
You (Phoenix Harmony Series #1)

Malkiel fell in love with Serenity at first sight. He did everything for her and yet Serenity's heart belonged to her first love, Jace. Will Malkiel ever get the chance to be with his first love?

XycieMae16 · Teenager
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29 Chs

Chapter 7

One thing he knew was that this heartbreak wouldn't go away but neither was his feelings for Serenity. He still felt the need to get closer to her even though he knew that there was no more hope for him.

Maybe he was a masochist but it was his first and he didn't really have any idea on what love and heartbreaks are or how one should handle them. It gave him a headache for days before he finally could get an answer.

So, Malkiel with all of his power decided to ignore both feelings and live at the moment to focus on his music.

"Okay, that's a wrap"

"Oohh Malkiel didn't do any improvisation today"

"Well, he better not do it at the gig tomorrow"

Malkiel laughed it off and gazed at Serenity. She was now jotting down at the music sheet that she had.

He did say that he would ignore it for now, but he was happy at least that he could get to see Serenity every day. He acted like how he always was around Serenity and ignored the pain when she was beside him.

That was the best choice he could make.

"By the way, are you sure it's alright for you guys to perform at the gig tomorrow?"

"Galene relax, Drys said that he had another song planned didn't he?"

Malkiel stared at Drystan, yesterday they were talking about which song they should do for the competition. Drystan already has multiple songs lined up but he couldn't pick one yet.

He insisted that none of those songs were fit for the competition, so he said that he wanted to create one more.

When the group asked him about the theme, he only answered briefly.

"Love, that's your final theme?"

The tone of Galene's voice made Serenity look up. She glanced at Quincey who was busy tapping on her phone while staring at the group up front.

"Is there a problem?"

Drystan raised his eyebrow and Serenity was almost certain that the two would start arguing again but then she saw how Galene glanced at Malkiel before letting out a sigh.

"No, just make sure you finish it early so the group can practice it"

Everyone's eyes widened while Quincey let out a chuckle.

For almost two months that they had known each other, this might be the first time that they saw Galene back down against an argument.

Serenity knew she wasn't sharp-witted but these past few days, she had caught Galene staring at Malkiel almost every day.

So when the practice ended and they had said their goodbyes, as Galene, Quincey, and Serenity walked home, she asked the question that she had been bugging her.

"Galene, do you like Malkiel?"

Quincey and Galene stared at Serenity with eyes wide open. It didn't even take Quincey a second before she burst laughing.

"Whatever are you talking about?"

Galene only stared at Serenity which made the lass rethink her question.

"I meant like in a romantic way. He's nice and cute so I'm sure he'll be perfect for you"

"Oh my gosh"

"Can I kill you right now?"

Quincey laughed louder as she tapped Galene who was now annoyed on the shoulders.

"How could you even tell whether Galene liked Malkiel or not?"

Serenity gave them a shrug before she continued walking.

"I could see Galene staring at Malkiel more often these days. Besides, the two of you look like you'll hit it off"

"Ha~ I really wanna strangle her, QUINCEY!!"

Quincey decided to walk in between the two while controlling her laughter.

"Galene doesn't like him, she's worried about him, we heard he got his heart broken"

This made Serenity stare at them. She didn't know about this. Malkiel was his usual self around her, so she certainly couldn't fathom that he was suffering from something like that.

"Then, the song that they wanted to do for the competition"

"It's probably made for Malkiel"

"So, Galene, you don't like him?"

"Are you kidding me? I treat Malkiel like a younger brother you know, nothing more, nothing less."

For a moment, Serenity felt rather relieved to hear Galene say that. Her eyes widened when she realized that she felt relieved to know that Galene didn't like Malkiel romantically.

But why? Why the sudden rush of relief?

"Anyway, the best we can do is cheer them on tomorrow."

"Well, they'll do well I bet. It is Drystan's song after all"

"Ahh that reminds me, Jace asked if he could come tomorrow"

Both Galene and Quincey turned their heads towards Serenity.


"He said he wanted to meet the guys"

Galene and Quincey just looked at each other which made Serenity fidget. She knew that her friends didn't particularly like her boyfriend and it was justifiable.

Her boyfriend wasn't a perfect guy after all, but she still hoped that he could at least get along with her friends.

She was and is still in love with him so she wanted the people around her to accept him too.

"You don't need permission from us for this kind of thing, Serenity. Just do what you want to do"

Quincey stated bluntly before she held Galene and Serenity's hand to urge them to continue walking.

Somehow Serenity felt sad, no matter what she did, Quincey and Galene could never like Jace but they were civil enough to not meddle with her relationship. That's the very reason why she cannot be angry at her friends or question them.