
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs


" I asked you a question Logan! Very simple and straightforward."

Kurt yelled to the man.

" Please! Please! I told you I don't know how he's tracking them; you don't have to kill me."

The man begged for his life.

" Who is he talking about? What the hell is going on?!"

Kurt yelled again

Nathan sighed and walked over to the man.

" He's telling the truth."

Nathan said as he placed his hand on the man's head. He vibrated his hand and sent multiple Vibrations into the man's body killing him instantly.


Kurt yelled in terror.

" We're at war elf. Plain and simple."

Logan said as he and Nathan looked down at the body.

" I guess I have to fix the boy scout's mistake. A while back a few of us were sent on a mission to put an end to a certain threat to mutant kind. Needless to say things didn't go as expected. Bastion, Stryker, Lang, Trask, Hodge, and Creed all somehow returned. I can only guess they've been waiting for Hope and Cable just as long as we have."

Nathan explained to the group as he went over his missions from X-Force.

" And some of us have tried to stop them the best we could. In ways that... Maybe not everybody'd be so thrilled about."

Nathan continued explaining angering Kurt further.

" And he knew? SCOTT SUMMERS knew this! Authorized this! He sanctioned this!"

Kurt yelled back.

" Yes, he did! Do you have a problem with what we've done for you Kurt? Let enlighten you, since Summers obviously didn't. We made a choice, to put your lives ahead of ours! We fought in the darkness so you could all prosper in the light! Now, you might not like it, Kurt. But this is the reality of how things are. And not one of us is going to apologize for it."

Nathan explained to the man.

" Hank was right. I quit. I don't know who it is we've become but I don't..."

Kurt was saying as he walked off. But before he could finish Nathan cut him off again.

" So, what you're just going to quit? Kurt, I don't care what you think about me or the rest of us. But you seem to be misunderstanding something. If there is one thing Scott said that he was right about it was that girl. This Girl is our last chance. Our LAST CHANCE! And right now, she's being hunted by some of the X-Men's deadliest foes. She is our last chance at salvation. At returning our people from the brink of extinction. If we lose that girl! It's over! And the only way we can prevent that from happening is by working together. You want to quit after she's safe fine. No skin off my back. Laura and I agreed we'd stay long enough to help her and then we were leaving again. But until then! Until we save that girl! We. Need. To. Work. Together!"

Nathan explained not just to Kurt. But to everyone present


Nathan asked everyone present.

Kurt got quiet and from the sound of his brain Nathan could tell he was talking with Scott telepathically. Kurt closed the eyes of the dead Sapien and returned to the man.

" No I don't. But you've changed."

Kurt said as he walked away from the man.

" Guess you missed my year long stint as Stryfe."

Nathan replied.

" The vigilante that waged war against the Maggia in New York. That was you?"

Psylocke asked the man.

" Yeah, it was. When we left X-Force I abandonded that name. Because we wanted to try and move forward. But we keep getting pulled back into this bullshit."

Nathan said to the woman as he walked away.

The group all swiftly returned to the X-Jet where they waited for Scott and Emma to inform them on their next destination.

" You okay?"

Laura asked Nathan.

Nathan smiled over the concern the woman had for him.

" Yeah, Laura. I'm okay. How are you holding up?"

Nathan asked.

" It feels weird being back. Like I'm slipping back into my old ways. When I killed that man. I remembered the feeling I used to have. Am I a monster?"

Laura asked the man sadly.

Nathan shook his head and pulled Laura close to him.

" No, you aren't a monster. You're Laura. Larua Kinney! The love of my life."

Nathan said to the woman as he kissed her on the side of her head.

The group landed the X-Jet and started moving on foot through the forest.

" We got'em. About three Klicks from your current location. A motel off the interstate."

Scott informed the group on Cable and Hope's location.

" Remind me never try and hide from you, slim. We'll be in touch once all the dyin stops."

Logan said to the man as the group moved towards the motel.

" We need to move! I hear gunshots! A lot of them!"

Nathan yelled to the group.

" Go ahead, you can get there faster!"

Laura yelled to the man.

He shook his head and took off towards the fighting.

" They'll snuff us if we don't scramble!"

Cable yelled to Hope as the two fought stryker's forces.

" One. Two."

Hope counted.


Nathan yelled as he leapt over the two's heads bringing his hands down onto the ground around the Purifiers.


Nathan caused a massive tremor blowing the armed men away from the Purifiers.

" Damn, I'm good."

Nathan said as he praised his control over his abilities.

Cable and Hope turned and aimed their guns at Nathan

" WHOA! Cable it's me. Soundwave! I'm with the X-Men."

Nathan explained to the two

" Slow down cable he's telling the truth. The good guys are... Here to save you."

Logan said as he and the rest of the X-Men arrived just as more of strykers men showed up.

" Hey, Wolverine. Try not to choke on your fucking foot."

Nathan said to the man.

" Magik get the kid out of here!"

Logan yelled to the blonde as he and the rest of the team engaged the Purifiers. Illyana went to help Hope and Cable but was shot by some kind of weapon from stryker.

" What the hell?"

Logan asked as the woman hit the ground.

" They're trying to prevent us from teleporting out. EVERYONE DUCK!"

Nathan yelled to the group.

" RAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Nathan yelled as Loud as he could towards Stryker and his men. Killing them as soon as the wave hit.

" Alright.... Where did they go?"

Nathan asked as he looked around for Hope and Cable.

" Slim we lost our prime teleporter. The purifiers are down and Cable's close."

Logan radioed to the man.

" Ariel is your new prime."

Scott replied as a woman teleported onto the field.

" Might be hard to sell pete on that."

Logan replied.

" Hope is close and cannonballs team is fighting for every second you have to look for her."

Scott explained.

" Alright, let's move. And when we find them. I'm punching Cable in the throat for running."

Nathan said as he and the rest of the X-men teleported away from the scene.