
Let's Move House

Redakteur: Henyee Translations

Although Shen Mochen was not scowling, his shocked expression coupled with his blush would become the object of their teasing for years to come.

During the winter vacation this year, He Yue and Peach's mother took the two children to buy new clothes for the New Year.

While they were enjoying themselves in the mall, someone handed them a leaflet.

Peach's mother took it as she walked past. Without even looking at it, she passed it to Peach to let her handle it.

Peach curiously looked at the leaflet that was of good quality. The leaflet featured a real estate known as 'The Waterfront Garden'. A row of small beautiful villas complete with gardens, waterfalls, bridges and greenery was printed on the leaflet. It was absolutely stunning.

Raising her head, Peach tugged on her mother's clothes. Looking at her mother with a gaze of anticipation, Peach said, "Mom, this house is so much more beautiful than the compound we live in."

Curious, He Yue came closer to them and took the leaflet from Peach to take a look. She then rapidly nodded in approval, "Not bad, not bad at all! It's beautiful!"

He Yue's praise aroused Peach's mother's interest who then studied the leaflet carefully. Immediately, she patted her thigh and exclaimed, "Beautiful! Let's go take a look!"

Shen Mochen looked at the women speechlessly. They were giving him a headache. He thought, "The saying 'Only small-minded men and women are hard to deal with' is indeed true."

"Stop staring into space, let's go!" He Yue grabbed Shen Mochen's hand and followed closely after Peach's mother as they headed out of the mall.

That night, the two women went back to their respective homes to look for their husbands. They hyped up the neighborhood, and adopted various threats and promises to express their determination in buying a new house together.

Professor Shen looked at his wife with a headache. What he was thinking then was the same as what Shen Mochen thought that afternoon, "Only small-minded men and women are hard to deal with."

"What do you think, dear? These attached villas are great aren't they? If we buy the villas together with Peach's family, the two children will be able to live next to each other again," He Yue proposed as she looked at him with a charming smile.

"Don't we already live together now?"

"It's different. Look at this neighborhood and how fantastic the environment is!"

"We have a large yard. This villa doesn't even have a yard."

"Enough gibberish. Let me ask you, after Chenchen gets married, where will he and Peach stay?


"Do you intend to let your grandchild crowd with us in this shared compound?"


"Look, if we buy the attached villas, after the children get married in future, we can live with Peach's parents in one, and the two children can stay in the other one. It'll be wonderful!"


"Anyway, we will have to buy a house sooner or later. Rather than buy later, we should buy it now. What if house prices inflate in the future?" He Yue chattered to her husband about her vision of the perfect future, completely disregarding the fact that Shen Mochen was only twelve years old. She had already made plans for when he turned twenty one.

On this point, He Yue indeed had good foresight. Five years after they bought the house in that neighborhood, the house prices in their neighborhood skyrocketed from 2,000 Yuan per square meter to 20,000 Yuan per square meter.

That winter vacation, after careful selection, Peach's and Shen Mochen's family finally selected two attached villas in the southeast corner of the neighbourhood. Not far from their door was a wisteria promenade, and a little further north, there was a small bridge with flowing water beneath it, a gazebo and other other beautiful scenery.