
Progressing in his training

Time passed quickly.

A day later, a young man could be seen beside a high hill, drenched in sweat, with a tired look hidden on his face and his muscles feeling weak from exhaustion.

From atop a high building in the distance, a stunning beauty stood there unmoving despite the heavy flow of wind humming around her at that height.

With a serious look, her eyes never for once left the young man far away.

'That's how he also trained until night yesterday. It's already dark into the night, and he still doesn't look like someone who is ready to take a break after several hours. He is determined with an extraordinarily strong-willed heart to achieve his goal, totally different from others, although he can't be compared to those proud fools in talent,' her eyes flickered with deep thoughts. 'There is this air of confidence and feeling around him which others don't possess, making him unique.'

Just at that moment, the young man in the distance looked toward her direction with a weak smile on his face.

Qiao Mei was surprised by the timing, giving her a weird feeling. "This…" She muttered.

However, Qiao Mei silently stood there with a dumbfounded look. She was completely caught by surprise. It wasn't a coincidence to her; he stared at her for a few seconds as if he was seeing her, suggesting that he was aware of her presence.

She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye.

"Just these few days with him, I can faintly feel he is hiding something and poses a threat if not conscious of. Is this the dumb Mo Shen that Qiao Lian instructed me to train? Judging from my observation, he is intelligent and someone to be wary of, as i can't see through his thoughts or predict his moves—this sensation isn't something an ordinary person can give." Qiao Mei smiled with interest.

"Qiao Lian despises the weak, talk more of picking an interest in them, when there are lots of powerful suitors after her. There must be a reason for her to bring home Mo Shen and it's uncertain if he hadn't already known of her ill intentions against him. That bitch would receive hell of surprise."

Meanwhile, Liam, standing beside the large hill, cast a dark glance in a particular direction, feeling the weight of a friendly gaze upon him amidst the disdain and killing intent emanating from other eyes fixed on him. However, he couldn't discern the person's identity but had an idea of who the person is.

'I know that lass wouldn't leave me unguarded; she appears trustworthy and would help in my escape as a wind attribute user. Appearances can be deceiving at times, I'll need to keep a close eye on her, just as she does on me.' he thought with an unreadable expression.

Trust was to be earned, not given. Qiao Mei was slowly gaining his trust, but Liam was also conscious of her and mindful of his guard in case she suddenly turned against him, while the reverse was the case for Qiao Lian, the dangerous lady. He wouldn't trust her a tiny bit and would always be careful of her.

A creepy smile was on his face which he hid under his stern expression.

'Bastards….' he cursed in his thoughts, observing around him.

There were eyes on him, which he had taken notice of since the moment he came out of his room for training. He already knew about the guards who were under Qiao Lian's command to keep their eyes on him, watching him from a far distance and pretending to be like other guards that were patrolling about the place.

He had to be cautious and play his cards right to outsmart his enemies.

Yesterday, he stopped his training at late hours and completed the system quest, receiving the 10 Erotic points reward.

Today, he left his room and began his training early, but was surprised to see Qiao Mei already waiting there for him.

He was solely focused on training.

Liam continued his training despite having received the system notification of his daily quest completion and the 10 erotic points reward two hours ago.

His muscles were experiencing pain from hours of training, while his body was simultaneously undergoing changes to adapt to the training.

Following Qiao Mei's advice, he lifted the number two boulder, the weight he could currently handle without much struggle, continuously moving his hand up and down with difficulty.

He kept up with the number two until he reached his limit, which was ten minutes, before throwing the boulder to the ground.

Pant, pant, pant…..

He sighed deeply before sitting down on the ground, then closed his eyes to give his body the chance to adjust to the long training.

As the night deepened, the moon hung high in the sky, shining down its holy light.

Liam slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his face as he felt his body pulsing with new energy - evidence of his training.

[Host, you're progressing quickly in your training. While keeping up with this pace, don't forget to also give your body the necessary rest.]

Liam felt a surge of happiness upon hearing the words and acknowledged the system's warning.


[Rewards processing….]

His eyes flickered at the system alert, but he maintained his facial composure to avoid arousing suspicion as people's eyes were on him.

'I already received the daily quest reward,' he thought, feeling confused.

He concluded that perhaps it was just his luck.

[Rewards processing completed and now available]

[«Select one of the following rewards»]

[Reward 1: Get an additional +10 points to upgrade any of your stats except Erotic points]

[Reward 2: 1000 Erotic points available]

[Reward 3: Receive a random dagger <The information would be revealed after you choose it as your reward>]

[Reward 4: Get a magic lucky spin]

Three reward options were displayed on the holographic screen.

Liam didn't immediately choose any reward; instead, he decided to return to his room and settle down to decide which one to choose.

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