya I couldn’t protect you,’

The butler thought to himself as he followed Micah, He felt sorry for her because it was her first day in the mansion and she had to suffer the wrath of the monstrous Micah.

Micah was so confident that Renya’s room was empty that he bragged in without a knock,


“Ahhh, You pervert! Close the door,”

Micah who was holding onto the doorknob while he was a step into the room saw her standing bedside by the bed with a towel wrapped around her body. Her face was flushed and she jumped in surprise because of Micah’s sudden intrusion.

“You...you are in here? but-” He had an odd expression on his face as if he didn’t trust his eyes.

“Get out! I am changing,” Eryna shouted in embarrassment.

The butler who was behind Micah was surprised when he heard the female voice coming from the inside.


The butler was in a state of shock when he remembered something that Eryna had said before she went out.

‘Just outside Micah’s room Eryna and the Butler whispered to each other,

“I might not come home early, so in case if something goes wrong please just keep the window to the room open,”


“Shh...don’t panic just keep it open, and leave the rest to me,”

In a short period, Eryna and the butler had bonded with each other, and for some reason, the butler was acting oddly friendly towards her.

“I...i “

“Get out,”


Eryna pushed him out of the room and slammed the door on his face.

Micah stood like a stone statue staring at the wooden door, his face was flushed and his expression was embarrassed

“I did try to stop you…”

The butler mumbled as he tried to suppress his laughter.

Micah turned around and walked away with lightning speed. His ear was red and he clasped his mouth with his hand while leaving in embarrassment.

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