
Chapter 1: Thoughts

It's a beautiful day in mid-June. You're in your bedroom, while doing your homework. Truly, it's also your brother's bedroom, but that ungrateful wasn't there. He went to that wonderful school... The school of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Hogwarts. Without even thinking about you. "you're a wizard, Harry", the giant told him, that damn night. And in a few days, he was gone. Oh, surely he's made many friends, there, while you're working a lot at the Dursleys' house. Now that it comes to your mind, one of the few things Harry had told you was:

- it's only one year, sis. Only one year. -

Only one year, he said. But in that moment he was getting on the train. You instead were the one who had to stay.

However, at least Harry had written you some letters. One of them said that the boy you two had known in Diagon Alley wasn't kind or intelligent at all. Now you remember: the boy you had met had blonde hair, and, like your brother, was trying a uniform (probably a Hogwarts one). That's true, you can't regret he didn't seem the best person in the world, but he didn't even look that bad. From the first moment, Harry told you in his opinion that boy wasn't a person to trust. You, instead, as usual, thought you could trust him; you had only to know him better.

A few minutes later, you're looking at Hedwig, the only mean of communication between you and your brother. Then you look at the mirror, and you see your reflection: your dark red hair are a bit too long, you may ask Aunt Petunia to cut them. You also see your clothes, which today are the old Dudley's T-shirt (the one with the teddy bear.. Simply awful), huge for you, and Harry's old jeans (but before they were Dudley's). The only thing which wasn't too big for you, was your belt. Aunt Petunia let you buy it because you had won the school's competition. To be precise, it was a science competition.

You were good at science. You were the best at science. Harry... No, he wasn't. He was the best at P.E. And, from what he had told you by letter, he was very good at Quidditch, too. You didn't know what the hell Quidditch could be. You had supposed it may be a sport students practice at Hogwarts, but you're not sure, because when you asked your brother what it was, he answered:

- I won't tell you. I don't wanna ruin you the surprise. But, believe me, it's fantastic. -

Basically, the only thing you knew about Hogwarts, was that you had to receive your letter when you were turned 11; less than a month...