

Thinking back on what the professor said, it honestly sounded like a good idea, which is why a bunch of us from the institute decided to head into town today. I was joined by the Stepford sisters, Irina, Barnell, some girl named Angel and a few others. At first, I was just gonna go and see if I could find somethings for my room, but Irina had talked me into going to see a movie with her and the others. I was surprised that the stepfords had agreed to it as well, so I decided to tag along. Might as well.

The eight of us were picked up by the school's shuttle and were dropped off in town. We had a tie limit to how long we could be out, and if we weren't back after that limit, then the adults would assume the worst and come searching for us.

" Alright, Salem Center. Not very impressive, but hey I'll take what I can get." I spoke as I looked around the small town.

" Hey, don't be like that. Salem is pretty nice on the eyes. At least it's more peaceful than the school." Irina spoke as she stepped off the shuttle bus. She wasn't wearing her usual, outfit which consisted of a red and black skirt, a purple tank top and jean jacket, today she was wearing a white blouse, with black jeans. Which is weird, most of the time she wears something that can cover her multiple mouths, but it was also nice.

The stepford sisters also looked really beautiful. They each wore the same yellow sundress, and the same blue jean jacket.

And there were the other two, but I wasn't really thinking about them.

" Alright, I'm so pumped for this. I've been waiting for this movie to drop for so long." Irina spoke. Her excitement showing all over her face.

" What are we going to see? You haven't told me yet." I asked.

" It's this new comedy with Adam Sandler." Irina replied.

" Oh, yeah? I didn't know the guy still made movies."

Okay, that sounds like a good time. He's a decent actor and he's pretty funny, this should be a fun time.

" Come on, I don't want to miss the showing." Irina grabbed me by my hand and started dragging me towards the movie theater, with the others following behind us. The Stepfords walked close behind us while the others seemed to keep their distance. I don't know why but they seemed kind of afraid.

As we walked, I noticed that the towns people were staring at us, and none of their gazes were friendly.

" What are they staring at?" I asked.

Irina hung her head and folded her arms across her chest.

" Do you see that girl?"

" You mean that monster."

" What is it doing here?"

These bastards weren't even trying to hide what they were saying.

I looked over at Irina and noticed she looked on the verge of tears.

I reached over and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, I wasn't about to let these jerks ruin a good day. Especially not one, Irina was so excited about.

" Hey, forget about those losers. Let's just focus on getting the theater. And afterwards we'll get something to eat, on me. How's that sound?" I asked the girl.

Irina, leaned in closer and smiled. " That sounds nice."

" Hey, what about us?" The stepford sisters asked. Esme the rebellious one in the group walked up and grabbed my other arm and leaned close. " We want to eat too."

" I guess, I can feed all of us as long as you girls don't overdo it." I replied nervously.

I didn't know where that came from all of a sudden, but I didn't want to leave the girls out if they really wanted to join us. We were all supposed to be going out together, so I guess it wasn't a problem. I simply shrugged it off as everyone wanting to stay together. But when I looked down at Irina again, I saw her and the stepford sisters glaring at each other.

Now, usually I'd ask what's wrong, but for once I'm not pulling the pin on that grenade.

We eventually arrived at the movie theater and after a lengthy argument with one of the workers we finally got our seats. Irina sat on my right at the end seat and the Stepford sisters sat on my left. And the others sat below us.

" Ah, I'm so excited for this." Irina spoke.

" You really like this guy that much?" I asked.

" Yes, the guy's hilarious. Easily my favorite comedian." Irina replied.

" He's not the best, but he's okay. We just like the main actress." The stepfords spoke.

" Cool, so it sounds like everyone is interested. Look it's starting." I pointed out.

The movie started playing and I have to admit, I was having a better time than I expected. Half-way through, I felt my stomach growling a bit, so I turned to the girls and asked if they wanted anything from the concessions stand.

" Just popcorn, please." Irina replied.

" We'll have the same." The stepfords spoke.

Okay, with the orders in place, I slid my way down the aisle and walked out to the main foyer where the concessions were. I grabbed two big bags of popcorn off the stand and a couple of other snacks, but when I stepped up to the cash register, I noticed that the place was empty.

" Hello? Can anyone give me some service please?" I asked loud enough for anyone nearby to hear me.

I could hear the sound of chains rattling along the ground behind me and I turned towards the noise.

" Yeah, we can help ya."

" Mutie's are one thing. A mutie lover is way worse."

" Yeah, have you pride in your own race traitor?"

The men walked up to me, each of them holding some kind of weapon.

" Come on guys. We're just trying to have a good time. No need for this to turn violent." I told the men. Honestly, I've dealt with worse, a couple of angry street punks holding tools was nothing to be afraid of.

" Oh nah, boy. It's too late for that. We're gonna show you what happens when mutants come into our town, thinking they own the place. And once we're done with you, we're gonna get those mutant friends of yours."

These guys really aren't gonna take no for an answer.

" Okay, let's step outside." I told the man. I placed my food down and pointed to the door.

" You think being outside's gonna help you?"

" No, but it will be a lot easier for my friends to enjoy their movie without the sound of me kicking your assess in the theater." I replied.

" Pretty confident aren't ya punk. Okay, we can whoop your ass in front of the town, why not."

I sighed and walked out of the theater with the six men behind me. I looked back at them from the corner of my eyes and sighed again as I walked into the alley way beside the theater. Once, we were far enough inside that the people from the street couldn't see us, I turned towards the men.

" Okay, here we are. But before we get started... is there anyone who wants to walk away?" I asked. I looked around at the men, who simply scoffed and grinned. I sighed again, because this was honestly such a drag. I only wanted to have a good time with my friends today. " Okay then. Let's get this done. I took a step forward and the first loser rushed me. He swung wildly at me with his switch blade.

I dodged his blade, taking short steps back. He swung at me from the side this time. I hooked the man's arm and used his momentum against him. I swung him completely around me and slammed his head into the wall beside me. The man slid against the wall, groaning on the way down. I then turned to the others who now looked angry.

" You fucker."

The men charged me together this time.

" We ain't gonna lose to some weak mutie lover."

I smirked at the men's proclamation.

" Who said I wasn't a mutant myself?" I asked.

I raised my hand a bright light emitted from it. The men all grabbed their eyes from the aggravating light invading their vision.


The man who had been leading the others cried out as he rubbed his eyes.

" Oh, man. You guys really should have walked away. Oh well." I told the man.

He looked over his shoulder to see me standing behind him. I raised my leg up and kicked him the side of his chest, with enough force to knock him into the wall. Man's body crumpled to the floor.

" Okay, I think that's enough, right? I just want to go and enjoy myself. If you take your friends and leave, we can forget this ever happened. Okay?" I asked again. I seriously just wanted to get back to the movie theater. The movie was good, and I was still a bit hungry.

I watched as the four men looked back and forth between one another and then back to me.

" Really?"

I sighed again and walked towards the men.


I walked out of the alleyway leaving the six men unconscious and back into the movie theater. I grabbed the snacks I had placed down before and started walking back to our room. On the way back I looked over to see one of the workers there looking at me in fear. I smiled and waved at the girl as I passed by, watching as she ran away.

" Wonder what she was scared about?"

I walked back into the theater and sat down next to Irina, who was laughing.

" Hey what I miss?" I asked.

" A lot. Where have you been?" Irina asked.

" Helping out with the trash poor guys dropped everything." I replied.

" Well, no more disappearing." Irina stated.

" I cross my heart and hope to die." I joked.

Irina laughed and we both went back to watching the movie.

After that nothing else interesting happened. We went out to eat at a small diner in town and then came home on the shuttle. Emma had been waiting for her girls before we even arrived, so we waved goodbye to them as they walked away, leaving only Irina and I.

" Thank you so much for coming out with me today." Irina spoke.

" No problem. It was nice to get out and have some fun with friends for once instead of training and school." I replied.

" Well, I had a blast. I can't wait until next time. I'll see you tomorrow, David." Irina gave me a hug and ran up the stairs.

" Sniff. Hey, bub." Logan spoke as he approached me.

" Yo, what's up Logan?"

" Have fun today?" The man asked.

" Yeah actually, I did." I replied.

" Get into anything fun?"

" No, not really. Just went to a movie and then treated everyone else to dinner." I replied, obviously leaving out some important details that didn't need to be discussed.

" Six men were left injured in a back-alley way earlier this evening. They say they were attacked by some kind of monster made of light, and a teenage boy. Witnesses have not come forward, leading us to believe these men were simply delirious." My eyes widened at the News broadcast in another room. Logan simply stared at me grinning.

" That's awfully close to where the movie theater was. And a monster made of light? Sure, sounds familiar." Logan spoke.

I could tell by the smug look on his face that he was enjoying messing with me.

" Oh well, you caught me. Maybe, I could have toned it down a bit." I spoke.

" Yeah, next time make sure ya do. And not bad kid. Just make sure yer ready for training tomorrow. Hank says he wants to try and work with you on something, so you got it easy." Logan spoke.

" Yeah, yeah." I waved the man goodbye and headed up the stairs to my room. Leaving behind the sneering loud-mouth.

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