
All new X-men part 1

The days following the phoenix's attack on the earth were quite something to behold. There was a time the mutant population was forced to live in a different dimension due to the Inhuman's Terrigen mists. Even a war with the Inhumans. There was an Island, and so much more, But I think the event that really stuck with me the most was when I first met Thawne, The Reverse Flash, and the X-Men of the past and future.

" Yo, what's going on today?" Bart leaned over and asked Julian.

" I don't know man, apparently, we're going to be getting some new students. They must be something special if they're telling us to not freakout about them." Julian replied.

" Hey maybe they're all going to be from some kind of species like Broo or that Gladiator kid." Santo leaned over and said to the boys.

" Maybe." Bart replied. " Hey, what do you think, Laurie?" Bart asked the girl to his left.

" Hm? Oh, Uh I don't know really. But I'm sure they'll be cool. Let's just wait and see." Laurie replied.

Bart and the others nodded and went back to eating their breakfast when Kitty and Logan the two headmasters came into the cafeteria.

" Uh, students." Kitty spoke nervously.

" Ah what the hell, just we've got some visitors." Logan interjected.

From behind the corner stepped out four figures. The students all looked at the four new students in shock and confusion as they recognized the group.

" These are the original X-Men. Jean Grey. Hank Mccoy, Warren Worthington, and Bobby Drake." Kitty explained to the kids. " We just wanted you to know ahead of time, so there's no confusion. They'll be staying with us from now. So, please welcome them with open arms and treat them as you would one another." Kitty then turned to the time displaced X-men and gestured for them to join the others at the tables.

" Okay, I think we've got our answer." Julian stated.

" Uh-huh." Bart replied.

" Still think they aren't weird?" Santo asked Laurie.

" Them no. This whole situation? Absolutely." Laurie replied.

" Hey, come on maybe this isn't all so bad." Bart told the others.

As if on que, Young Scott walked into the room, making it go quiet once again. Sensing the awkwardness Scott turned around and ran out of the room.

" Okay, I might have spoke too soon." Bart stated.

" Was that?" Lara, the new sharkgirl, asked.

" Uh-huh. A younger version of Scott Summers. Now, tell me am I dreaming or is this all real?" Julian asked the group.

" Ugh!" Logan groaned. " He's running off." Logan told Kitty and the other teachers. He then got up from his seat and yelled. " HEY! Sparkles. Go after him." Logan yelled to Bart.

" Wha? Why me?" Bart held his hands up and asked.

" Because I said so, now go and bring that idiot back before I throw you in detention." Logan told the boy.

" NUGHHHH!" Bart groaned.

Laurie laughed and kissed Bart on his cheek. " Better get running speedy." Laurie told the boy.

" Oh, don't you start." Bart told the girl. He got up from his seat and pushed his chair in before running out of the institute and after Scott. " Hey man!" Bart called out to Scott as he ran alongside him.

" WHOA!" Scott yelled in surprise. The bike he was on tumbled around and almost fell over, but thankfully Scott managed to correct himself before that happened.

" Sorry bout that man. Didn't mean ta scare ya." Bart told the boy.

" What are you like Quicksilver?" Scott asked the boy.

" Nope, I'm faster." Bart joked.

" That right? Question do you heal like Quicksilver?" Scott asked the boy.

" Wha? UGH!" Bart grunted as Scott blasted him in his chest with his optic beams. Bart got up from the ground and shook his head. " Ouch! That damn blast hurts." Bart complained as he rubbed his chest. " Oh man, I liked this shirt." Bart complained as he looked down at the hole in his shirt. " Now, I'm gonna have to make another one." Bart stated. He jumped to his feet and brushed the dirt off of his body. " God, this sucks so much. I hope that guy doesn't get us in trouble." Bart stated before running towards the town.

Watching from a distance, Thawne sneered as he watched the blur disappear. " Any day now. We're getting closer. Oh, this is going to be so much fun." Thawne stated before running off into the distance with a sinister laugh.

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