
The King's Avatar?

Poapasi decided to take a walk. A long walk. He fought for several hours and run like mad but he does not even feel tired at all. This is the biggest evidence he have that his body is no longer human. Its one thing to be aware of things but its another thing to accept it. That's why Poapasi decided to walk around and maybe patrol the area.

The truth is that he is really angry at Ye Qiu but they should work together to survive in this chaotic world. That's why he would try to let his anger go. And what better way than to take a walk.

Seeing the corpses of zombies reminded Poapasi that he has not harvested the crystals from the zombies. In most zombie apocalyptic novels, zombies would need more time to grow crystals but you never know. What happens in fictional novels cant possibly happen in real life, right? But just to be sure, he checked the zombies.

A shovel, stolen or liberated from the maintenance room was used to cleave a zombies head. If the authors had it right then the crystal would be in the center of the brain. There is also a chance that the crystal is located in the heart. For now, Poapasi used the shovel to search zombies brains.

15 crystals were freed from their dark cages of mutated brains. Each crystal is circular in shape and the color is blue but some have a darker shade and some are lighter shade of blue.

Poapasi was about to absorb the crystal when he remembered that Ye Qiu is powered by energy from Poapasi killing the zombies and the crystals can also be used to that effect. Its just that now he has reason to doubt what Ye Qiu told him.

Ye Qiu said that spirit stones would be needed to unlock a chapter. Just like how it was before the zombies appeared. He also said that coins are needed to purchase food and items in the novel. If that is true then how did Ye Qiu purchase a cigarette when no chapter has been read and why did he make it look like he used the spirit stones to buy it?

The principle of Poapasi "If something smells. We can be sure that its not me. That could only mean you."

Poapasi's doubt started when Ye ignored him while he is fighting zombies. At first Ye Qiu is just some strange guy who even volunteered to help. But Ye Qiu changed after the system prompted Poapasi if he would allow Ye Qiu to help. Its possible that Ye Qiu obtained information from the system.


"It looks like he did not realize that he doesn't feel anything from killing zombies or chopping them to pieces. Neither repulsion to the idea of killing or disgust to the appearance or smell of the zombie." Ye Qiu observed Poapasi as he harvests crsytals from the zombie farm.

One good thing that Ye Qiu got going with him is that he can somewhat control the webnovel app. He can make it look like a chapter is locked, hide spirit stones, coins and energy points from Poapasi. This is the reason why Ye Qiu was confident when he lied to Poapasi. The important thing to do right now is to regain his memories. As for Poapasi there is a need to control the speed of his growth.

Theres a bit of a problem though. Ye Qiu needs Poapasi to earn lots of energy points and spirit stones. For energy points, the stronger Poapasi is, the faster he can gain energy points. As for spirit stones, Poapasi would need Ye Qiu's expertise to protect an area. That is why Ye Qiu needs to balance controlling Poapasi and helping him.

If Ye Qiu helps Poapasi too much then Poapasi would increase his level quickly. He needs to be extra careful in how he does things.


Meanwhile Poapasi wanted to experiment on the crystal. Sooner or later Ye Qiu would discover it. That's why Poapasi thought to experiment a bit.

Energy points are obtained after he kills a zombie. That means that energy is absorbed through his body after each kill. And a crystal is just energy that has not been absorbed. I wonder if there are more than one way to absorb a crystal and if there is a different outcome when new ways of absorption is discovered?


Ye Qiu thought about it and the best way to deal with the situation is to think of Poapasi as his game avatar and reality as the game. There is a need to increase the level but one also needs to make a living. So he will help Poapasi's strength grow by increasing his level. At the same time he will convince Poapasi to help a lot of people. As long as he turns it into training then Poapasi would gladly move as he Ye Qiu wishes.

The plan is to increase Poapasi's level. Help people while training Poapasi. Inculcate to him the responsibility of a leader. At that time it will become a lifestyle for Poapasi. Then Ye Qiu would no longer need to do anything and Poapasi would work hard to gather energy points and spirit stones.

Nice plan.


When Poapasi returned from his walk, Ye Qiu appeared in his shoulder within seconds. He told Poapasi that he will help Poapasi as long as he protects this area. Ye Qiu needs to have his own territory to be able to summon a few people from the TKA universe.

Poapasi looked at Ye Qiu and said "Since you asked so nicely, it would be rude for me to turn you down."

Ye Qiu smiled. It seems that Poapasi can be easily manipulated. But what Poapasi said next infuriated him.

"So I would have to be rude to you, Ye Qiu."

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