

The void stretches out before me, an endless expanse of nothingness that has consumed me for an Aeon. Each day is a battle against the encroaching darkness, a ceaseless struggle to maintain a connection to the world I once knew. In this timeless realm, where physicality fades into abstraction, I strive to maintain a tangible connection to my corporeal existence. My True name is Kaelius Xidorn *@#$%! Adridal Sahaqiel, and I have spent long enough in this damnation.

VeritasDay · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Magus Tower <II>

The silence within the colosseum was incredible, as master Taryn shielded herself within the gravity field, using her own mana as she stared at them in her stupor.

Eventually waving her hand as she dismissed the display, the trio retracting their spells as they undid the casting, Taryn with some sweat began walking over to them.

"Just so I am aware, you three Insta-casted those spells, and they weren't pre-cast?" Master Taryn asked, as Insta casting was rarely seen in this day and age, especially not in those who are this 'young'.

"Yes, they were cast one you declared the session to have begun." Galdorin answered honestly, leaving Taryn in more disbelief.

"A sixth circled mages and a fifth circled mage, all of whom are capable of Insta-casting sixth-circle spells... the tower masters are going to have a field day on this... Unique elements as well; a light user, gravity user, and a dual user of Ice and the crystal deviant element, casting spells a rank higher than hers and multi-casting too..."

Taryn mumbled for a bit, as she pondered what the reaction would be from the high ranking families, and the tower masters. Realizing her actions, Taryn snapped out of her thoughts suddenly.

"Apologies! There is no need for the combat test after seeing that. I'll handle your registration at once, and issue the appropriate Arcanum Plaques for your ranks, and Tower Plaques as well."

She said, before gesturing they follow her, as this was something she'd need to handle on her own.

Leaving the befuddled crowd of spectators behind, the four of them made their way to Taryn's office, as Aria trailed behind them.

Eventually making it to the room, as the trio sat and Master Taryn began the process of both registrations, with Aria assisting her in the process.

"May I ask, where you are from?" Master Taryn asked, curious, but not halting her actions. "We come from a place far north." Atyx answered, knowing the task Uhlos had bequeathed by father.

"Serruteron?" Taryn asked cautiously. "Beyond even the northern kingdoms." Atyx's response, left master Taryn at a bit of a loss, "And the both of you?" She asked, referring to Galdorin and Tissaeia.

"We all come from the same place, as we bear the same family name. The Seraphel name." Tissaeia spoke up, answering Taryn's curiosities.

"I see... Incredible! A family of instantaneous casters." Master Taryn stared at them, visibly amazed by their heritage, getting up as she brought six metallic objects, all the width and length of a passport data page.

These are your Arcanum and Tower Plaques, the ranks on each plaque can be increased at any of the towers, following an advancement." Explaining briefly as she handed over the plaques, and a set of ID cards to the three, continuing her explanation.

"The Plaques will also grant you access to the profession halls within the towers, and the halls outside the towers as well.

The tower plaque helps with getting things done faster in some cases, say... you want to buy some land, a building or structure, if it is for sale, you may ask one of our front desk workers to assist you.

It also allows you to sell items to the towers, giving you the best going rates you will find on the continent.

As for the Arcanum plaques, it is more so a symbol of power as well, and will allow you certain perks of the Arcanum and Mercenary Guilds, including buying and selling materials to them as well."

Galdorin hearing the explanation was interested by something Taryn had said, the part of buying a building here and also selling items for premium rates.

"Finally, it grants you access to the 'Eisenhower Arcana-Adeptus Library' in the school." Hearing this, the trio had gotten everything they needed to hear from her.

"Thank you, but if I may, would you kindly show me a map of what buildings or plot of lands are on sale currently?" Galdorin asked, as Tissaeia and Atyx looked at him in surprise.

Taryn hearing his request, signaled for Aria to bring a book from the reception, with all current house or plots on sale and their going prices, to which she did speedily.

Hurrying back as Aria placed it on the table in front of the trio. "Thank you Aria. The untagged pages are those of available lots, houses, or buildings, please look through it and tell me those you are interested in." Taryn said, leaving the book for them to go through.

Galdorin seeing this, gave the book to Tissaeia, as she went through it and selected two lots, one in a high-end residential area; and the other, a large lot in the commercial district, before handing it back to her brother.

"These two," Galdorin pointed the two plots out, taking their pages out of the book. "...We'll take them both."

Taryn quickly inspected them, and signaled for Aria to look over them, and tell the group price and sum total.

"The lot in the residential area will cost you 235 PC(Platinum Canopies), and the other will cost you 700 PC. So your sum total will be the added cost of 935 PC, plus a tax total of 157 PC, totaling..."

Aria paused.

"...1072 PC." Galdorin hearing the price, was somewhat satisfied with it, proceeding to ask his next question. "You mentioned we could sell materials here yes?"

"Yes indeed!" Taryn replied.

"So how much will a phoenix's tear... or say, a <Unique > rank weapon sell for?" Galdorin asked, as Master Taryn visibly straightened her posture and sat upright.

"A phoenix tear in today's market, will go for nothing less than 400 PC, keeping in mind how rare they are, and the difficulty of obtaining one in this part of the world.

Now, if we are talking about the weapon, I'll have to see the weapon first to give you an estimate on the price."

Already having a fair understanding of the power levels of a <Unique > ranked weapon, Galdorin pulled out a longsword with a reddish hue from a ball of pure light, placing it on the table.

"Incredible!" Master Taryn said, holding the sword up to eye level as she began inspecting it for some time, before giving a price. "The tower will buy it from you for 30 Diamond Skies."

Galdorin hearing the quote thought for some time, placing the price in equivalency of the housing market, before concluding to agree, as to him, the weapon was ultimately worth nothing.

"I'll take it, but I'll sell you three <Unique > rank swords. Do we have a deal?" Galdorin added two more to it, as he felt it was better to only sell one time. "Deal!" Taryn accepted without thinking twice.

Finalizing the deal quickly as he received the 90 DS, and Taryn received the three swords, much to her happiness as she thought the tower had made a profit.

Eventually they proceeded to paying for the lots, as they waited some time for someone to have the payment delivered to the kingdom estate management, and then returned with the deeds to both lots under the Seraphel name.

Having spent enough time at the tower, they collected the deeds, and quickly made their exit as they had to go to Eisenhower Arcana-Adeptus Library, but were going to stop by their purchases to inspect them for future development.

~ Meanwhile - Second Magus Tower - Penthouse - Tower Masters floor~

"Master Taryn, what you're saying, are all three Insta-casted sixth-circle spells. With one casting a light attributed spell with the power of a seventh-circle spell, a girl who dual Insta-casted two sixth-circle spells, and the last one created a limited domain with the gravity attribute?" A middle aged man inquired.

"Yes Master Ymir." Taryn answered concisely, to which the man now known as Master Ymir, then continued.

"Then you're saying the light attribute user, pulled out these three <Unique ranked> swords from a ball of light, that essentially acts as a dimensional ring... I wouldn't even believe you if I couldn't see the swords right now with my own eyes." The middle aged male voice said, letting out a sigh.

"Indeed, I wouldn't believe it either without proof, it was something I had not expected, but those three, especially that woman, 'Tissaeia', are incredibly powerful."

Taryn paused for some time, letting her words sink in to Master Ymir. "Which makes me think what kind of a family theirs is, to nurture three casters of their capabilities and just casually let them roam free!

I can only think of what the strength of the rest of the family is like, if this is the strength of three of the young ones." Taryn said, deep in thought, as she knew a power balance on the realm was about to be upset, and master Ymir understood, hence why he spoke his next words.

"We'll have to inform the tower masters and the royal family as well, and send a letter to King Pendleton, requesting some more details on the origins of the trio...

If you will, Master Taryn, please call for a summit, and include the king and the heads of the major families... It would seem a rather strong bloodline is about to make its roots in Eisenhower."