
Your Boyfriend

Redakteur: Henyee Translations

Agitated, Peach's father climbed back into the bed and mumbled, "This habit had developed from a young age. What will happen when she grows older?"

"Let's talk about it when she grows up." Peach's mother was not worried at all. She continued, "Besides, Chenchen is our son-in-law."

"As the saying goes, 'Life springs from sorrow and calamity, death comes from ease and pleasure.' Who knows for sure if he will be our son-in-law in the future. What if he falls in love with another girl and runs away with her instead?"

"Don't worry, that won't happen. Even though he is usually nonchalant and seems like he can't be bothered with Peach, he actually cares about Peach more than anyone else. He just doesn't show it." Peach's mother yawned, her voice slowly decreasing in volume.

Peach's father solemnly declared, "Even so, this shouldn't be taken lightly!"

"Umm… Umm…" Peach's mother's breathing became increasingly even.

Peach enrolled in the extracurricular dance class. Her dance teacher was a beautiful female teacher with fair skin, big eyes and long black hair that was put up in a lovely bun. Her walking posture was gentle and elegant.

The students in the dance class particularly liked their teacher. All of them affectionately called her "Pretty Sister".

When Pretty Sister went to teach the first lesson, she took a fancy to Peach at first glance.


The reason being that Peach had fair and soft skin, with rosy cheeks. Coupled with a round face, Peach really looked like a delicious honey peach.

However, without Shen Mochen next to her, Peach reverted back to her devilish self. She was lively and active, without a moment of rest.

During the first lesson of the dance class, the students had to practise standing posture. As the beautiful teacher demonstrated what a T-step was in front of the entire classroom, she explained to the students that their backs should be straight, with their head raised, chest stuck out, belly sucked in, and their eyes should be facing straight ahead.

At first, Peach found it novel and did what the teacher said, but she began to feel bored after a few minutes. The dancers on television appeared so elegant and graceful with their dancing, spinning, kicking, jumping. Why should she have to stand here foolishly?

Hence, amongst the group of children standing upright, Pretty Sister immediately spotted Peach looking around and twisting her body restlessly.

"Student Peach Su, stay back after class. You can go home only after you are able to master the proper standing position." Although Pretty Sister was beautiful and gentle, she was prudent in her teaching.

Peach's face fell. This could not be happening. She was too restless to stand properly.

After the dance class, the other children all left in a hurry. Peach was left to stand alone, helplessly watching as Pretty Sister patted parts of her body.

"Raise your head higher. Your eyes should look straight ahead. Straighten your shoulders and hold your belly in! Suck your belly in!" Pretty Sister instructed as she reached out to touch Peach's belly, only to find out that it was not possible for her to hold it in. It was all soft fats around her belly.

"My dear, how many meals did you have at noon that the food has not been digested till now?" Pretty Sister asked, not knowing whether to laugh or cry in this situation.

Peach stuck her tongue out mischievously. When she turned her head, she saw that Shen Mochen, who had finished art class, was frowning at her while standing at the doorway of the dance classroom.

Pretty Sister followed her gaze towards the door of the classroom, and saw a handsome little boy standing there, a pair of clear eyes looking at Peach in the classroom.

"Your boyfriend?" Pretty Sister asked as she looked down at Peach who looked childish.