

The void stretches out before me, an endless expanse of nothingness that has consumed me for an Aeon. Each day is a battle against the encroaching darkness, a ceaseless struggle to maintain a connection to the world I once knew. In this timeless realm, where physicality fades into abstraction, I strive to maintain a tangible connection to my corporeal existence. My True name is Kaelius Xidorn *@#$%! Adridal Sahaqiel, and I have spent long enough in this damnation.

VeritasDay · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Ankoneh <I>

~ Current Day ~

~ Continental forest - South - Coastal Kingdom of Ahkram ~

"Tavern master, two mugs of ale!"

A man voiced out. The said man was more so an elven man, the pointiness of his ears did all the talking to tell the entire tavern what he was.

"What is a lesser like you doing here?"

"No one wants you here; leave the same way you came, you damned vile spawn!"

"Damn it! Fu*king devil spawn has ruined my appetite."

The taunting and insults from the sell swords and drunks in the tavern were showered upon the man, but he remained silent as he knew his anger would get him nothing.

The last man even went beyond, throwing a piece of his food on him, leaving him with food stains across his clothing.

By now, the dark elf was receiving his ale as he grabbed a mug of his beer, but shortly after he began drinking, he was surrounded by a few drunks.

"Didn't you hear me the first time, or are you just deaf? You fu*king elf!"

"You heard him, elf! It's about time you leave!"

The derogatory tone behind their words spoke enough for a man to understand if their words didn't say enough.

"I think I'll leave when I'm about ready, gentlemen, well, not so gentle as you are men, are you now?"

"Sir. Philen, allow me to extend my apologies on behalf of my townsmen; their personality is rather crude for reasons that don't exactly hold any logical reasoning."

She signaled the tavern master for a glass of beer as she made herself more comfortable.

"Above all, let me extend my thanks for not relieving those fools of their life; it would have truly ruined the appetite of those present and created a rather troublesome situation."

A rather convincing smile was plastered on her face, but the dark elf wasn't buying it.

"Don't get me wrong, my lady, but I must be rather blunt with you; what exactly do you want from me?"

Seeing that her friendly façade was discovered, she immediately changed her expression to a disappointed one.

"It seems flattery poses no effect on you."

"When you've been through half of what I've been through, my lady, flattery is a luxury I can't afford to receive."

The elf said as he drank his beer, keeping his eye on the woman as he drank.

"It would seem so; Well, since I've been found out, I'll get straight to the point. I have a request I wish to make of you. A man I despise quite strongly aims to claim my life, and I require protection from this man."

The elf looked at the lady momentarily, waiting for some time before coming to a conclusion as he stood up and prepared to leave.

"I sincerely hope you don't take me as a fool, lady Dorwynn, as I certainly do not take myself for one.

You wish for me to protect you from this man, yet you refuse or intentionally choose not to go into detail about who this man is, why, and what led to this man wanting your life.

If you are unwilling to tell me why, please explain why I should risk my life for yours?"

Sir. Philen said in mild annoyance at the secrecy of the woman, now standing beside the woman's chair as he faced opposite her sitting direction.

"Do not think my life has been as easy as it may seem!"

Lady Dorwynn spoke up, restraining her tone from getting louder in the bar.

"I never said it wasn't challenging, but I truly doubt your problems in life are equal to mine."

Sir. Philen was about to take his leave as lady Dorwynn held his arm before speaking to him, rushing her message.

"Meet me north of the town, beyond the walls, 3 hours from now."

She hastily got up, making her exit from the tavern as Sir. Philen stood there with a mug of beer on the table, quickly gulping down the glass before muttering.

"I don't believe it; Nobles..."


-- Continental forest - Northern lands - Serruteron Kingdom --

The throne room - within the capital city of Kigar.

"My King, the denial of passage for the merchants carrying lumber for the Icronem kingdom, would this not cause them to retaliate? Rather strongly at that too?"

A councilman of the Serruteron kingdom stated. The king in question was a young man of what one can presume to be 17 years of age.

"Head councilman Ninken, you have served my family for several years and were a key advisor of my father before his passing; bless his soul.

For that reason alone, I will forgive your statement, for had it been anyone else, I might have had my royal guards relieve them of their heads.

But let me ask this now, do you fear the wrath of that Icronem whore of a queen more than the wrath of your king?"

The king asked, raising his voice slightly.

"Of course not your grace, but King Rhemede-"

"But nothing; the Icronem kingdom is the weakest of the seven kingdoms! Let alone start a war with the most prominent force of the realm; they wouldn't start a fight with a group of wanderers! Do you know why?"

King Rhemede, now standing, said as he walked towards the councilman.

"Because they are weak? Your grace?"

"Precisely that, my dear councilman; they are far too reliant on their allies in the northeast and the south for their survival.

This alone places them at a level beneath us, beneath me, the great king of Serruteron, the ruler of the north, the hand of judgment.

Their existence alone is heavily based on the fact that despite their weakness, they possess knowledge. Knowledge of mage craft, among other things.

But do not misunderstand, councilman Ninken. Knowledge is not power."

King Rhemede walked down before the head councilman, stopping just shy of his face as he spoke.

"Power is power! And I possess power; true power, beyond what those knowledge-loving fools of the Icronem kingdom could ever hope to attain."

"Yes, my king. Forgive me for my incompetence, your grace." Inwardly though, he thought different. 'What a fool.'

The councilman said, giving in to the stubbornness of his king. He was aware that this was not a conversation he could ever win.

"It is forgiven but not forgotten, head councilman; now, I believe there are more important matters to be addressed, are there not?"

The king questioned, walking back to sit on his throne as he waved his hands for wine from his servants.

"Yes, your grace. There have been reports of a mana surge from the far reaches of the eternal forest. Enough to warrant the royal mages suggest we prepare for whatever may come of it."

"This so called force of mana isn't enough to have us cower in our boots; nothing has come out of the forest for centuries, man or beast, and that will not change now.

And besides, it's been some time since King Leonidas left into the forest with his forces to explore the innermost reached. For all we know it may have been him meeting his demise."

The king stubbornly refused to see the weight of the matter yet.

"My king, we should place guards on the edges of the forest to ease the worries of the common folk and hunters that also felt this mana surge."

Head councilman Ninken suggested. Upon seeing the king go into contemplation, he was happy to see an inkling of hope that he'll listen.

"Assign 50 guards to patrol the edges of the forest, and report to me the instant any news of the eternal forest arises."

"Yes, your grace!"

"Now, onto the next topic of discussion; I still have things I wish to do, so let us make this quick."

"Certainly, your grace! The king of Jornier wishes..."

The conversation continued for another 30 minutes before concluding, and the councilman was dismissed till tomorrows meeting.