
Chapter 27–Channel your attention to something else

I got to my destination and met Ian with someone, a model I assume –I had seen him earlier on the stage. They were laughing at what one of them had said.

As I drew closer, I got a better view of the person Ian was laughing with and there was only one word I could use to describe him. Damn, he was young and handsome.

Talk about those intriguing hazel coloured eyes, babe! My inner voice squealed.


Yeah, I had a thing for people with coloured eyes, they catch my attention faster than you can blink. I find them fascinating.

I walked past them to where I'd earlier been standing and placed the chair besides Ian.

He looked over at me with his dimply smile. "What took you long?"

"Erm, I was stopped on the way by a friend."

"Oh." He nodded and stole a glance at what young man seated next to him was doing. "Your phone's been ringing." He said to me.

"Oh, okay." I collected my bag from floor, brought out the phone and indeed found several missed calls. "Thank you."