
Chapter 40: Reunited

What a day it had been for Bronte. Starting as a run through the vast beauty and often poorly showcased architectural ingenuity of Africa. To entering Wakanda.... simply another world hidden near the Kenyan Jungles. He had a half-brother. He was a Prince..... apparently. But most importantly.

He found his parents.

He didn't even remember how he got into the room he was in with them now. He found it hard to believe that The King and Queen would allow him to disappear so soon but there he was.

The room was large and empty. Spotless with perfect purple silk sheets covering the massive queen-sized bed fitted with a bedside table that had tech rivaling NASA. Black walls held them inside, sectioned and silently thrumming with the tech mechanism within. The only thing to light the room was the sun hovering over the beautiful city in the distance. It peaked through the window, shining light on Bronte's parents and siblings as they played nearby. Secretly watching him.

He secretly watched them too. Along with his parents.

Aneka and Kobe. For a while he never thought he'd see them again. Yet here they were. His mother was as beautiful as always. As warm as the suns rays lighting the dark room. She balanced the calm and cool nature of his father. Kobe had the largest effect on Bronte. He introduced him to music.

".... I know I've already said it-- but you've grown.... so much, son." Bronte's father said as he wiped the vibrant brown skin of his face. His blue robe ruffled.

"No doubt. It's been a long three years." Bronte didn't feel like he was talking.

Aneka nodded and blew her nose into a tissue, "Bab-- Bronte, you understand we did what we had to, yes? You better not be mad at us."

His face had been cut between stern, shocked and crying for the last ten minutes. For the first time he laughed. They were in an entirely different world. Three years apart and at war. And Aneka was the stern iron-fisted mother as always. It felt wonderful to be passively scolded. It felt.... like he was back in his room, late for school again. If only for a second.

"W'kabi... what's funny?" Aneka asked him as he chuckled.

Bronte wasn't familiar with that name but his father tried to hide his own laugh as he shrugged innocently, "Our boy is a man now.... maybe he's decided to laugh in the face of danger like those before him, hm?"

Their accents were suddenly so similar to everyone else's.

Aneka went serious for a moment and looked at Bronte, "It's better to see you smile, honey. I'm sorry you've experienced everything you have. But I'm glad you found family."

Bronte nodded, "They kept my head on straight, ma. I'm good. The Lupine's ain't a thing but a fork in our road. I'm not tripping."

His father smiled, "That means it's a cakewalk for us from this point. You have a nation on your side. We all do. Together."

"What's Lupine, mama?" One of Bronte's adopted siblings asked.

"Big dog, baby." Aneka replied as Bronte looked over at the child. He ran behind a couch once their eyes met.

Bronte turned back to face his parents. He found them watching him.

"You know.... you resemble him more than either of us ever thought you would."

Bronte fought off the urge to roll his eyes, "I know."

Aneka held up a hand, "But you also resemble her, honey. So much. When I saw you, I felt like I'd run into our Queen born again as a man."

Kobe laughed, "No kidding, you better hope your hair doesn't go full white or everyone's going to know."

Bronte looked down at his hands and touched his forearms. He fiddled with the metal claws lodged within when he was nervous. "The Queen.... she's the one that made you my parents?"

Aneka and Kobe-- W'kabi, looked at each other before sighing and nodding, "But you understand that doesn't make us love you any less. It started out as a job.... but it didn't end that way."

"For either of us." W'Kabi said strongly.

"I didn't think so."

"You understand why it was us though?" Aneka questioned, "Your mother couldn't do it. But she still couldn't just give you away. She almost fought the other tribes over it. But she'd only recently become Queen and you were barely two years old. She didn't have the say and power she does now. She had to earn the tribes respect and that could only come after. I leave the other details to her."

"We were also at war. As we still are." W'Kabi said in a grave tone.

Bronte had heard his Storm speak lightly of a war in his dream. It made no sense. "Why bring me and my issues here if they're already at war? Doesn't this put Wakanda in more danger? Thats not crazy?"

Aneka shook her head, "Our Queen is a talented strategist-- and that's not even considering her powers. Her and Our King's might is something below few. They have their reasons."

"I'm sure she's planning to bring the two enemies together, hoping it will snowball them into a near all-out front. No more hide and seek, hm?" W'Kabi guessed.

"What?" Bronte questioned, "You're not saying she wants to bring Romulus and the Lupines together with the other enemies, right? Because that sounds like a terrible idea."

W'kabi held out a hand, "Let's be calm. We can spare a couple of days before we talk such things. Let's enjoy the time you have before then."

Bronte wasn't one to relax in the face of danger. Or laugh as his father once said. But there wasn't much else to be done.

"Alright." Bronte sighed.

"Here. We will talk more soon, but we have a feast ahead of us. I'm sure the others have already changed. This is for you." Aneka handed him a fold of clothing.

Bronte grabbed it and studied the fabrics. They were light, but he could smell and feel metal woven into the dark black and gold fabric. Claw shaped jewels with purple cores circled the collar of the robe and steamed faintly.

"This is the Prince's Uniform. It may be a tight squeeze but I'm sure you'll wear it well." Aneka said before they got up and hugged

As she headed out the kids followed. Except for one. As they all headed out the door one of his adopted siblings turned at the doorway and ran back to him. His red hair glimmered under the sun and made his freckles seem darker. Bronte could hear the music blasting from the Skullcandy headphones hanging around his neck. He was listening to something newer-- something Bronte wasn't familiar with. But he knew the origin was New York. He knew that sound.

"What's going on, Junior." Bronte dropped down to one knee.

"Can I show you something....? I'm scared to show mama." Junior said.

Bronte almost didn't respond as he looked him over. He looked so much older. He felt like he was wiping his nose a day ago.

"Show me what, man?" Bronte asked.

Junior lifted up his shirt and showed that his belly was covered in thick green scales.

"Am I like you, Bronte?"

It seems he wasn't the only one that changed so drastically.

"Yea bro... you're a Mutant."

"JUNIOR! Get over here so Bronte can change!"

YO! This chapter may feel like a bad placement since he JUST met storm and black panther but it felt right to emphasize who bronte's important characters are compared to ours. This also allows me to answer some questions other ppl have had about Storm's situation and why Bronte is here. Less info dump elsewhere yk. Anyway thanks for reading and thanks for the powerstones Mr0Rabbit, MrMike, Kurotara, BlackKuro69, Alchemist_, BerserkerRed and everyone else!

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