

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs


Violla felt slightly uneasy. So far, she was thankful for the part-time jobs Faith offered her. Hence, she never inquired about the specifics.

It had been a long time since Violla saw Barbra. Truth be told, there wasn't much conflict between them, but Barbra held a grudge against her. And she had become extremely hostile toward Violla because of Franklin.

Thus, Violla was disinclined to have any interactions with her.

Little did she know that she would run into her there. Luckily, Violla had the foresight to wear a mask during her performance, so as to avoid unwanted trouble. All she could hope was that Barbra wouldn't recognize her.

Before she could dwell on it, Faith cued her from backstage, leaving her no choice but to begin playing.

Below the stage, many influential figures stepped forward to greet Barbra, who enjoyed being the center of attention.

Violla's performance garnered some attention and several guests asked Barbra where she hired that pianist who possessed such extraordinary piano skills.

Barbra didn't take it seriously as she treated their inquiries as a compliment.

Soon, the male host of the banquet made an appearance. Barbra personally welcomed him and introduced him to all the guests. "This is my boyfriend, Franklin Stanley. We hope to receive everyone's guidance and support."

Violla turned her head to cast a brief glance, her hands on the piano slowing down slightly.

'Franklin? I can't believe it! He has just divorced Leila for slightly over a month, but he's publicly together with Barbra already?'

Franklin used to be the cherished love of her life, a refined and flawless man. However, his image in her heart was completely ruined at that moment.

Four years ago, he had abandoned her for the sake of his own future and family interests, then married Leila on a whim.

Four years later, he failed to manage his family well and had an affair, which led to the breakdown of his marriage and hammered his career.

And now, he got involved with Barbra for some inexplicable reason.

His irresponsible character would only make him sail deeper off the edge and reach the point of no return.

Violla was utterly disappointed in him.

However, this was his own choice to make and she had no right to interfere.

Violla withdrew her gaze and continued playing the piano.

"The music is quite good." Franklin instantly took notice of the pianist on stage.

"Well, of course." Barbra held onto Franklin's arm intimately and proudly stated, "I spent a lot of time and effort on the banquet's preparation."

"You did a great job." Franklin gently kissed her forehead.

The two of them resembled newlyweds with how intimate they were with each other and several guests came forward to congratulate them.

Barbra introduced Franklin to each guest, trying her best to pave the way for him and offer him new business opportunities. Hence, she announced that the Black family would be collaborating with the Stanley family on a development project.

That piece of information piqued the interests of many guests. Hence, they exchanged contacts with Franklin and agreed to cooperate in the future.

There were also a small number of guests that started a private discussion, whispering among themselves.

"The Blacks' business is growing rapidly. Miss Black is a woman from a wealthy background who has both looks and talent. Why did she fall for a down and out man like Franklin Stanley?"

"I don't get it either. Stanleys Group is going downhill. If it wasn't for the Blacks' support, it would've gone bankrupt by now."

"Not only that, Franklin has as a bad reputation as well. Four years ago, he trimmed his sails back when the Milan family went bankrupt and broke off the engagement with his childhood sweetheart cum fiancee. Four years later, he divorced his wife and is now leeching off the Blacks. A shameless person like him doesn't deserve to be a son-in-law of the Black family."

"Miss Black is young, so she might be fooled easily, but her father should've advised her against it. How could he leave his daughter unchecked?"

"Perhaps Miss. Black is doing it behind his back."

"We came here today out of respect for the Blacks, but it turns out that Miss Black's only purpose is to promote Stanley. I'm going to leave soon."

"I received another piece of insider information." One of the guests cupped his mouth and whispered, "I heard the Stanleys offended the Romans Group and was blacklisted by them.

"Is that true?" After hearing those words, other guests got excited and began to surround them.

"That was what I heard." Frowning, the guest who revealed the information, continued, "I don't want to offend the Romans family. I shall leave now."

With that, the man hurriedly left from the back.

The other guests who overheard the news were also preparing to leave when they heard an angry shout from the door. "Let me in! I want to go in! Do you know who I am? I am Mrs. Stanley."

The woman was very loud, as though she was using all her strength to holler.

Violla's piano melody abruptly paused again. Turning back, she realized that the person screaming hysterically while being held back by the security guards was Leila.

Dressed in an old-fashioned outfit, she looked like she had hastily applied her makeup and had messy hair. As she tried to barge into the banquet hall, the two security guards stopped her.

The more they held her back, the more agitated she became. She screamed so loudly that everyone present could only hear her voice.

With the scene she was making, the pleasant atmosphere changed.

As a result, Barbra's expression turned dark as she scowled.

The guests began to talk amongst themselves, and some even directly asked Franklin, "Mr. Stanley, is that your ex-wife?"

"Mr. Stanley, did you get a divorce already?" Someone else asked.

All those questions made Franklin flustered. Embarrassed, he shot his personal assistant a look.

Understanding his message, the personal assistant took two bodyguards with him and wanted to take Leila away.

At that instant, Leila managed to break away from the security guards. She frantically rushed forward and roared, "Barbra, you are a b*tch! How dare you steal my husband? I am going to kill you!"

Then, she pounced onto Barbra while bearing her teeth.

The two bodyguards with the personal assistant grabbed the attacker before she could do anything. No matter how much she flailed her arms and struggled, she could not get close to her target.

"We have divorced a long time ago, so you have no right to question my choices." With a stoic expression, Franklin snarled, "Don't be an embarrassment here. Get out this instant!"

"You think I'm an embarrassment? Haha…" Leila broke out in a fit of laughter.

Even though she was laughing, tears were streaming down her face.

With a forced smile, she continued, "Why didn't you think I was an embarrassment when I gave birth to your son? When I sold all my family assets to pay off your debt, was I an embarrassment too? Now that I am penniless, you decided to cast me aside and call me an embarrassment? Franklin, you are a b*stard!"

Listening to what she had to say, the guests started to cast suspicious looks at Franklin. Some were even pointing their fingers at him, gossiping about his character.

The color drained from Franklin's face as he was at a loss.

Immediately, Barbra stepped forward and stood in front of Franklin protectively. Angrily, she shouted at the other woman, "Leila, stop making a scene here. Both you and your mother have done so many shameful things. All I have to do is to pick one out randomly, it would be enough to sentence both of you to life imprisonment. Franklin was soft-hearted enough to leave you a lifeline. Yet, you have been shameless and kept clinging onto him. How dare you try to slander him?"

This opposing argument changed the guests' opinions again. Thinking that her defence for Franklin sounded justified, they decided that Leila was probably spouting nonsense.

Besides, Leila's reputation was not great either. Everyone had heard about how she had created scenes on various occasions before.

"Who are you to talk to me?" Leila bitterly glared at Barbra. "You have been pretending to be a good person in front of me by providing me various help to mislead me. You made me believe that Franklin was cheating with Violla. Therefore, I kept monitoring her movements. Now, I finally realized that he was actually having an affair with you, and the female in the video was you. You are really cunning! You have repeatedly tried to sow discord between Violla and me, reaping the benefits while watching us fight with each other."

As Leila spoke, Franklin's expression changed. He looked at Barbra in shock.

"Franklin, don't listen to her. Clearly, she is spouting nonsense because she has something against me," Barbra quickly tried to explain. "Can you believe what she is saying?"

"Of course not. I believe you," Franklin assured Barbra.

In such a situation, he would naturally take her side. Without further ado, he gave his personal assistant a hand signal, indicating that he wanted his ex-wife to be taken away.

"Franklin, how can you not trust me?" Heartbroken, Leila howled, "If you don't believe me, you can always ask Violla about it. At least, you will believe her, right?"

Panicking, Barbra furiously demanded, "What are all of you waiting for? Get her out of here immediately."

Obediently, the bodyguards forcefully dragged Leila out.

Squirming in their grip, the woman cursed, "Barbra, you are a despicable and shameless woman. I will kill you one day!" She paused before whining, "Franklin, I gave up everything for you. How can you be so cruel? When Titus grows up, he will never forgive you."

Before she could complete her sentence, the bodyguards covered her mouth.

Despite that, she did not stop struggling. She had kicked off her shoes, and her head even knocked against the table. Unexpectedly, a glass on the table fell and crashed onto her head. Mixing with the wine from the goblet, blood began to flow down her face.

She looked embarrassing and pitiful.

Despite so, everyone ignored her.

Even the bodyguards continued to drag her away like she was a dead dog.The scene was horrifying.There were frowns on the guests faces.

'No matter how terrible Leila was, she was still Franklin's ex-wife and the mother of his son.'

'After all, they were a couple once, so how could he be so cruel? She might be mean and have many issues, but she had always been loyal to Franklin.'

'Everyone else could cast Leila aside and shame her, but Franklin should never do that.'

For a long time, Violla felt conflicted and was speechless.

Logically, she should be happy to see Leila end up in that state after the latter tried to use various ways to hurt her. Yet, she could not gloat at Leila's situation.

Instead, she pitied Leila and felt fortunate that she did not marry Franklin then.Otherwise, she might end up like her, being shamed in public like that.

As Leila had spoilt the party, many guests left quietly. Others exchanged a few words with Barbra before giving an excuse to leave.

Within a short time, one-thirds of the guests had left the banquet hall.

Disappointed and crushed, Barbra walked backstage with a grim expression.

There was a lot of tension in the air. Trying to save his relationships with his guests, Franklin hurriedly went to every remaining guest to appeal to them.

Given the circumstances, the music had stopped too. Faith allowed Violla to rest at the backstage.

Coincidentally, Violla received Ryan's call when she reached backstage. She only managed to exchange a few words before the violinists beside her started to gossip about what had happened.

Therefore, she had no choice but to continue the call outside.

She cooed, "Mommy is still at work, and my new job is to play the piano for others."

"Yes, I do like to play the piano…" she answered her son's questions.

Before she could finish, she was stunned by the sight of something. In the parking lot not far away, she saw two bodyguards hurling Leila into the back of their van.

When the door opened, Violla clearly saw Barbra in the backseat. The woman had a cold expression.

"Ryan, I have something to take care of. I'll end the call here," she quickly cut the call and sneaked closer to the vehicle to take a look.

In the parking lot, there were many luxury cars. Unlike those, this vehicle was in the area reserved for work use.

Hiding behind another car to spy on the van, she could not help but feel shocked at what she saw. Barbra was slapping Leila.

As it went on, Leila's arms were held in place by the bodyguards, and there was nothing she could do to resist. The victim could only resign to fate and receive the hits.

Despite being beaten, Leila's mouth still went off like a canon. She continued to hurl vulgarities and insults at Barbra, which made the latter grit her teeth in anger.

Since the car was soundproof, and Violla was standing from a distance away, she could not hear the words that Leila and Barbra were exchanging.

Regardless, Barbra got out of the car not long after. When the door opened, Violla saw the two bodyguards in the car ripping Leila's clothes apart.

Leila was struggling desperately and yelling, "Barbra, you will die a terrible death. You will be punished one day."

Then, the door closed again. Barbra ordered the other two bodyguards guarding the car, "Take good care of the former Mrs. Stanley. She is thirsty for men's love."

The two subordinates nodded.

"I don't think two is enough. Look for more men to pounce on her," their boss sniggered with a creepy look in her eyes.

Following that, she left with the other bodyguards.

Watching the scene unfold, Violla was stunned and petrified. She always knew Barbra was devious, but she did not expect the latter to do something as cruel as that.

'If she hated Leila to the core, she could have just ordered a beating. How could she do this?'

At that moment, the van began to rock violently, like there was a fight happening in it.

At first, Violla wanted to rush forward to save the woman. However, her brain told her that she would not only be unable to save the victim, but she would also put herself in danger if she charged forward without a plan.

Given so, she immediately pulled out her phone to call the police.

Unfortunately, a bodyguard spotted her. "Who are you?" one shouted in her direction.

Violla face turned pale instantly, and she fled.Two bodyguards was hot on her heels.

Seeing that the bodyguards were about to catch up to her, Violla panicked. Luckily, a voice interrupted, "What are you doing?"

Instantly, the men chasing behind her stopped in their tracks.

Turning her head, Franklin's assistant was with a few bodyguards, rushing over to the parking lot. Without a choice, the two bodyguards guarding the car guiltily confessed what had happened.

Franklin's assistant swung his fist and punched one of them. He roared, "You are bas*ards! Let her out right now!"

Those words allowed Violla to heave a sigh of relief before she quickly returned to the hotel.

Looking down at her phone, she realized that she was connected to the police hotline. Since the assistant had already come forward to clear the situation, she hung up, thinking that there was no need to involve the authorities anymore.She did not want to attract extra trouble.

After all, Leila and the assistant once knew each other, so he probably would not leave her in the lurch.Besides, anybody in the right mind would try to stop it.

Even so, Violla still informed the security guards at the hotel to play safe. "I think something happened at the parking lot. It would be best if you could take a look."

"What happened?" one of them asked.

"A lady seems to be in trouble. I'm not sure of the details, but you would understand once you get there," Violla explained.

"Alright, thank you."Promptly, four armed security guards headed over.

Feeling more assured, Violla walked to the hotel's lounge briskly.

"Violla!" Faith hurried to her. "The banquet ended early, and you can get off work now. I will still pay you two thousand, which I will transfer to you tomorrow."

"Thank you, Miss Faith." Looking at the banquet hall, the guests were leaving one after another. Even the performers were packing up to leave.

"Why is your dress so dirty?" Faith noticed that Violla's maxi dress was stained with soil. Frowning, she stated, "You have to wash this. Otherwise, I can't explain it to the uniform company when I return it."

"I'm so sorry. I will wash it tonight and return it to you tomorrow," Violla apologized.

Then, she went backstage and got changed. Packing up her belongings, she prepared to leave from the back.

When she passed by the parking lot, she subconsciously scanned it. 'Is Leila alright?'

Although Leila had hurt her previously, that woman had already received her retribution.

She hoped that Leila would be fine.

Continuing to walk towards the roadside to call for a taxi, she suddenly heard a moan for help. "Help me, please…"